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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah

  1. Maybe not exactly what you all are looking for, but thought worth mentioning (even if a bit of self-promotion, heh): Driveables of the Commonwealth - Semi Trucks http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26198/?
  2. If I remember correctly, Vertibird a have (only way I know to explain what I think is happenening) situational collision. During flight, their collision (not hit/impact collision) is just flat turned off. So really, the only thing to do is like RedRocketTV said, raise their fly height. As for them immediately going into flying circles, use the other Vertibird...one of the other 2. At least, that's if you want it to wait for you to interact with it before it flies off to your prescribed destination. ...I think. It's been a bit since I looked at them.
  3. Heh, yeah the Vertibirds are fun to try to work with...something akin to herding cats. Their base behavior has to be switched out to do almost anything interesting with them. I'm pretty sure there is a papyrus/scripting deal you can do to get what you want. Someone mentioned it in the other thread, I believe. =) Edit: I think it was bigandflabby who remembered the papyrus call I couldn't (and I still can't remember it again) that I had in mind.
  4. Part of your trouble is that's Handy's float, don't fly. Regardless, Movementtype dictates the race's float height (or flight height). If you go the way of a new npc modeled after, for example, an eyebot. You still don't need to make it fly, but could do a new movement type and set at a *very* high min/max float (using maybe your platform as a reference for the height numbers).
  5. Racing robots is all packages and patrol l points, I believe. So that's actors/NPCs needed. The flying ship, big iirc, is actually a huge animation. So to do something like the robot racing... I'd say take a mounted turret, give it the skin of a car with Outfit Studio (weight the car mesh to the root or body, make this new actor ignore combat/player/etc, remove animation and and behavior (or not, actually, maybe just replace the sleep/unconscious ones), set up your package to patrol those points. You'll lose good collision, but it's probably the smoothest ride you'll get, and might be able to better the collision by stealing some larger vanilla actors (like a Yao Gui, or whatever, or the hermit crab) bsbound for a slightly rwworked mounted turret skeleton. Can't find it now, but there is also that one papyrus command to move something, not moveto, but the one where they move at a given rate....but can't imagine that wouldn't be horribly jerky, and I don't remember the command either, I'll try to look it up.
  6. 2) To get the "You can't go there", you crate Border Regions. World>Regions>Do your thing and checkmark border something or other. 1) You set on Worldspace window something incorrectly or unwittingly...I can't remember what it is...either the Center, Size or Is Small World setting incorrectly...I'll try to get a chance to take a look and remind myself.
  7. Another helpful thing I've found (to check before I freak out) is on export, if everything is really outta whack, verify the exported bone/node orientation against a vanilla piece or skeleton. Case in point, last time I did a skin for a cat, every single bone was flipped on its head...annoying, but straightforward to fix at least. ...nothing is perfect. =)
  8. Outfit Studio can be finicky sometimes. So yeah, like you've discovered already, I've learned to not freak out (nearly) as much before just going back and trying one more time. ...sometimes even a third time. =P Edit: I should note that it is still one of the most helpful downloads I've ever come across in modding, such a good, easy to use application.
  9. Don't really need a script, as on the npc/actor record there's a button to add Destructible Data (or something like that). Really straightforward from there on that new screen after hitting the button, but you could reference any car that can be blown up if get stuck from there.
  10. Poncho, poncho maaaaannnn! I want to be...a ponchhhooo man! ...what?
  11. Besides that, if you right click>edit the cell in the Cell View Window, there's is a checkbox for companions.
  12. I had found, just a few days ago, a cute one about a drivable Brahmin companion. =) ...but that's about all I can think of, everything else I've see of note over there is from here (sometimes illegitimately so). Then again, there is that old saying about opinions... ...so I must admit that since I'm not usually interested in gun mods, most armor and companion tweaks, and so get a little bored of looking after several rows of those that you can take my comment with a grain of salt. Not that it's much different than here, just that...well, I don't know what I'm trying to say anymore and should just cut myself off now...goodnight. =/
  13. Looks like a bone or node got flipped, to me. Maybe open in Nifskope and compare orientation to a vanilla piece. Also, and I don't remember for sure, but I believe Full Precision (double click object) has to be ticked in Outfit Studio per piece...but I don't even remember what exactly that does, heh.
  14. Re; the question about supply lines: Knowing from my Water Downed settlement, supply caravans will just swim out to it. ...besides, supply lines work even if the caravan can't 'physically' get there...they're just for teh ummersionz. =)
  15. Yeah, this probably the most immersive mod we'll ever do, heh. =P Just makes sense for a non-power armor, lore-friendly game. No, sadly no jousting. =( That would be really fun, though. We tried to have them still melee attack while you are onboard...but wow, that was some really sickening camera action (and I have apparently a much higher tolerance for silliness in that area, so you can imagine). ...I'm still thinking about it though, so may bring back their melee at some point. =) Another sad thing is that they can't open doors (because we told them not to and they listened, heh), so if they're built in the Tardis they're staying in the Tardis. Just couldn't see anyone not being annoyed having them follow them into buildings all the time. ...and it seemed to counterintuitive to balance and realistic'ness (which we really tried to stick to this time...even though there's a few little 'BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah' silly bits I still snuck in, hah). ...I always come with the speak of the limitations. =( Anywho, I could totally see these fitting in really well with the 'Castle in the Sky' mod. ...I really wanted to say that, but not in his comments area as it felt a little too self-promotion'y, so the comment sits here. =P Thank you Montky, nice to see you find this stuff interesting. =D The Radstag was boring as all heck to work on (they're just sooo vanilla! ), but definitely moved progress on the framework with this mod. P.S. There was some other thread about setting up races with mounts. That would be really fun, in my opinion. If we had enough time, it would be cool to set up a race track somewhere with a bunch of NPC's riding these (and our others, and other peoples others). Though, again sadly, having no fun trying to get NPC's to ride, even companions are still odd (here I come again with the limitation speak, mer! ).
  16. Radstags...they may not be super fast, may be boring, not super flashy, and are boring...but they get the job done...boringly... =P Anywho, release the Radstags! =)
  17. Mer! >:-( Of course, as soon as I post (and I thank you, Stonefisher, for your response) I get it working. =/ It was either that I had the wrong race on 1 (only 1 out of 15 or so pieces) and/or a/many broken worldmodels (changed all the world models to vanilla dog go.nifs). Those were the last 2 things changed, and it started working, sooooo... I guess I better check my world models, but hopefully it was just the little (SINGLE 1 ONE!! Goshdarnit ! ! ) race mishap that was the cause. Thank you.
  18. I equip (in game, via trade menu) newly created armor/clothing for a radstag and the armor/clothing only shows up on the radstag after saving quitting and restarting. =( Any bright ideas? Thank you, I will appreciate any info that can be provided. P.S. It's actually all the armor I've created for this new radstag race, just using this one in the attached image as an example. New radstag race is based on vanilla radstag race, but edited skeleton and other bits and pieces.
  19. I appreciate both these for/to easier/quickstart basic companion building (even for those of us experienced, it's nice to get started a bit quicker): Companion Template http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22447/? Companion Creature Template http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22448/? Both have written readme's for to help with outlining the process.
  20. No horses yet, though, RadStags should be (with only the basics) released by the weekend.
  21. It might, but I really think you're overthinking it. I don't find it likely there's gonna be many, if any, other aaaRalph's.
  22. I appreciate both these for/to easier/quickstart basic companion building (even for those of us experienced, it's nice to get started a bit quicker): Companion Template http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22447/? Companion Creature Template http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22448/?
  23. Right click your cell (whatever the Vault 88 cell is) in the Cell View Window, Edit. Looking for: -Common Data> ImageSpace -Lighting>Show Sky -Interior Lighting>Exterior LOD Worldspace (and possibly it's Offset Values)
  24. Never used the Vault 88 myself, but if it's an interior cell, might just be able to change what's seen there on its horizon. Change it to sky, perhaps, or an LOD of the common wealth, etc. None of that would require any changes or disabling of precancerous data.
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