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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  2. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  3. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  4. Even if you don't celebrate it, I say Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o) I know you and K will eat good today, lol!
  5. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  6. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  7. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  8. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o) I hope all is well with you Vagrant!
  9. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  10. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  11. LOL! Well I did have to move up my request to my bday in a couple of wks. My buddy & I started work on the mod we're gonna do, I hope we can pull it off. Still w/the ecigs. I bought another one, lol My girl wants one just cause the 0 mg. is so much fun to vape on, lol I wanted to wish you & b-friend the happiest of Thanksgivings! Hugs as always! :o)
  12. Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope your day is as fabulous as you are. Did you cook this year or let someone else do it? I have DAO, started it...saw that looooooong journal entry in that tiny text, walked around a bit, then have never tried it again, lol Got too busy with the others. Did you get Skyrim? How do you like it so far?
  13. Hey Girlfriend!! So how do you like it? I still don't have it, but hopefully for my birthday coming soon. I want to do a mod this time. My buddy and I have started working on it. You'll have to let me know how you like Skyrim so far. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it :o)
  14. I can't believe you were one of the winners!! Lucky dog, lol I've decided to screw Christmas, I told Ree today I'll take that mug for my b-day! She just smiled, she probably already got it, she knows me so well, lol So how do you like it? Me and dragonrose planning a BIG mod, started working on it. If you like coding & stuff, C'MON SON, we'd love to have you help. Happy Thanksgiving son :o) lol!
  15. I know you don't celebrate it, but Happy Thanksgiving anyway Graham! I never pass up an opportunity to share good will :o) I hope all is fine and dandy!
  16. Wow girl, you have all the info on these things! I think right now I don't vape enough to use the products up. I am going to do the tutorial on cleaning so I'm up to speed on that. I sure do like the taste of it. My girl likes it, she's a hoot playing with it lol I've gotten several of the clearance carts, which is like 1/2 price. I've already converted a smoker to try it! Thanx 4 all the info!
  17. New pic is from the Renaissance Fair this year. I was a gypsy mage protecting the pirate nephew and my Gypsy princess daughter :o)
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      That mask if flipp'in awesome! :D
    3. Keanumoreira


      *is* Sorry, my excitement got the best of me, lol.
    4. brokenergy


      I know that this isn't relavent to what happened (and I hope you had fun!) but I just wanted to post this because it has ponies in it.
  18. It's really good to hear from you. I'm glad all is well. How do you know the battery needs cleaning & how do you do it? I looked at it, but it still looks shiny & clean. Probably cuz I'm a lite weight, lol
  19. I got it at v2cigs.com Seems like a pretty good operation. Secure ordering & good selection. They won't get the liquid until a week or so. I've been surprised that I like some other flavors like cherry, vanilla, etc. Got the mentol otherwise. Zero mg. of nicotine seems to do good for me. Girl I can't believe you only have a 250 gb HD! I had 500 b4 the new one & only had like 99 GB left, lol
  20. WEATHER GURL!!!! How be ye gurl? I've missed you! I passed what I had & thankfully have had no more. It is in the 50s now. Trees went from green to brown, then fell. No pretty fall for us this year. Been working like a big dog. Did get the new gear for the rig as I said up above. Was mighty proud of meself, lol And guess what? I got the e-ciggy too. O mg of nico. So far so good, I like! Hugs!!
  21. A sad day it was when I wasn't on to get a greeting from the beautiful gypsy! Made me smile to see you'd visited :o) I've been fine, just working like a crazy woman. How have you been? I thought of you when we went to Renfest this year. My daughter was a gypsy princess and I was a gypsy mage. The boy, my nephew was a pirate, lol It was great fun. I hope you and little mister are being blessed!
  22. I've been just like you, dealing with work and RL stuff. Nothing bad though, and that's a good thing! I hope all is going well for you. We might be out of sight, but never out of mind :o)
  23. Oh my goodness! Saw that new pic under my friends and had to stop in to say hi! Don't blush and you're welcome :o)
  24. Hey son, lmao! How you been? It's almost time to change that status! You can tell me all about it, I'm gonna wait until Ree gets it for me for Xmas, lol Check your nexus mail. I'm sending you some links to go check out :o)
  25. Hello my poetic genius friend! I've been very busy wtih work, but other than that, just peachy keen! You getting ready for Skyrim? I want to wait until Xmas so the modders have time to work their magic, lol I'm so glad you dropped by. Many blessings and hugs to you :o)
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