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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Part II of the Castle Trantrivaylia Trailer vid is done and posted. Take a look :o)
  2. I knooooow, lol! You're about as ghost-ish as that companion I made in your honor! Thanks for checking out the Castle Tant. vid. I just finished part 2. I am EXHAUSTED!!
  3. She has a nice Kia, although Vindekarr told me they have a lousy reputation. I know a lot of Korean cars do. It's really a nice looking car, but I do think it has had two major repairs that seem quick for a car like that. I hate dealing with car stuff, it's one of the few things I've purposely learned nothing about, lol!
  4. Well I think the longer it takes for them to release it, the more excitement for it goes down. Developers like Bethsoft are running all over Blizz, for the average rpg lover. Shoot I won't even remember how to play once it comes out :o/ I'll take a Honda, whatever, as long as it drives, lol Mom's car is pretty nice, the trans going out was most unexpected. :o(
  5. Corlan!! Welcome back brother! Glad to see your face in the place. Hope all has been well with ya! :o)
  6. Ahhh Diablo, sweet Diablo! I miss that game. Just saw a teeny article in Game Informer saying D-3 isn't even on the roster for 2012. Whats up with that?! No my girl does a good job driving it, I think it was the mechanic's bad. We'll see. She took my veh. to work, I took Mom's. Would U believe Mom's transmission went out on me in rush hr traffic?? I was too through! What a bite, we need new cars!
  7. Just keeping up with my CLS buddies :o)
  8. Just keeping track of my CLS buddies :o)
  9. Ha! Why do I find that hard to believe, lol
  10. I tried that. I didn't see a button to add an attachment to our pm system here. You can Pm me an e-mail address and I can send them there. I could also post them in a thread, you go save them and then I'll delete them. I say that because for some reason, I hit my image limit and if I have too many pics on the forums I can't post any new ones. Just let me know. Either way is fine. I hope you like!
  11. Well it all melted, now just sloppy again, lol I don't know what the dang deal is, but I just got back from picking my girl up. Her clutch that just got replaced on 1/18 has gone completely out again! Between our two vehicles, something's gotta give, lol You have a restful, peaceful week Weather Girl :o)
  12. Hey! *Big Grin*
  13. Oh! and I only work for my friends, so consider yourself added :o)
  14. I've got two versions done for you, where would you like them? And remember, if you don't like them, it's ok, but I hope at least one of them will tickle your fancy :o) I tried to animate one, but I wasn't that cool tonite, lol
  15. A gutter mind is a terrible thing to waste, lol
  16. Have you ever taken a look at EdwardNorth's Tantrivaylia mod? If not, this is the place to look for trailers! Got a new video :o)
    1. Netwit2008


      Oh and as an FYI, I used items from over 24 mods to decorate the castle. If your items are among them, never fear, credits to those authors will start in Part 2, so stay tuned!


    2. shadowmadnezz
    3. Netwit2008


      I know, I had to chuckle at that my damned self, lol!
  17. What did the weather person just say about our weather...."It's spring, but it's still snowing!" Yep, I looked out and there is a thin blanket of snow on everything and still falling. They say we'll possibly get even more. *Sigh* Guess I better put the spring clothes back in the closet for now, lol I hope Mama-in-law had some goodies for you today :o)
  18. Hehe! I believe you too, lol!
  19. Oh you are beyond naughty! I thought of that too, but I'd already hit post, lol I'd say I'm going to spank you, but no telling what you'd do with THAT, rofl!
  20. Being a nurse, we have a strong code about that sort of thing. I'd be more prone to ride your butt about washing your hands than getting you sick, lol

    *ACHOO!* uhh...excuse me? :o)

  21. Feeling better thanks! I'll try not to *cough* on the rest of ya, lol
  22. Nope no Vampire-ness last nite, but tonite, all is back to normal, lol As it turned out, I ended up not feeling good today so I stayed in bed all day. Just like a vamp I guess :o)
  23. Yay! for getting the scope out! Did you read about that tail that formed on the sun? I didn't read the whole article, but I'm sure it was a daytime thing. Sloppy here now, with rain. Supposed to snow, we'll see...Stay toasty Weather Girl :o)
  24. I know, that's why I made it small, but then it was too small. I'll work on it this weekend and see what I can come up with :o)
  25. Yeah the rain and spitting of snow started tonight. Too bad I have meetings all day tomorrow or I'd be doing the same as you, lol I hate it when the flowers start coming out and then it snows/freezes again killing them all :o( Maybe tomorrow nite I'll get to answer my PMs. Too tired tonite, so I'm off to bed. Yeah I know, strange, maybe that's why the weather is wonky, lol!
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