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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hey Lynne! That avatar is TOO cute! Thank you for checking it out. I'm blushing :o) One of these days you're going to have to try your hand at it. I know you'd be fabulous!
  2. That is a bite isn't it? I had to get a google account to go with my Droid phone. I was all hyped for the calendar function, until I started using it! Piece of crap it was. Glad you liked the vid. Very fitting for his personality, lol Just love 'em and leave 'em :o)
  3. *Ring!....Ring!* Calling the banana phone to give you the heads up on the new vid. Might as well see what old Dante's been up to, hehe I hope you like! After all, he is one of my favorite companions :o) Link:
  4. Well MDC519's mod video is up & running! I chose a new song, not my first choice but the king (mdc519, lol) says it's good, so I'm gonna take that and gracefully say thank you sir! Link:
    1. MDC519


      Thank you so much, sweet lady! And if I'm a king, then crown me with a baseball bat, please! :)
    2. Naktis


      Very cool video. :) Don't know what to say else here :D but I really liked it! :)
  5. Amen sister! You won't get any argument from me on that point. My driveway usually looks like the wilds of Alaska after a hard snow. I don't know nuthin bout no shoveling, lol!
  6. Now don't be rubbing it in about the snowy driveways, lol I do hate that if I have to go out. If not, I love watching the snow falling. But I'll always like warm weather better. I feel like a dunce, for some reason I was thinking Aus and the US were close to the same size. I've heard it's very beautiful there, I know that. I'd like to visit someday :o)
  7. Yeah, the bargain bin is always cool when you find something good in it. But you know I'm here if you need a plan B :o)
  8. Holy Smokes!! That price difference is outrageous! I'm glad they did too. If you ever need something, just holler and I'll be glad to try and send it, I'm sure that would be cheaper still.
  9. Good! I'm glad to hear it. Oh you know I will! Gonna start shooting clips tonight :o)
  10. So I see you're reading A Song of Fire and Ice! I'm glad you finally got them. The series finale was crazy! Now we have to wait clear until Spring 2012 for season 2 :o/
  11. Hey my Lord! Glad you came by. Everytime I see that avatar I think of you as royalty :o) Everything is peachy keen this way. Starting to plan on my newest video creations. You know that always excites me. Hope all is well in your world too! Hugs!
  12. Isn't it crazy?! Still fairly cool today, really nice tho. I hear heat is coming, along with more storms. With all the weird weather this year, I've been afraid THIS will be the year we get a tornado strike! I sure hope not tho. I love storms, but that is a bridge too far!
  13. Well I'm just glad to hear you're safe. The wildfires have been so terrible, as have all the natural disasters of late. But do check out the Hot Blood series, I have a feeling you'll really enjoy them :o) I think Amazon has them if you do a search.
  14. You too Weather Girl. I have a big project coming up, due on 7/1, but you know it's hard to tear myself away from FO3 long enough to get it done, lol No rain, but so cool it felt like fall! Very uncharacteristic for us. BUT, I got my dang forest trimmed up around the patio, so I'm a happy, even if exhausted, camper :o)
  15. Aha! I told you, as did others, lol I'm glad it worked :o)
  16. Hey you! How ya been? Go check out my new sig. It looks fabulous! Thanks again :o)
  17. Wow, you're living on one of the barriers? We visited the 10,000 islands area. I REALLY wanted to rent some kayaks & go exploring, but then again, I figured who knows what we'd run into. Plus I'd just watched Dual Survival when they portrayed getting stuck in the Everglades, lol We encountered the "smoke-fog" for the 1st time, that is eerie stuff! Lots of history there, that is so true.
  18. Well I'm gld to kno I'm not the only one w/a funky back, lol It's STILL not healed :o/ Been havin LOUD, wonderful thunderstorms almost every nite. I LUV that! Sorry to see them go. I hope you and B are havin a fabulous week! :o)
  19. Hey Girl! I'm glad 2 hear from you. I hope you R far away frm the wild fires I've been reading abt & seeing on TV. Be safe! Good books...hmm..Over vacay I was reading a horror compilation called "Fluid Mosaic." I LUV the horror genre. The stories R interesting & unique. If you like horror & erotica, any of the Hot Blood series R killer. They sound cheesy, but they R far from it. Quite intriguing.
  20. Oh and I'm back playing FO3. NV started acting all cranky. Makes me sick :o( I'm still mad the companion I spent hours copying your character avatar to make, I can't find him in NV, even tho he SPOSED to be in the schoolhouse. What's up wit dat? :o/ Madshadow the Assassin sho is good, cuz I can't even find his azz, lol
  21. It never fails, lmao! I always literally LOL when you pop in. I don't even kno what a "cougar" is, lol! I was just a fine thang up in the club watching NeNe Leakes, her husband, Star Jones' ex and some rappers dance & act all celeb. Jenn from Basketball Wives was there too. She's very pretty in real life too. It was cool, but I couldnt damn hear for a wk later! What yo crazy ass been up to? :o)
  22. Awww! I hate to hear she's gone already, so a bunny smooch of consolation for you! One of these days my hope is that she'll visit & won't have to go home ;o) Until then, here's a bunny hug as well, to tide you over until her next visit! :o)
  23. You sneaky devil you! *Throws a BIG 3 layered strawberry cake with vanilla icing at Sage's face* How ya like that, huh? lol!
  24. I'm glad to hear you're ok! I'd hate to have to come to Oshkosh and open up a can of whip ass on your behalf, lol I don't even know what it's been like outside, I've been on bedrest for going on 3 days. I'm a hot mess! Threw my back out bending over to plug my phone into the charger. Now ain't that some bullsh*t?! :o
  25. I'm fine my poetic genius :o) I'm so glad you dropped by. I trust all is well with you too!
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