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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. no textures at all, just default 3Ds Max materials thrown on


    the chair is 500, and the store is only 300, I can't remember on the tavern, but it will be up there once I start adding on the pillars on the front porch area



    But don't worry too much about the blueprints, if you don't have time, since it really isn't completly neccessary. Helpful, yes, but not totaly neccessary.


    Im far from an architect, I just pulled out a sketch pad and threw down some quick thumbnail blueprints, just so I could know what exactly I needed to make and whatever.

  2. I wasn't actualy asking for help with my mod, I just thought you might find the idea interesting ;)


    since it goes a lot along the lines of what Suikoden offers (well at least Suikoden 3, I havn't played any of the others)



    I just didn't want to put it on here, because that would be off topic

  3. Suikoden 3 was an awesome game


    I already have a centralized town in the works, but I'm not really sure how I would go about recruiting the people to the town or whatever...


    But I do like the idea, and I will see if anything comes out of it, but it seems like it could be a cool addition to the mod im already working on



    I am already working on haveing different upgrades and such for the town, from deffense to repaired homes and shops and stuff like that.




    I can pm you the info on my mod if you are interested,

  4. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm98/Supernaut14/Town/shop.jpg


    just started working on the General Store / Bakery


    only put about 15 minutes into it though








  5. ok, so im going to use the same basic house for


    The General Store and The Bakery (I will have to add 1 extra wall to the interior)


    The Carpenter Shop and The Library


    The Mayor's House and The Other Farm


    The Medicine Shop and The Blacksmith


    and these ones will remain totaly unique


    The Barraks


    The Player's House


    The Tavern


    The Barber Shop




    This way I only have to make 8 origional meshes and will only have to make small adjustments to the textures of the other 4, as opposed to totaly modeling and unwrapping them.





    But anyways, here is the blueprints for the Barraks, Blacksmith, and the Bakery








    The room in the basement of the Barraks is Karen's secret room, the door is hidden behind one of the shelves in the armory

  6. I can't say im going to be working on exactly what you want, but as far as female clothes that arn't pornoific (yes, I just made up that word) but more casual, I have a handfull of stuff I am planning on working on down the road, some of which is going to be pretty close to your t-shirt and jeans combo. Just a little bit more Fallout like.


    The only problem is, I won't be working on that anytime soon, since I have to build an entire town from the ground up before I get to work on outfits for my mod.


    But as far as Alkaline Trio... that isn't going happen with my stuff... not only is it not Fallout like, but I find the band annoying...

  7. Ok, I got a blueprint for the Tavern


    didn't want to get my scanner out though, so I just took a picture with my camera... I'll get a better pic later





    I tried to make it as easy to read as possible, but I don't really have any expereince makeing blueprints, so tell me if there is anything you don't understand or whatever






    Got a few other buildings too



  8. really, there isn't much of a difference


    A Good Hairday, the one I made, includes the NPC changes and only includes Yoshi's eyepack, and no others, Orfev's pack includes a few other eye options mine doesn't.


    I was origionaly planning on useing FACE for the base of my mod, but opted to make my own, because at that point in time FACE included all of Rivens and Narutos eyes and stuff, as well as haveing changes to the base race, and not including Ashara's hair.


    But since that everything has been changed, and if I hadn't already done my mod and was makeing it today, I would have just used FACE and added the NPC changes ontop of that.



    But really, they work the same, I just added the NPC changes if you like, if not, you might as well go for FACE, makes no difference to me.





    I really haven't had time to update A Good Hairday, since I started on my new mod, so if Orfev continues to update then his would probly be the better bet

  9. merry christmas


    thats pretty cool

    does anybody know if a rocking anim would work when sat in (maybe even when not sat in....)


    Animating it in 3Ds Max is easy, however


    I don't have a clue how to make animations in Fallout...




    But I can look into it later, it can't be too much harder than makeing animations in 3Ds Max

  10. So... I guess this is no longer about humor and is now some sort of intelectual discussion... on a topic titled "Underware Roast" :P


    ok, whatever...



    I don't see what is wrong with haveing naked 3D chicks in a game... It saves you time... no longer do you have to run around shooting people at a seperate time from when you are watching porno. Now you can save yourself some time and watch naked chicks while you shoot people. It is all about multitasking.


    You act like that makes someone some sort of nerd who must obviously have no life... but in reallity, they just saved themselves the time of haveing to watch porno and play a game, because they can do it all at once. Leaving them more time to actually have a life ;)



    But go ahead and stick your nose up in the air and act like you are soooo much better than other people because of thier unusual fetishes, whatever makes you happy...

  11. I wasn't seriously refering to anything about you humor... just like I wasn't seriously makeing a commentary on how Overload plays Fallout...


    I was just ripping on people... because that is what a roast is...


    Have you ever actually seen a roast?



    A roast is no fun if everyone starts takeing things seriously... The whole idea is just to take anything you can and turn it into a satire...


    AS A JOKE!!!






    If people are actually going to take what I say serious, then im just going to leave, because like I said, I take no joy in actually insulting people, just in makeing jokes ripping on people

  12. I have started makeing an 8" Colt 44 Anaconda, but havn't worked on it for a while now though...


    I don't know when I will get around to working on it, because for the most part I find weapon mods boring and unnecessary, but if I do get it finished I will give you a link

  13. you call this a bird its just a shadow damn you beth lol


    you lazy lol





    is that a silenced sniper rifle on your back? :blink:


    and you call bethesda lazy...


    stealth suit and a sniper rifle, you might as well just put the console command in and kill everyone, at least that would be a bit of a challenge :D





    Then again, even without it being silenced, you can shoot the head off of a Super Mutant and the one right next to him won't even notice. They are about as sharp as Pagafyr's sence of humor :ninja:

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