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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Do you have a crash logger? Crash Logger SSE AE VR ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ) has an advantage if you use Crash Log Analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ) with it, as the analyzer simplifies the crash log somewhat, and gives you some steps that could help fix the problems.
  2. My example was 'patching a patch', I was trying to make sure that the info carried over, so I wouldn't have to keep going back in and adjusting my bashed patch for the leveled lists again, since building the bashed patch likes to omit some overwrites and favor others, which I found out after checking for conflicts. I only know that more and more varied types of items have begun showing up in the merchant and loot bundles since I did this, I hope that I am not fooling myself. I got my basic info long ago from a guide on LL - A Beginner's Guide to Making Your Own Compatibility Patches. I have a copy in my machine, I don't know if it still exists, or if it has been updated. That guide showed an example where a record was carried over into a blank space in the patch. Remember - LL is a NSFW mod site. All of that said, you CAN move more than one record at a time, as long as the records are all in the same general section. For me, trial and error was/is the only way to try such a copy/paste.
  3. Try this - on the 'Mods' page of Vortex, select the 'Open Mod Staging Folder', then search that folder for your plugin. That should find which mod(s) have that file still in them. Then, after you have uninstalled those mods, check again in the 'Game Mods Folder'. If you see it again there, then I would suggest cut and paste to place it in a failsafe folder on your desktop, in case you break something. After you have removed it, be sure to deploy your mods again, to force Vortex to tell you if you need to confirm any file changes, or spot any problems with installed mods. You might still break stuff doing this, especially on anything not a brand-new game.
  4. Oh, I mess up a lot, it's just that on the older forums, it seemed that there were more ppl who were able to correct my mistakes.
  5. Sorry, just saw the title, and didn't check the comments like I usually do for myself. Been on the forums for a little while today. I hope that you find what you need.
  6. Maybe 'Man Those Borders', or some such? Install/use More Informative Console, run up to the tower, open the console, and click around on the tower parts themselves. You should see an entry appear with information on the mod involved, and the last mod to modify that place.
  7. Have you taken a look at this ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59859 )? The comments page has only one comment on HPH, says it should work w/this mod... Searching for 'vampire' mods gave me this offering "Normal Vampire Face For High Poly Head" ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71732 ). This looks like what you were asking for.
  8. Go to the Skyrim SE forum on the Game Communities selection, above. You will have to join that Skyrim community to post, however. Don't be surprised if this gets moved there...
  9. I think that maybe you are the victim of overkill - if you added the mod to Vortex, then installed and enabled it, it should be working. You should not have to manually put the mod's files into the data folder yourself. Vortex will make/place hardlinks to your data folder, so your computer and game see the mods. Under 'Workarounds' on the settings page, you can change to symlinks, but I don't have any insights on that. Mods will not show up if they are not enabled, which makes them go through the deployment routines. Check your Vortex settings page, you should see a selection under Automation that will force mods to deploy when you install them, as opposed to the default of having to manually click 'Enable' after each install. I do not use any other option there, as I often d/l mods for future use/inspection. I also have FNIS set to run on deployment, so it resets every time I have mods deployed, to update animations. One last idea - if you are on v. 1.6.1170 (OR .1130), you must make changes in some mods to keep Bethesda from messing with Steam, and handling your LO. Search/hunt for guidance on the Nexus. I can't help, I stayed on 1.6.640, which still has Steam Integration.
  10. This one I know! The answer is - sort of... You can move entire blocks of records, if you select the proper record area when selecting for the drag. In this example I included earlier, you simply have to mouse over the empty block beside the 'Item' label above the ZDO2_Merchant_LItemScrolls75... , and drag it over to the matching place in your patch, as opposed to moving the individual record, and then the value underneath it. The entire item gets copied over to the patch. Some blocks work, some don't, SSEEdit won't let you have the move prompt if you didn't select the proper starting area. It will take some trial and error, sometimes you will have to uncheck the 'Hide no conflict and empty rows' to see the area you need to select w/your mouse to move the block of records.
  11. @Indio21 - my last real surge of patching was a couple of years ago, so I don't remember a lot about the process. Just a few tweaks here and there since.
  12. I am not sure that that is a possible change for xEdit. As long as you keep track of what patches you have made separate .esp files for, you should be OK.
  13. Might be easier if you tag your post with the name of the game you are trying to mod, or at least include it in your post...
  14. How about resurrecting them, then going into the console and using 'disable' (for Skyrim) or the equivalent in w/e game you are playing?
  15. So, try this - go to the Mods portion of Vortex, use the 'Open' icon to let you "Open Game Mods Folder", find your patch .esp, and copy it to your desktop. Once it is there, place it in a new folder, name the folder to tell you which patch it is (preferably something close to the name of your .esp), and use 7zip or another compression tool on it to get the compressed archive. Then, drag and drop that compressed file to the 'Install From File' icon on the Mods page. You could try renaming your original xxx.esp to xxx.esp.old, or .orig, something to protect it from being overwritten, just in case. Vortex does have routines for backing up plugins, so don't be surprised if there is some sort of dialog to confirm your new addition when it is deployed. Your first fail-safe is that .esp copied to your desktop. Once completed, fire up your game, and make sure that everything is working properly.
  16. Wasn't there some routine or command in MO2 that would tell you what files were not present? I have never used MO2. Only tried the original MO for a short time on LE, changed to Vortex when I moved to SE. Maybe just use the print screen key when the error prompt shows up, to show you which files are not present any more?
  17. What version of Skyrim SE/AE are you using? Anything before 1.6.1130 will have trouble with mods made under the newer Creation Kit. The Backported Extended ESL Support - BEES ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ). The reason I am referring to this is you may have updated an older mod or two with newer versions, which can't be loaded. This is just a guess. Take a look at BEES. If you are familiar with SSEEdit, you can load up your newly added mod(s), and check the file header there. If you see the value 1.710000 (not sure about the number of zeros), then it was made under the new CK.
  18. IDK, but if you click directly on the SKSE64_loader w/o starting Steam, then it runs the standard Steam initialization, as if SKSE were not running, which allowed auto updates to occur. I understand that the same thing happens if the SKSE loader is set up as a tool in Vortex, and started w/o Steam already running. TL;DR - try starting Steam 1st, then run the SKSE loader through MO2?
  19. @Athalos1772 In the above info, if you are on 1.6.1170, replace 1.6.1130 with the newer version value and the SKSE version with the version that matches from ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ). I think that the EngineFixes.toml is in the SKSE folder in your game's appdata...Data folder.
  20. @IsharaMeradin@Warhog67 Using the appmanifest data set to 'read only' saved me from an update only a couple of days ago, when I didn't start Steam up b4 SKSE when loading a new profile under Vortex. The files d/l, but didn't get applied. I haven't tried the game hide technique.
  21. Did you look at that log to see what it says about starting? I believe a .log0 is a backup log that holds the previous log. As such, also take a look at the hdtSMP64.log and see what it says. Mine has a string of 'trampoline alloc xxxxxxxxxx failed' notices (about 20) - I don't know if it is important, an internet search doesn't help me, since my Faster HDT crashes from time to time. Prob need a really technically involved person to explain this one. With all of that said, now take a look at the skse64.log and compare the .dll files listed in the startup to the .dll list in that folder where the logs are. You might find which one(s) didn't start properly (note that the plugins attempt to start in alphabetical order). Alternately, you could use Notepad to search the skse64.log for ' correctly ' (spaces included), and proceed down the list, to look for adjacent ones that show an error message (it seems I have 85 SKSE mods starting, anything to speed the search might help) - I don't know what an error message would look like, you might want to go to ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ) and ask, then you could search for the error listing itself.
  22. That is the assumption, yes. The last one to be updated may also have something to the effect that it didn't load, so look at that log first, I think. You can then go to the skse64.log, and read down its list of .dll starts, to confirm what did not load properly. At least you will have some idea of where to look, now.
  23. Load your entire LO into SSEEdit, once it completes, then look at the list of modules on the left. Right-click on any of them, and you will get a context menu, one of which is 'Filter for Conflicts', or similar. Then, unless you have a fairly strong CPU, and a lot of RAM, go get a snack, and come back. It takes about 35 sec to load all of my mods, and 3-1/2 minutes to filter on my comp w/an AMD Ryzen 3800X, and 64G ram (I have almost 1500 plugins-fewer mods, less time). You should be greeted by a much-reduced listing of mods, in various colors. Use some of the videos/background info to find out what each color means, and click on the mod plugin that you are having trouble with. Just poke around, expand the information,and look at stuff as you go, looking for information printed in red in your problem mod. That is stuff that has been overwritten/superseded by other mods farther down the list. When you click on one specific overwritten blurb, then the right window will show all of the plugins that alter/are altered by your problem mod, the rightmost one being the ultimate 'winner'. The top image shows me looking at a specific trader chest in Trade and Barter. I am moving some records from Zim's Improved Dremora to be included in an overwrite patch I made a long time ago. The second image focuses on what it looks like after and before a move the three green records have been dragged to the override, while the four below haven't been moved yet. Don't be overwhelmed by all the information, start with something with only a couple of problems, and move them. Since SSEEdit will give you an option to save your changes EITHER when you exit, OR after a certain amount of time, if you think you made a mistake, just exit, and uncheck the mod(s) in which you thought you made an error, save the rest.
  24. You have to find the 'Sun Sprite' setting in your ENB and turn it off, or find an ENB that has an included sprite. I just turn mine off, as I don't like the camera effect, and I even turn off 'god rays'. Just complicates seeing stuff on screen. I wear glasses IRL, and I don't want to be looking through a close equivalent in game...
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