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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I resisted for quite a while myself, but OBSE has a BORG-like quality about it. In the end switching to OBSE wasn't a big deal at all. The only caveat I can add is that OBSE won't work with any of the download versions of Oblivion except the Steam version (all disk versions are fine but the GameStop/Impulse and Direct2Drive versions aren't compatible).
  2. I don't use it myself (I seldom use horses) but I do use a few of kuertee's other mods and they all work well and are configurable via an ini file, so I recommend looking at Horse Commands v4.
  3. That game setting is controlled in Oblivion.ini with 'fDlgFocus' found in the [interface] section. I have mine set at 'fDlgFocus=5.9500' (the default value is 'fDlgFocus=2.1000'). The problem for you is not everyone will have the same setting, though admittedly not many will know about the setting so they will be at default.
  4. I don't use Roberts male body myself, but looking at the folders from the manual install version I see a folder for High Elf males. Make sure your game has a folder with the path Data\textures\characters\highelf\male and the files footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds in that male folder.
  5. Something else to keep in mind concerning multi-part archives is when you are extracting them you need to have them in a folder without any other unrelated archives (i.e. parts one thru six all in one folder but no other archives in that same folder).
  6. In the example you show the difference is caused by the fact that High Elves use the Imperial body texture by default, which doesn't even come close to matching the head textures. Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer attempts to reduce the difference between seams for female characters using HGEC. There is a link to a further fix available for the High Elves in the Known Issues or Bugs section of Luchaires mod description (note that it requires Shivering Isles). I don't know if the fix used for female High Elves is available for male characters (read the mod description for bg2408's solution and you'll see that more than a simple texture swap was involved for females).
  7. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. There are instructions for backing up and saving your Data folder etc. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location if you use the Steam version of the game, and don't skip the part part about cleaning your registry.
  8. The game has some peculiarities about what it puts on your statue. Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki page for the Great Gate quest: Read the linked page for more details.
  9. There is also a mod that affects your speed when running backwards (called No Running Backwards if memory serves).
  10. Use Universal Skeleton Nif ControlableSkeleton version unless you have need of one of the high heel skeletons.
  11. If the crashing continues you could try letting BOSS sort your load order (go to the Mirrors tab for the download).
  12. Saving often using either manual saves from the Esc menu or named saves won't cause any problems. Once you prune your save folder down to 100 or less saves you'll notice much smoother menu opening and game loading.
  13. Crashing is a 'feature' of the modded game. That said you don't really have a very large load list, so you shouldn't have frequent crashes (and realize the definition of 'frequent' will vary from person to person). My own load list is considerably longer than yours, but is mostly clothing/armor and house mods. I easily get a few hours gameplay without crashes. My trick is to avoid a few things that stress the game's ability to remain stable. Number one is don't quicksave. It's a known corrupter of save files. Use either save from the Esc menu or named saves using the console. Never overwrite saves (save to a new slot or with sequential names). When your saves folder gets between a hundred and two hundred saves either delete older saves you don't want to keep or move older saves to a folder outside of your saves folder. There are times that game scripts can get messed up and trigger a crash at a certain cell transition (the Bruma statue is a classic example). Many of those types of crashes can be solved by avoiding that cell for more than three days (not the Bruma statue however). You can also use the 'coc center' and wait 72 hours plus a bit trick (takes you right out of the game world and allows all cells to reset). Personally I save every hour or hour and a half and once every few hours I save and exit to the desktop. If I want to continue playing I load that save and continue. That gives the game a chance to restart with a 'clean slate' (loads Oblivion.esm and your mods, modified by game progress that is recorded in that save). If you are running with a machine that is a bit borderline as far as memory is concerned it may help. You could try leaving zero value item you don't want to keep in the game's respawning containers.
  14. For graphics I always recommend reading through Noob up and running.
  15. Could be Windows updates have thrown a wrench into the works. Try renaming your Oblivion.ini (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder). Change the name to Oblivionini.old and then restart the game as far as the menu. Exit the game and restart it. You may need to reset your video options, as the game doesn't do a good job of recognizing hardware that hadn't been invented the last time the game was updated by Bethesda. If that gets you fixed up you can either save the renamed Oblivionini.old (in case you have some customized ini setting for example) or delete the renamed file once you have confirmed that all is well.
  16. I know that. When you download Wrye Bash from the Oblivion Nexus site you can select either the latest stable or a pre-alpha release of the latest version (no beta version available on the Nexus site at the moment). If you have been following along or have read the recent comments you'll see some of the latest issues with the stable version. Alpha or pre-alpha versions aren't recommended for your primary install. I use Multiple Oblivion Manager (MOM) to keep my different character's installs separate. You can also set up a testing install for trying out mods or things like the pre-alpha release of WB.
  17. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if you see anything mentioned there that you didn't do or did differently. And I agree with discover1 that your old install's Oblivion.ini file could be messing things up. You could try just renaming Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old and then restart the game as far as the menu. Exit the game and then restart. You may need to reset your video options etc as Oblivion doesn't do well discovering hardware that wasn't invented the last time the game was updated by Bethesda.
  18. I can't say for certain about the fighting smarter situation but Maskars Oblivion Overhaul (MOO) is completely configurable using the ini file so you can have as many enemies as you like (plus if you want it adds new enemies). More spawn points and they'll wander farther too.
  19. That seems to be happening sometimes when you edit a post. They are aware of the problem. Many newer mods require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). Read the mod description and if it needs OBSE it should tell you in the mod requirements section. Wrye Bash is being updated regularly again ... if the latest version isn't stable it will be marked as beta.
  20. Have a look at Reapers Auto Equip Bikini and Pannels Auto Swimsuit.
  21. Not meaning to dissuade you in the slightest, but similar has been done in Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. You could have a look for ideas or to compare your idea to what's been done there.
  22. You can use different tools to install different mods. Many mods will install with NMM just fine. Others will require some other method to install (either manual install, OBMM or Wrye Bash's BAIN). Often you can get a good idea by reading through the recent mod comments (for the more popular mods anyway). If there are problems with installing using NMM you'll see plenty of help requests for install problems. In general I use manual install for all mods except those that come as an OMOD file, in part because of one of OBMM biggest shortcomings ... it won't alert you if the mod you are installing overwrites files from existing mods. If I'm going to install an OMOD style mod I use OBMM to extract the OMOD to a folder first so I can examine the files and folders and compare to my game install, looking for potential overwrites (skeleton.nif is a common one). If it's a simple install I'll usually just manual install from that point. If it's a complicated install (lots of options to choose from) and it has an install script to walk you through those options then I'll go ahead with the OMOD install after my checking it out.
  23. Minutes spent reading invariably save hours scratching the head. Glad you got to the light at the end of the tunnel and it wasn't a train Amacher. Drake you are as gracious as ever. Know that the reason some of those things bug you is because you care, and have a good sense of fairness. We have far too few of that sort in the world today.
  24. Good thing you've got my back Drake ... I was well over my head in the deep end. @ Amacher2772 ... theNiceOne's install instruction give the best step by step you'll get, just be sure to get both downloads. Often mods, even complicated to install ones are a little lacking on install details. Hope I didn't do my part in messing things up too much before Drake swooped in to the rescue.
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