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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Load doors are saved in your save game.
  2. Load doors are saved in your save game ... those missing doors are now permanently baked into yours.
  3. From the UESP Wiki page you linked (emphasis added): Now you have to find Velwyn Benirus once again. Make sure you bring the scrap from the diary with you, to convince him that he's the only one that can open the secret door in the manor.
  4. You weren't sent to defeat him ... you were sent to reason with him. It'll take some doing now to get his disposition back up.
  5. You likely have a mod that changes a race's name to a different language than your installed game language. You will need to identify which mod is causing it and then use How to fix broken voices after installing some kind of mods.
  6. I don't have any experience with solutions like that ... do your research to be certain that they aren't just another "sound solution" like on-board sound (i.e. still using the CPU + RAM for everything, or almost everything). I was turned off laptops for gaming quite a while ago. Seems that almost all are designed by those marketing guys I love so much. "Let's couple a nice fast CPU with this lame on-board graphics ... or perhaps you'd prefer this kick-ass graphics, but we'll couple it with this slow as molasses CPU. What, you want the fast CPU and kick-ass graphics ... boy oh boy, are you going to pay through the nose (and we'll still cut every corner you won't be able to find out about." At least when I build a desktop I know each corner that is cut, and exactly why I need to cut that corner.
  7. Try reducing the number of channels used with for sounds (this is an Oblivion.ini tweak taken from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide ... see page 9): "iMaxImpactSoundCount=32 - This option determines the maximum number of channels used for different sound effects. Reduce it 24 or 16 to remove some of the sound effects in return for a performance boost and stuttering reduction. Note however that this setting can crash your system if set too low, particularly with hardware acceleration enabled." One of the downsides to onboard sound like RealTek is that it doesn't actually do an awful lot itself. All the sound calculations are done by the CPU/RAM ... the RealTek chips are just acting as a middleman. A discrete sound card intercepts all sound related calls and takes care of all sound related calculations using it's own processors and memory. The marketing dweebs from companies like RealTek try to smooth over that little detail, but that doesn't change performance.
  8. Are all effects turned off in the RealTek Control panel app (so no concert hall or anything like that)?
  9. Au contraire ... MOO can be used with many of the other overhauls. Read the documentation and/or mod comments.
  10. Have you looked at Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul?
  11. I'm probably one of your "some people" ... let me offer my reasoning behind what I do. I read a lot, so I run into posts or articles that sometimes don't have relevance for me until some time later, when I then run into the situation discussed myself. I used to be a quicksave/quickload junkie (those damned wisp stalks and their low probability of harvesting success is my main excuse). Eventually my first character's saves became all but unplayable. I remembered reading something about saves and started doing some research in earnest. Everything pointed to quicksaves being the culprit. I adopted good saving habits (though for that character autosaves were still enabled but they were almost never used to continue) and over the course of weeks the save line was recovered to normal stability. Both of my subsequent characters have used good saving habits from the outset, with my latest being the first to disable autosaves from the beginning (second character turned them off part way through). Early on in recovering that first character's saves I started the exit to desktop/restart game strategy. My reasoning was that I wanted to load that save into the game without any possible left over data from the prior session (I had started exiting the game regularly before it crashed, in an effort to speed up the recovery process). When loading a save from the main menu without exiting to the desktop you are relying on the game doing a proper job of clearing all old data ... exiting to the desktop first shifts that job to the operating system, and I was looking for maximum bang for my buck. Do I have any science supporting that practice ... sorry, no I don't. That would require at least two runs through the entire "recovering the save-line" process, one using exit to desktop and one not (probably more like a dozen runs of each method if you want proper science). All I can tell you is I was successful. I still have that character's saves if I ever wanted to recreate his load order and play him (not likely ... he was a pre-OCOv2 potatohead, as was character two). - Edit - If you are not using it already, I highly recommend EngineBugFixes. It's an OBSE plugin and is highly configurable via it's INI file.
  12. I made a small tweak to AesLowerLevelEnemiesDontDisappear.esp that makes bandits and marauders equipment unleveled as well. That way their health and fatigue continue to level along with the player but you only rarely run across one wearing high level equipment.
  13. 3635c is the Deadric shield. Sorry Justin ... no clue what it could be then without a complete mod list. I doubt it has anything to do with Toggle God Mode. - Edit - I believe I know what's happening. If you have a two handed weapon equipped the shield doesn't show. Switch to a one handed weapon and see if the shield then shows up.
  14. Why are you not giving yourself the Daedric equipment. The Daedric shield (3635c) has the same weight as the Kynreeve shield with superior durability and armor rating (24 weight, 2025 durability and 22.5 armor rating vs 24, 750 & 16.5). Can't say for certain why it may not be visible when granting yourself one thru the console ... all that stuff gets stuffed into one of my guy's storage chests in one of his houses (way too heavy for my tastes). You aren't using Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul by chance?
  15. My guess is you don't have Martin along ... From the UESP Wiki: "Martin sometimes fails to show up at the battlefield. This will cause the quest to stop. The guards will arrive in formation, but no daedra will spawn, nor will another Gate spawn. Use the code player.setstage MQ13 100 to make the Great Gate appear and go through it. It will skip the Battle of Bruma quest but when you come out of the gate Martin will be there." Keeping Martin alive while waiting for the Great Gate to open is part of the fun of this quest (which you would miss out on by using the console to advance the quest). If you have a save from before giving Martin the Great Welkynd Stone you could try starting the quest again (give Martin the time required to make his speech etc).
  16. Yes the Daedric armor uses exactly the same meshes and textures, and no capitalization doesn't matter (so C57F is the same as c57f).
  17. Those are all non-playable items (Dremora Markynaz boots cuirass and greaves). If you want items like that you will need to either use the Construction Set to make them playable first (not recommended) or use the console to give your character the Daedric equivalents (36359 boots, 3635b cuirass and 3635a greaves ... note that the leading zeros are not required). - Edit - You can use the console to remove the unplayable items ... player.removeitem <baseID> <number> ... example player.removeitem c57f 1 will remove a single pair of Markynaz boots, and the console will report how many were there before removing that one. If you had 15 then the console will report that and your next console command then could be ... player.removeitem c57f 14
  18. There are more recent versions of HGEC available, as well as better tools for installing Oblivion mods. I suggest EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. You will notice that it comes with a complete clothing and armor replacer compatible with the HGEC body (the one you are having trouble with does not). It also comes with a BAIN installation option (see second download from the top in the Main Files section), which will allow you to select from the available body sizes and included equipment (Wrye Bash is required to install BAINs).
  19. When you are in the AI Packages list look just to the right of those names and you will see two gray lines close together up in the column header. Grab the right hand one and drag it to the right, opening up the collapsed column that has the baseIDs.
  20. If I'm not mistaken you can turn that feature off in MOO, but you will either need to read the manual or ask in the MOO mod comments to find out exactly how. What you describe is exactly how MOO is designed to work using it's default settings.
  21. Check the MOO manual ... you'll find that you need the right type of weapon with certain enemies (and of course that feature can be turned off/tailored to your preference in the INIs).
  22. Generally speaking, topics don't get closed here except in cases of things like flame wars. Ran into a bit of trouble resulting from this experiment myself ... game wouldn't start after undoing the testing changes!! Took a bit of head scratching and trying things to find the culprit. Somehow or other my installed Idle.kf was crashing the game on save load or new game. Once I restored a good Idle.kf all seems to be back to normal. What had me going was that the crash was very similar to a missing master crash (crash right as the save began loading), so I wasted some time chasing down that false trail. And of course, as so often happens when I get poking around through my downloaded animation mods (which mostly are not installed, but serve as a source for Blockhead PerNPC overrides), when I did the Inventory override test I also swapped out some other installed animations (think I may have found some BBBed swim and sweeping/userake animations in a long overlooked download from who knows how long ago). I'll add an edit to my original post advising anybody stumbling across this that they should read the entire thread, so that they'll be aware of possible pitfalls. If you read the Change Log part of Blockhead_readme.rtf you'll see that way back at version 8.1 there was a part of the Inventory Idle override removed. Could be the part that remains isn't "bug free".
  23. No problem. Now that I have it figured out I'll be of a bit more help than before (so thanks for helping me cram a bit more knowledge into the old noggin).
  24. Have a look at Blockhead ... specifically at Blockhead_readme.rtf from the extracted download. The second paragraph of the Fine Print section details how to change your inventory idle animation. Now I admit, I've never used this aspect of Blockhead myself, but using Blockhead in general is simply a matter of putting files into the correct folder path and renaming them. Rest assured that later today, when I get a chance I'll be poking around in my game's Meshes\Characters\_male folder and rereading that Fine Print section ... my interest is piqued. Edit - Yup, just a matter of renaming and copying some files plus a little INI editing. The limitation is that if you are after a non-combat pose when your character has no weapon equipped (including no fists out) is that you will lose whichever weapon out inventory pose you override. I tested using an arms by the side idle pose and made the INI tweaks to have that override handtohand idle. When unarmed (meaning no weapon equipped plus no fists raised) the arms at the side idle was used in the Inventory screen but when fists were equipped the Inventory screen still used the arms by the side idle. Using only that single override for handtohand idle all the other weapon Inventory screen idles used whichever weapon was currently equipped (weapon out or sheathed) same as vanilla. My guess is that this is a game engine limitation, and only handtohand plus weapon idles are options for the Inventory screen. Edit 2 - To anyone running across this thread ... be sure to read the entire thread. Both OblivionRora and I have run into some "difficulties" as a result of using Blockhead's Inventory overrides, and you should be certain to read the whole story before embarking on your own adventure.
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