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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. I do not know if it can be set up to run under Linux, but there is Skyrim Performance Monitor ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491 ). It could help you keep track of your memory usage, among other stats. It requires Microsoft.net to run, so it might not be useful to you.
  2. Well, I kind of missed that you were running on LE, not SE. I have had in excess of 18G of memory being swapped around in SE. Also, I didn't say that the processor didn't matter with loading times, just that I recalled that the other things potentially affected it more.
  3. Sorry, Indio, I thought that stating that CLA 'helps to parse' Crash Logger reports would be enough to tell you that it only works with Crash Logger. Install the Crash Logger first, THEN install CLA. I made a shortcut to CLA on my desktop once installed, along with a shortcut to the SKSE folder in ...Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE. Then all I have to do after a crash is to double-click on the CLA shortcut, then open the SKSE folder shortcut. Since I have the SKSE folder view arranged in descending Time Modified order, the CLA report and the crash log both appear at the top. Re: the fix you cited - it included references to NetScriptFramework, which hasn't worked since SE v. 1.5.97. Just get the crash logger installed, if nothing else, so you get a working crash log for future problems.
  4. IIRC, loading screen times are most affected by hard drive speed (SSD vs HDD), graphics card (speed AND ram) and amount and speed of RAM on the motherboard. A 12 GB graphics card MIGHT make a lot of difference there, when combined with more ram on the MB. Processor speed and task processing times are at best inverse, so a 1/3 increase in speed = 1/(1 1/3) = 3/4, or 75% of the slower processor. Can be much less improvement.
  5. Afterlife - Resurrected ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55051 ) might be what you need, but the gag prob would not be possible w/this. Not sure that Ulfric can be soul-trapped at the conclusion of the CW, and his 'soul' in Sovngarde would have to be edited to make it targetable and killable there. Might even get the whole of Sovngarde upset with your PC.
  6. Crash Logger ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ), and Trainwreck ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106440 ) are both crash loggers that will run under the latest Skyrim. Crash Log Analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ) helps to parse the Crash Logger reports, and highlight problems.
  7. Here's a look inside my SKSE logging folder: Look down the Date Modified Column, and you can see that from skse64.log at the top, to skse64_loader.log farther down ALL loaded within a minute or so of each other. The first one(s) that I would check to see if they are not working properly would be the two NPCsUsePotions logs, since they had not updated. (These are fine, they don't update until a combat starts, I think.. Don't let the word wall in the logs confuse you. You can see the locations of the SKSE info at the top, then a listing of the SKSE .dll mods begins. I have a lot, sorry. Look down the list, until you see 'Loading plugin', and you see on the line immediately below that it loaded correctly. You just have to proceed down the list until you see something did not load correctly, or a mod that you attempted to install does not show up on the list. Tedious, but not impossible. Once again, try making a shortcut to the SKSE loader on the desktop. If it works, then you haven't properly set up the loader to run in MO2.
  8. Reminder - the latest Skyrim SE is 1.6.1170. It can break even v .1130 SKSE mods. If any SE version earlier than 1.6.1130, make sure to use Backported Extended ESL Support (BEES) to make sure that you can easily run mods made in the latest CK.
  9. You didn't understand my shortcut re: the logs. You simply arrange them by their time-stamp, in descending order. Each SKSE-based mod updates its log on start-up (some also on shut-down). Logs that did not update, did not start at all, so just scan down the list until you see the one(s) that did not update (near) simultaneously. The master SKSE log will show 'loaded correctly' for the plugins that are working, if you choose to go that route, and scan its contents, newest at the top. I do not know the note for plugins that did not load. You could also make a shortcut on your desktop directly to the SKSE64_loader, and see if clicking on it directly will do anything for you. Using the game launcher just avoids starting SKSE, and the associated .dll mods, AFAIK.
  10. IIRC, some (many?) motherboards require you to put the ram sticks in alternating slots (|_|_), NOT (||__). Just check the information carefully.
  11. SKEE is part of Racemenu, and Racemenu just got updated.
  12. Well, I don't use MO2, and only use the first four on your list. Double-check your Address Library AND SKSE build, just in case. There are logs in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder. If you arrange them by most recent at the top of your window, you can often spot any SKSE mod logs that didn't update, giving you a hint as to which one(s) are causing the problem. Also, check your override folder, in case an update has been placed in there. Wish I could be of more help.
  13. On the SkyUI page, in the comments: Wish that this was stickied there, so it would be easier to find. Hope that this helps.
  14. If you look at the Racemenu page, it hasn't been updated for 1.6.1170 yet. I am pretty sure that there was/is a github page where you might find a beta...
  15. There is this modding.wiki page on the Nexus ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It will take some time to update the mods, check back every so often. It is a .wiki, so if you find something that works, join it and add the information.
  16. You need to look on the Engine Fixes comments page for more up-to-date information. I had some crashes in game from tbbmalloc, had to disable it in the Engine Fixes .toml. Didn't help much, just new crashes in Faster HDT-SMP and other mods that I am still working out.
  17. Racemenu has constantly been updated, just hasn't been changed for the latest 1.1170. EFM might not 'need' any updates.
  18. Do you use anything survival-related? Or a mod that affects disease expressions? Kind of hard to help, w/o knowing which version of the game you are using, and the mods you have installed (load order). Also nice to also know which mod manager you use, and how much ram/virtual memory space you have in many cases. If you post your LO, use the spoiler (eye) tool in the post toolbar, and paste it in there.
  19. Did you make the edits to the Engine Fixes .toml in the ...\Data\SKSE folder?
  20. You might want to try to ask on the main Kaidan 2 comments page (saw that the extension has no comments), more chance to find someone who uses this. Just a thought, since I don't use this - have you tried uninstalling and removing the extended version from your LO, then reinstalling, then loading up your game? There have been no other changes to your game, just this?
  21. Do you use the HIMBO body for male bodies? It might be what you need. I haven't used it, so I don't know for sure. You could ask on that mod's comment page, as well.
  22. I think that you probably have run out of RAM, so that is the first problem to check. Try increasing your Virtual Memory on your laptop. Maybe as large as 24 Gig, but no less than 18. If you have an HDD on your laptop, consider making the minimum and maximum values equal, so as to reduce fragmentation. If SSD, this shouldn't matter. If your machine can't swap information into/out of memory, you will have problems.
  23. Have you made sure that you have the matching/compatible female body type installed (CBBE, CBBE3BA, BHUNP, etc.)? If you use AutoBody or oBody, you will have to find a guide, or someone with experience with them.
  24. Understand about RL stuff, SSE just closing usually indicates that one or more individual SKSE mods do not run/are incompatible with your SSE and/or SKSE. So, check them first. Take a look in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder. Inside, you should see a listing of log files. One for skse64, one for skee64 (racemenu), and one for virtually every SKSE mod you have in your LO. I made a shortcut on my desktop to that folder, so I can get to it faster, and have it set to list files by 'Date Modified'. That way, I can scroll down the list, and find the last one that did start, and the first one that didn't. That can be a quick way to help in locating problem SKSE mods. Otherwise, you will have to open each log, and look to see which one had some sort of problem upon start. There are a few files in your game's ...\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE folder you might check out, as well.
  25. The .Net Script Framework page states in bright red that it is not compatible with SSE 1.6+. For crash monitoring purposes, there is Crash Logger ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ), which has a companion analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ), or Trainwreck ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106440 ), which has no analyzer at this time. I know that I have seen several threads about disappearing/disabled mods that have posted solutions, have you searched the forums for this? I would link them here, but I am still on 1.6.640, and haven't needed them, so I haven't followed them closely.
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