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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hello from one vampire to another ;o)
  2. Better late than never, lol. You are forgiven :o)
  3. LOL! Hey girl hey :o)
  4. Beeeeeee Eeeeeeeee! Hi!



  5. How dare you come and peek without saying hi! You need a good flogging :o)
  6. Well we have a big spoiled German Shepherd, but she's not outside all the time. She'll give them a run for their money when she is, but she'll also tear thru the garden tearing everything up in her path, lol I'm thinking seeds too. Some of my most beautiful flowers I planted as seeds. Have to wait tho, weather is still too unpredictable for planting plants. He's excited though. Cheers girl!
  7. Well no sooner than I say winter's gone, we have a friggin frost advisory! :o/ The critters are going to be challenging in the garden. I'm doing some online looking for tips on keeping them out. Do you think seeds or starter plants are better?
  8. You too Weather Girl. I'm saying, you're going to have to school me on this gardening stuff. I'm pretty good with flowers, but the veggies, well that's a whole nother story I'm sure, lol
  9. Well here's a big ole hug. I hope you get to feeling better soon :o)
  10. Thanks for the add! You are officially my 100th friend :o) See, you're special in more ways than one!
  11. Well it's finished! Part 3 of the Castle Tantrivaylia mod is posted. Enjoy!
    1. Deleted54170User


      Wow EdwardNorth is a creative mind! Is that your characters name? Honoring someone from your past? With the mantra included Tantrivaylias video, it is a pleasure watching as the soothing voice and music combination is played. :- )

      I like exploring. So I expect now there is more to it then the video supplied. I hope! :- )

    2. Spaceritual


      looks very good indeed .. and a great idea doing the mod guide in that style :)
  12. I see you peeking :o) And guess what? We have the same birthday, so you must be mighty special! Cheers to you!
  13. Weather Girl!!! What's going on in your neck of the woods? Here, the grass already needs cutting :o/ I think winter is finally gone. It has been 60s to 80s, with thunderstorms in between, lol Too bad I've been so sick I've missed all the sunshine. I'm getting more vampire like with each passing day, lol!
  14. Happy Belated Easter poetic genius! You dropping by really cheered me up :o)
  15. Happy Belated Easter! I was MIA, but I'm back now to say thanks for the greeting and here's a big hug for you my dear gentleman! :o)
  16. I hope you had a good Easter Granny! I've been out ill, but I'm back now. Hugs!
  17. Thank you for those Easter wishes! I hope you had a good one as well. I've been MIA for a couple of weeks, it was nice to see your greetings when I returned :o)
  18. Happy Belated Easter and thank you for that precious hug. I've been out with medical issues, so it was right on time to make me feel better :o) Back at you sweet gypsy!
  19. Hey Rebel, Rebel! I've been away ill, but I'm back to leave you a hug and say, hang in there!
  20. Why thank you kind sir *blush* :o)
  21. Hello Sugar and Spice! I'm glad you peeped my way :o) I hope you're feeling better by now!
  22. Well now it's hot as hell! :o/ 70s-90s everyday. Trees are all bloomed out and gorgeous. Watch it snow again and kill everything off, lol But seriously, what a time for my air compressor to go out, you know I don't have any AC in the van and it's HOT! lol I've been MIA, but I'll PM you sometime this weekend, got some news to tell you. I'll say this ahead of time....*meh!* :o(
  23. Well that is damned exciting news! Remember what I told you about Microcenter. You should be able to get a good deal, even online. Bout time, lol Hey did you see Ree's birthday was Thursday? She's legal now, lol Got a big nite planned for her tomorrow, but she doesn't know what. Should be a fun time.
  24. Hey Sage! Sorry I've been a bit MIA this past week. But my oh my aren't you the handsome one! It's nice to be able to put a face with the name :o)
  25. Oh Lord Weather Girl!! It was 91 degrees here today!! THEN, this evening, it literally rained hail!! I was so afraid it was going to bust a car window. I'm scared to look at our vehicles tomorrow by the lite of day. I know they had to get dented. It was a dangerous weather day, with thunderstorms, 60 mi pr hr winds & tornados. Kinda makes me think twice about spring, lol Forgot I was in Kansas!
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