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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hey Son, roflmao! You are a HOT mess! I know it's bad when I've been more MIA than you! I hope school and work been treatin you right!
  2. WEATHER GURL!! How are you?! I've missed you :o) Had school start then another damned kidney stone. This one was more trouble than most. I'm better for now thank God. Don't be all bragging about your tomato sauce up there, lol You know all those plants I had are on the patio dead in the pots, lmao! Been cool here for Aug. But still had the AC on. How's the ciggy venture going? Hugs for you & B!
  3. Hello Lovely one! I've been gone a while, so it was a nice surprise to log in and see I had a new friend. Welcome! You visit me anytime here, on my blog and on youtube. Kudos to you for just being a cool new chick here on the Nexus :o)
  4. New blog entry- quite a bit of food for thought, or a target to have food thrown at, lol You be the judge :o)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Naktis my liver is sending the message to my head it prefer's anything but the water.
    3. Deleted54170User


      I had a duck I named George, a mud turtle too. I think I got the name George from several places' during my youth and named my pet's George because of the frequency of hearing it. Come on over and see my Post of one of the cartoon's I saw that had both Gremlin's and George got mentioned.
    4. Deleted54170User


      No wonder guy's learn to become quiet as they spend more time with a person who doesn't have time to spare. Hope your class room full of student's and you are having a good school year so far?
  5. Say whaaat?? You quit smoking? Tell me abt those e-cigs. I was wondering abt them. I thought they didn't use nicotine at all? How's it seem to be working? I'm glad to hear that tho. Weather has been 80-ish, then this week heat came back, along with pop up thunderstorms! I didn't even know rain was in the forecast half the time. But we needed it, so I didn't complain. I hope all is well wit you!
  6. I saw that craazy avatar! I love it :o) I haven't forgotten about you & the trailer. Just getting ready for the semester to start, which it did this week. I'm behind on my Bethesda games BIGtime! I need to add you to my friend's list, so I can keep you in my radar. I hope all is well! :o)
  7. Hey Girly! I just wanted to share that we went to the Ethnic Festival this past weekend & they had belly dancing. Not near as kewl as your troupe, but very entertaining. Such beautiful costumes!I told my little nephew I wanted one of those belly dancing costumes for the RenFest & he said- oh heck no! I just laughed & laughed :o)
  8. Well here's the kicker for today..we're taking my nephew to a water park. Checked the weather, sposed to be 100 degrees, only 20% chance of rain. When we go to the car, it clouds up, lightening in the distance. Rain sprinkles. Damn! So we go to the movies instead. The min. we enter movies- clears up & sunny. What type of s*** is that?! We were so disappointed. Blasted Ks. weather, lol
  9. No, no decaf made RIGHT, tastes bold, lol I hate watery coffee and I like it iced, so it has to stand up. My girl demo'd coffee creamer stuff today, it was really good. But this decaf she made IS watery, lol I like to go grocery shopping when I'm not tired. I put it off, so this last trip was a doozie. I hate all those bags to carry in and put away! But I make Ree do it mostly, lol Feel better!
  10. Hey Breanna! Saw you'd visited and just wanted to say hi. Your name is very close to my daughter's :o) And the GECK, I opened it, then shut it back down real quick, lol
  11. Just saying hey Camonna! I saw you strolling thru :o) I hope all has been good with you!
  12. Whaat? No coffee for a week? That means you've kicked the habit, lol Get you some decaf. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Now if you can stay cool and keep food down, then get the groceries bought (a chore I don't like much myself), then you'll be A-OK :o)
  13. THAT sucks! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Tell bf to get some hand sanitizer and use it religiously. It really does help. Get well Weather Girl!
  14. Well we've gone and done it now! Today we set a new heat record. My vehicle showed the temp at 116, which was probably more like 113, but 110 at least. Just like walking around in a microwave. Needless to say, ALL my outdoor projects, including the pool are on hold until this heat breaks. My mom said- don't go out there. I'll find you knocked out with the squirrel carcasses...
  15. Oh Lordy! I must be going mad with the heat! I've started a blog. Nothing special, but you're welcome to visit & say hi :o) http://www.windinthewillowsofthemind.blogspot.com/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Blog em' I will then and then the connection to it may make sense to someone one day. :- )
    3. Deleted54170User


      Only 2 week's, "2 WEEK'S, 2 WEEK'S. y...agh?!" Leader, "It's him! Get him!" Goon, "Where?!" Leader, "The Fat woman! Over there!" Don't you have Total Recall? Skyrim will be here in 2 weeks... *O^O* I have a plan to go for a drive to a part of the country I haven't seen by taking the long way around to get some stuff I need on my way to the place I have to go, so I can see the new place before I end up packi...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...ng it in and going back to the gaming house where I live. Winter is making it clear I better go and see it before I get snowed in or out. It could lead to "out"! Another adventure?
  16. Yeah still sticky here too. I've gotten a lot done, but it's been too hot to do more. Did get the new mattress installed. It's pretty nice. We did have to spend one more night on the sofabed though, lol
  17. Well we have the pole in the middle, but with the pillow topper it was hardly noticeable. We must have had the same 20 min. "gullywasher" as my Mom calls it, lol Today right back to hot and steamy. If only I was describing my latest date or something, lol!
  18. Hey girlfriend! Just popping through to say hi. I'm loving the new avatar. I'll say a prayer and send some positive vibes your way. Suckitude, whenever it graces us, always sucks! Hope yours departs real soon!
  19. Hey I don't knock the sofa bed! When I 1st discovered the mattress leak, we slept on the sofabed while draining it. Using the pillowtop coverlet thingy made it nice and cozy, so try one of those. We went to the circus last nite & it was such fun! Stormed when we went to eat later. Not much, but enough to give me hope. Our garden plants are STILL in the pots! lol :o/
  20. Welcome to the Nexus Evenchn and thanks for visiting my page! I really like that avatar :o)
  21. Whoooa! Look at that cute new avatar. Reminds me of the "Rock On" song....Jimmy Dean! :o)
  22. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping too, lol BUT if this heat doesn't die down, I won't be able to do anything. The new mattress arrived today, so might get it switched out this weekend. I sure hope it is as good as the old one! You guys have a cool, fun filled weekend :o)
  23. Ok, that IS the cutest thing on 4 legs, lol!
  24. Well serves her right, lol I'm glad she's not causing you anymore trouble. We had about as much as you weather wise. Now they are warning, the heat will return with a vengeance! I'm thinking it never left, lol But with heat advisories of 110, staying inside is best. I did get the pool stuff ordered tho. It will be done just abt when school starts, lol
  25. Where be ye? It's been awhile since you came by. I hope all is well and work is not burying you!
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