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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Every roast I have ever seen not only had the guest of honor being roasted, but everyone was roasting each other as well...


    They ussually take a shot at everyone on stage, so I assumed that was the point



    Plus, it really does no good to roast someone who is not even here... don't you think...


    On one hand, the game developers work hard at trying to put out the best game they possibly can, but fall short of being perfect so you want to roast them. On the other hand, you like to go around striping the clothes off of dead bodys, and you are wondering why Bethesda didn't spend more time makeing the naked dead bodys more realistic...



    You just made yourself such a big target it was immposible not to roast you...



    But if that was not the idea of this thread, then I will gladly leave, I take no pleasure in insulting people unless it is all part of the roast... which I guess I was wrong when I assumed it was.

  2. That would be a whole lot of work, since you would have to be makeing new building meshes and textures for most of Washington D.C.


    I really don't think it would be worth the trouble, but that is just my opinion

  3. It wouldn't really be a big file size simply because there wouldn't really be any new assets added.


    Textures and Meshes make big files, changes in gameplay are just complicated, but not really that big to download.

  4. I'm supprised that the North Carolina University for the Mentally Handicapped has a library


    but anyways


    fet⋅ish [fet-ish, fee-tish]




    any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.


    or in other words, just like that obsession you have with household vacum cleaners

  5. 'Does anyone want to make a Total Conversion?' (when checked, a popup box with the words 'No' Appears.)


    That would be insanely awesome :biggrin:


    it really is amazeing how many people check their brain at the door when they come onto internet forums... I guess they figure because they are on the internet that they have the right to be stupid and not read what is clearly put in front of them...

  6. Sounds you guys need a real Girl in reallife. :rolleyes:


    I don't see a connection between the two... :blink:


    If what you are saying is true, then all guys that look at girls in skimmpy clothing must not have girlfreinds, and all guys with girlfreinds must not be interested in girls wearing skimmpy clothes.



    and maybe, it could be possible that I just so happen to like to draw concept art, and though this might be a cool thing to draw :wink:

  7. But come on the DLCs are pretty much mods with sound im not asking for that its just an idea

    for Modder made DLCs .Bethesda not making anymore and when they did they where not asking us what we want

    this a community mod project were everyone will chip in . These are just mods that being put out like there DLCs


    They are mods that profesional game developers got paid to make... not mods that a bunch volunteers with little expereince made...


    They get paid to work 40+ hours a week to work on their mod, we don't... They have had years of expereince working in the videogame industry, and we don't...

  8. ...dude. I put up about 35 suggestions each. You can find something.


    I am using your ideas in my list


    I am talking to the people that don't like my list, that if they can come up with something new and better, then tell me, but I am not going to go with the old names



    The biggest problem with names is that we form ideas about names based on who we have known with that name, which will be nothing at all like the people someone else has met with that same name...


    The fact that every Karen and Elli I have ever met was over 50, makes it hard for me to keep it as a name for a young girl. I am more likely to use names of girls I went to High School with or whatever.



    But I still don't understand what exactly makes a "Post-War" Fallout name... :mellow:



    I personally like the list that I put up a few pages back, but I just wanted to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions.

  9. I know that some mods do this but they lack the way DLCs give it too you sort of like the Package they give it too you.



    That is why we are called modders, and they are called Bethesda Softworks :wink:


    They have more profesional releases because... well... I can't think of the word... o ya, it is because they are profesionals... :pinch:

  10. As far as I know, most of the world was destroyed... especially China... If Europe wasn't destroyed by nuclear was as well, I would have though they might have come over to either help or take over... and if China was left, they would have deffinatly took over, not only America but the entire world...


    But they still arn't going to do Fallout in another country


    But makeing London as a mod would be such an insane amount of work I doubt anyone could possibly pull it off

  11. I have a feeling no one is going to agree on any of the names...


    I should have predicted that, names and meanings varry way too much from person to person...


    However, I do not want to keep them the same. As I said before, I ripped them straight out of another game (Harvest Moon 64 to be exact) and started building the characters around the basic ideas of each of those characters. This is a technique I have used several times when trying to make a cast of characters for stuff I wright. But I always have to change the names once the characters start gaining a personality of their own, that way I won't continue to conect them to the characters they are based on, and they can develope along their own character path, not being hendered by the placeholder character from the other game/story or whatever...


    Plus, they arn't good names... I respect your opinions, but nothing you say is going to make me think anything but old lady when I see the name Elli or the name Karen...


    So if you can come up with a better name, then great, but please don't tell me to use the old ones, because that simply cannot happen...

  12. I ripped the old names off of another game, so I really don't like the idea of keeping them


    plus, I never really liked any of the 5 names in the first place... I just used them as a starting point




    Karen and Elli are both names for old ladys


    Maria is the name of half the people I work with, and it isn't really cute for the nerdy girl character


    Popari is just plane weird, and Ann is just plane boring...



    But anyways, I have never noticed a difference between Pre-War and Post-War names, other than the characters that use nicknames and such... What is the real difference?


    Jennifer is from the Enclave, so in theory it should sound pre-war

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