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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Thanks, Seighfryd - I am still on 1.6.640. Good to know for when I finally 'upgrade'.
  2. If you will be running Skyrim SE with the new card, be advised that the custom fan curves in AMD Adrenaline drivers do not operate while Skyrim is running, at least for my 7900xtx. The custom curve ( I like to run the fans harder and earlier) kicks back in after I exit Skyrim.
  3. Sorry, didn't know that. What about Reddit or GitHub? Those seem to be rather popular for discussions like you are looking for. Am not saying to stop looking here, just trying to think of a way for you to find help faster...
  4. I would also check the power requirements, pretty sure that Guru3D has some reviews, many other sites, too.
  5. Look on the Nexus for mods that 'remove cc' or 'remove creation club'. I remember seeing one or two in passing.
  6. It could be that DAR is coded to look for specific files (maybe by keywords?), and show which ones are present, and those which are not present are being ignored. Check your mod list for the ones that you have installed, or look at the missing list, and compare it to your mod list. Not going to be fun. I hope someone else comes by with more knowledge than I.
  7. It can also help to set the minimum and maximum values equal to one another, so the size of the file does not continually change. Not a real problem for SSD, but really helps preventing fragmentation on HDD.
  8. Re: DAR - it may be that some of the animation packages mentioned are just not installed, and that some that you do have installed need an update, or reinstall? I think that this might be the case, because of the number of weather/climate packages mentioned that should conflict with each other if all were installed.
  9. It says at the very top of the crash report that you have critically LOW free ram. Did you adjust the size of your pagefile (Virtual Memory) in your laptop to compensate? It seems that MS has made it ridiculously hard to find the setting, use your Windows key, select 'Settings', then type 'Advanced System'. The full directions are in the Crash report you posted. Look through your mods to see which ones have a lot of graphical features, and check to make sure they are at the lowest graphics settings available. You might have to reinstall them to get the choices. You should also check out the Engine Fixes comment section to make the changes needed in its .toml so that it can work in 1.6.1130. This includes how to turn off the tbbmalloc that is also crashing.
  10. Check the posts on the Engine Fixes page, and see if you need to make any changes in its .toml (settings) file found in your game's Data\skse folder. There is a Crash Log Analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ), but it doesn't run on Trainwreck (yet). There is a link to its supported crash log under the 'Requirements' tab on its mod page. The Analyzer can simplify a lot of the information in a crash log.
  11. Are you referring to the 'Endorsed' column in the Mods tab for Vortex? I have used these, and the mod page shows Endorsed. I just endorsed a mod from the mods tab, and that mod showed endorsed after a page refresh in my browser.
  12. I don't think that you are looking at the right folder, am including a pic that shows part of my SKSE folder in Documents... There are a ton of other .log files in my folder. If there are no other log files in yours, either you have no SKSE-based mods installed, or your SKSE install is still borked. Notice how far down my skse64_loader log is in the list, a lot of other logs in between, and the skse64 log near the top. (All ordered in descending date modified.)
  13. Piling on, I think that the detection limit might be set a bit too tight, I got temporarily blocked (today) after the following sequence - signed in, used the 'back' arrow to get back to the skyrim game community, then clicked on and out of one, two, three threads on that forum. Blocked when clicked on the third thread, all of this occurring in about 2-3 minutes.
  14. I do not see the Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18975 ), which can help avoid problems with the full AE suite of CC addons/mods. I also replied to your post on Mod Troubleshooting, re: Vortex and LOOT. Also, check your Plugins tab in the left sidebar in Vortex. On that page, you can go to the 'Flags' column and look for LOOT messages, for 'warnings' and 'incompatible' mods - which are not built to be compatible with your version of Skyrim. I assume that you are running v. 1.6.1130, so you shouldn't see much of this last one. If, however, you are running 1.6.640 (or earlier) - there are edits you need to make to allow SkyUI to run properly, AND you should d/l and install BEES ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ), to make sure that any mod created/updated in the newest CK (different header information) will run in the older versions of Skyrim. Bonus, w/BEES you now have doubled the limit on lite mods (ESP-FE, etc.) in your Skyrim installation.
  15. If you are using Vortex AND then running a standalone LOOT ordering, don't. This breaks stuff, LOOT is built in to Vortex, and runs upon deployment of your mod(s). The built-in also runs if you use the 'Sort Now' choice at the top of the "Plugins" tab. The standalone LOOT will not see some of the stuff you set in Vortex wrt overwrites and dependencies.
  16. Sounds like you have allowed Steam to synchronize your game. Don't use this unless you also game on other machines. I think that if you eliminated the .tmp after your older saves, they might well work. Try one out. I have the autocloud.vdf file in my save folder too, and do not have synchronization active. When you right-click on your game title in the Library, go to Properties, and make sure that the option to keep your saves in the Steam Cloud is ticked off. There is also a setting for Steam Cloud Synchronization in the Settings for Steam itself, I do not know what happens if I turn it off altogether, not willing to try right now.
  17. For simplicity's sake, I made a desktop shortcut to my SKSE folder in my Documents folder ( C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE ). This folder not only holds your skse64_loader.log, but logs for almost ALL of your SKSE plugins that try to start up. Whatever log files you see in there, check them out one at a time. I have the window view list the newest (Date Modified) at the top, descending. Some of these logs update when you exit Skyrim, too. I think that I would take a look at the newest log, and proceed down the list, looking for anything that didn't start properly. Any logs that didn't update at all could also indicate incompatible mods, or improperly installed/corrupted mods. You just have to slog through the list.
  18. Sometimes, you can fix this by going into an interior cell away from the location, and then waiting inside for 10 game days (if you are lucky). Sometimes takes 30 days of waiting for whatever is the problem to reset in the game world. FYI - a lot of these types of posts have been moved to their appropriate game site, make sure you join that community if this gets moved, so you can post there.
  19. Re: d/l depot - you will have to get input from someone more experienced than I am, used the depot only once, after one of the earliest SE updates. Maybe the downgrader mod page, or its comments, might have the info?
  20. Generally, patches should load after the mod(s) they patch. When there are several patches involved, load order can become tricky. Exceptions to this general rule are usually included in the patch installation instructions.
  21. My router has separate 'channels' for the wifi and broadband connections. So, an ethernet cable might let you open up bandwidth for your computer, while your roommate can keep feeding off of the wifi. Then, the maximum bandwidth for your router will determine how much your speeds (yours and roomie's) will be affected. I have a cheap back-up laptop for troubleshooting w/the ISP when my computer is having problems, and I have had that laptop updating via Windows Update at the same time I am on my desktop, and I really couldn't tell any difference in my desktop feed. You could always try a Cat 4 cable of the proper length, and see if it makes a difference for you while you save up for a Cat 5 cable... Re: the phone - I am on an ADSL router, and there are filters that have to be placed on the phone jacks to prevent interference. Don't know about other kinds of hookups.
  22. COTN - "Cities of the North" - use this in the search bar at the top of the NexusMods page - you will see quite a few choices. Northern Roads ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77530 ) Granite Hill ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14658 ) Look on each mod's Nexus page for patches, be sure to check out the 'Requirements' tab, look for anything under the "Mods that require this file" - patches that do not show up in the downloads section of that mod might be mentioned here.
  23. The skse64.log is what I was referring to, sorry. At the very bottom of your loader.log, it states that you are running 1.5.80, is that the loader version, or the Skyrim SE version? Also, your SKSE64 is showing as 2.0.15, the version for SE/AE 1.6.640 should be 2.2.3 from the Nexus site, or 2_02_03 from the archived files on silverlock.org. It seems that SKSE64 2.0.15 was indeed for use with SE 1.5.80, 2.0.20 was the one for 1.5.97. I am pretty sure that something in your downgrade did not leave Skyrim 1.6.640 running as the default (something else is saying 1.5.80 in your log), and that there is still a mismatch occurring between Skyrim SE and SKSE64. My skse64_loader.log shows both the SE version and the skse .dll version as below: I notice that your Skyrim runs out of C:\Program Files (x86) - that is where it you expect it to be, right? If you tried to install it somewhere else, maybe the info in the (x86) section is taking priority?
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