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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hooooooowdy Sir :o) And good nite to you. Yep I'm off to bed already, meetings all day tomorrow. Blah!
  2. Well I'm the resident Vampire, so I haven't been to bed yet, lol I'm on my way now, should have been there a couple of hours ago. So my nite has ended splendidly. I hope your day is off to a good start. I'll creep around in the nite again tomorrow no doubt. :o)
  3. Lovely new pics Carah! But meh! I'm sad, you don't visit me anymore :( *sniff*


  4. Now that is so wild! Just 10 miles away and what a diff. Well you jinxed me Weather Girl! My Mom told me we're supposed to get snow this weekend. I wore a heavy shirt to work, came out freezing my butt off! Well at least you have good sleeping weather, so sleep girl, sleep! :o) Wish it was me :o/
  5. Why I am much better now to see a new face on my page! I'm so glad you dropped by. Visit often, and I shall add you as a friend, cause I can get chatty too :o)
  6. I hang my head in shame....but I tried to make you a better sig, lol I need to work on making it larger if you really like it. I expect you'll ban me for it though :o)
  7. See you have the schizophrenic weather too. Maybe disbelief in spring's coming affected my funky mood today, lol If I was b-friend, that hours change would have affected it and not nicely either. Rain here too they say, but so far just 70+ degrees and sunshine!
  8. Silly me! I was thinking it had already come out. I thought it was due out a month or so ago. I bet you can't wait! You'll have to tell me all about it, so I can see if I want to give it a go :o)
  9. Well I'm saying we have schizophrenic weather here, lol Today it was 80 DEGREES!! So warm I was tempted to turn on some AC in the bedroom. But that would jinx me and it would snow tomorrow, lol Spring is springing, but it ain't here yet!
  10. What?! Who?? Where!? Why have you retired or are you just putting us on to see how much we'll miss you? :o) Seriously, you've been a bright light on many profiles, I hope you are not retired for good :o(
  11. Snow again?? Man that's dirty, lol I forgot to tell you we actually had like a 63 and 69 degree day. It felt sooooo nice! But I'm skeptical that winter is over here. I remember the time it snowed like a big dog in May!
  12. Heeeey Keanu!! How ya been? Good I hope. How's the new Portal game going? I just KNOW you are playing it, lol I did watch some youtubes on gameplay with it. Looked kinda complicated, but I'm sure you could explain it well enough to get me going. I have too many games to play right now. Great way to be though huh? I remember the time when Diablo LOD was it. Glad we have so many choices now.
  13. I'm doing just peachy, thanks! I've got a thousand ideas in my head with regards to modding, but still need to learn how, lol My brain thinks faster than my skills progress or my hands can move. Hopefully I'll get cracking on my ideas soon. As always, it's a pleasure to hear from you :o)
  14. How come? Because it was too close? Even as I was writing I was gonna go check it, I still forgot, lol! Drats though! I was looking forward to seeing one of your kewl shots :o)
  15. Giving you a BIG HUG, a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, anytime you may need them :o)
  16. Now that is a cute pic! Love the puppy :o)
  17. Whoa girl!! Jumped on my page and saw those spooky eyes and just had to come say, hi! And love the new avatar :o)
  18. That sounds hella cool! You've got plenty of time before summer to get that top done. You better post pics too :o) Hey did you see the "supermoon" tonight? It didn't seem all that big, but it was really bright. I'm going to look one more time before day break. Ahhh me and my stupid vampire ways, lol
  19. Well FO3 did bore me pretty quickly. I was shocked when I actually liked NV. I think the world wasn't such a sharp contrast to Tamriel, so I could tolerate it better. Started modding it and the rest was history. But as always Oblivion beckoned to me too, so I had to go back, lol Just think how driven we're going to be on 11-11-11!
  20. What are you going to crochet this time? Are you finished with your projects already? You are quick girl :o)
  21. Well U kno I kno how havin to work is. Takes time away from good stuff like game playing, lol The story sounds great, I'm looking forward to see what you've done. And WHY oh WHY did I for real make a companion based on your avatar & now I can't find his butt in game?? I've tried placing him in 2 diff locations & still nothing. Of course it would be you, lol! Ain't givin up tho, spent too much time
  22. working on his face to get it just right. I named him "Mad Shadow the Assassin." He's really a shadow tho, cause I sure can't seem to get him placed so I can find him, lol I'll just keep working on him, then I'll let you know so you can see pics until I learn to get everything ready for uploading.
  23. Hey Woman! It was SO nice to see you back! I've been good, had a lighter teaching load this semester, so that's REALLY good, lol I'm back playing Oblivion too. I gave it up for several months playing with my Christmas present-FONV. I really liked it better than FO3. But with Skyrim coming, I'm with you, I need to get in there & finish it so I'll be ready. Welcome back & I'm so glad you stopped by!
  24. Just checkin in on ya lil bro. Be well and hang in there!

    Hugs :o)

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