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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Skeleton.nif won't have any affect on the mesh shape ... see my edit above.
  2. Depending on the bones and such included in the cow skeleton.nif perhaps a horse skeleton.nif could be substituted (as in all Striker experiments proper backup aren't just suggested ... they are mandatory). - Edit - Come to think of it, I don't recall the cows from Arthmoor's Sutch Village being speedy in any noteworthy way (they are rather well hidden ... look in the Data\Meshes\Artmoor\Sutch\creatures\cow folder).
  3. I can't explain how it happens (I'm as lost as the next guy on how animations work ... well beyond a little bit that I did sort of absorb from some tutorials on the subject). I do know from experience that some walkforward KFs from mods have an effect on walkforward speed that is independent of the speed set either via the CS (so the speed you see reported by GetAV speed in the console for an NPC) or the speed you change an NPC's speed to via ModAV speed x. For example if you assign the walkforward for an NPC via Blockhead with the walkforward KF found in NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer extracted download's Different Walks - for NPC specialanims ONLY\BMF 0.8\WalkForward\fore 005 wobble\005nomWalkforward.kf the NPC's apparent speed while walking in game will not be any different at speed 10 than it will be at speed 100. If you don't also change their walkfastforward.kf you can easily see that the speed change is applied to the NPC (at speed 10 they won't be able to come close to keeping up with your character when following at the run, while at speed 100 they will keep up).
  4. Try EngineBugFixes (in particular fix number 58 Inventory Fix from the mod description ... further details available in the readme).
  5. Just an FYI ... all of the vanilla game KFs are safely tucked away in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa so if you see any in Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters or Meshes\Creatures etc you can be certain they came from a mod.
  6. Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR). OP ... the greatest tip I can give you is to learn to crawl before you get up and try running a marathon. Install one mod, and then start the game and test thoroughly. If your tests prove that the mod works and the game still runs well install one more mod (and I'll leave you to guess what the next step will be). When you add a single mod to a working game and then it breaks you will have an easier time figuring out what went wrong (and if you can't figure it out and ask for help it gives the trouibleshooters a fighting chance at finding the problem).
  7. You have Steam (and thus Oblivion) installed in C:\Program Files (x86) and Construction Set Extender detects that, and is telling you to install the game outside of a folder structure that is protected by User Account Control (UAC). Follow the instructions found on this Steam page to avoid UAC issues. To start the vanilla Construction Set with OBSE support you need to change how you launch the CS. The vanilla CS desktop shortcut will be something like "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\TESConstructionSet.exe" in the Target field of the shortcut (note that the apostrophes are included). To start the vanilla CS with OBSE support you need to edit that desktop shortcut to be "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor (the -editor part is outside the apostrophes and tells obse_loader.exe to start the CS ... this is all outlined in obse_readme.txt included with your OBSE extracted download).
  8. Thanks for the clarification Drake. I admit that I find the examples shown in the CS Wiki are always targeted at an audience that knows more than I do.
  9. Looking at the CS Wiki (because I really know next to nothing about scripting) I'd try player.SetEyes eyes:eyeSeducer I don't know if pwerhaps you'd need to include the file extension for the asset (e.g. eyeSeducer.dds and/or eyeSeducer_g.dds)
  10. I haven't visited the nVidia site in a long time, but you used to be able to download the older drivers. If you can locate the older versions what I'd suggest (and if I remember correctly it was also outlined in the nVidia documentation) is you uninstall the driver you want to replace, reboot and don't let Windows update the driver and then install the one you want to test. Keep in mind, I build my own computers, install all OS and driver related stuff myself ... so I'm comfortable with doing this sort of stuff. If you aren't you may be further ahead looking down other avenues to look for a solution.
  11. The nVidia Control Panel app will tell you the driver version (look for System Information). I'm running driver version 381.65 on my GTX 1050Ti.
  12. Are you running up to date drivers or are you using legacy drivers that were the latest and greatest back when you ran Win 7 on that same hardware (or is your hardware more "Win 10" vintage)?
  13. I have a text file saved from who knows how long ago that has some settings that were suggested somewhere or other (probably some old forum post). When I saw your thread this morning I had a look at my current guys Oblivion.ini as well as the one used by my previous two characters (so going back to when I started to play Oblivion). All of those Oblivion.ini have the default settings, but I do recall twiddling around with it a long time ago. Apparently I wasn't happy with it. In any case they are just settings that can easily be switched back if you don't care for it either. Here's what I have: [blurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC'sfBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 0.2500&fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 3.5000 [blurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC'sfBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 0.5000&fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 3.0000 Of course you could also try settings in between default and suggested ... I'm sure that's something I would have tried. It could be it was back when I still had my nVidia SLI setup that I was looking into this (meaning we are talking about a decade ago).
  14. Yes, it a option, but isnt the same with a slider for comparison. I already saw that on sweatfx site presets, so I thought the nexus had something similar. I'm agreeing that it would be nice, just it's something that mod authors/image uploaders would need to understand to make it work as intended. What I do when the pictures aren't adjacent (so you can't switch easily from one to the other with the navigation arrows) is I open two browser tabs, with the two images open in each and then use the browser tabs to switch between them.
  15. If the back and forward arrows in the image viewer interface were located together next to one another (i.e. at the image top or bottom instead of at the left and right sides of the image) you could toggle between adjacent images more easily. It would be up to the mod author/image uploader to correctly order the images for the toggle to be of use for the before and after comparison of course.
  16. I don't mind being anonymous, and I especially don't miss out on the price tag attched to fame ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2021/02/18
  17. I don't mind being anonymous, and I especially don't mind missing out of the price tag attached to fame ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2021/02/18
  18. I apologize to any Americans who just happen to stumble into seeing this, but I just couldn't resist ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/02/17
  19. I appologize in advance to any Americans who just happen to stumble into seeing this, but I just can't resist ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/02/17
  20. The license for the Oblivion Construction Set allows the use of any of the Oblivion game assets in your own creation of mods for Oblivion. Nice looking rendition, uses the vanilla game theme with your own spin :thumbsup:
  21. I don't learn one single thing of value by doing things "right" (in fact thinking that I'm doing things "right" can lead me into great danger). My most valued and useful possessions are my mistakes. What always blows me away is how many people are willing to freely share something I find of such value. Trust me, I wouldn't "know" half of what I do about modding Oblivion if people hadn't shared their "mistakes" here (well OK ... maybe they were looking for "solutions" for "problems" but invariably it was some sort of mistake that got the ball rolling). To learn to see things from another's perspective is not an innate human characteristic, it's an acquired behaviour. No need for embarrassment.
  22. Pipis, I believe I too may have not been as clear as I could have. I didn't think you were being combatative in the slightest ... actually that never even crossed my mind (and has sent my mind's eye to looking over my own "tone", and how it could have been interpreted in a way I didn't intend). When I said that I pick my battles I was truly refering to me, myself and I, and I can see how that statement following what I posted before it didn't make that clear. I've seen (and sometimes replied) to this type of query before, and in my opinion the people who ask this question regarding permissions and whether or not they can upload fall into two general categories. First there are those who ask, but really all they want is confirmation that it's OK to go ahead and do what they want (which is usually release without regard to permissions or copyright). Those types are easy to spot, as they will be combative when given an answer that doesn't support the one they wanted. From what I have seen you do not belong in that group. The other category are people who either aren't sure how to interpret the rules and genuinely want clarification or haven't even considered such things until someone has pointed the subject out to them and they are making certain that what was pointed out is in fact true. You can tell which subset those people belong to by their responses as well ... in my opinion you are firmly in the former (but that is just an opinion, and worth nothing more than whatever value anyone wants to assign to it). I learned long ago that "right" and "wrong" are just illusions ... there are different paths, they more often than not lead in different directions when taken, and where they each lead are not defined by words like "better" or "worse" ... in fact different is about the most accurate word I've found in common usage that fits. Again, in my opinion, worth as little or much as you'd like.
  23. I'll start with the cut and dried stuff ... if a mod's permission state that the assets (meaning meshes, textures. and other things that were made using tools designed for the purpose of creating/editing assets that the game uses) can be either freely used (within the stated limitations set by their creator) or used with credit (again within the set limits) then all you need to do is give proper credit (where it's asked for ... optionally giving credit for free to use assets even if not asked for or required is just good practice) and only use the assets within the limitations specified. Note that the permissions given in a mod description/readme override the permissions given in the Permissions and Credits section of a mod page ... in cases where the Permissions and Credits information is more restrictive than those given in the mod description/readme the more restrictive would apply until you can get clarification from the asset owner (OK ... that's getting a bit over the line between cut and dried and shall we say "interpreted", with me leaning towards the conservative side of the line). Now for the part that is just me interpreting/giving opinion ... permission that is given that says that contact is required is straight forward enough but sometimes that is less clearly stated than other times. Permission that says all that is required is credit is similarly "cut and dried" except it is not always clearly stated. My own policy is contact the author and wait for permission or acknowledgement that the PM was received and permission is given, but I'm prone to lean towards the conservative side of the line. You won't need to look hard to find others who lean in other directions. When you venture into the area of "intellectual property" (now talking about the look of something) in my opinion you are getting closer to subjects that really could benefit from proper legal advice. For instance if you either created or edited a cape so that it had proportions similar to Superman's cape, and then created a texture that when applied to the cape was indistinguishable (or nearly so) to the original copyrighted cape I wouldn't be surprised if the copyright holder came after you. If your cape or texture was similar but not close enough to make distinguishing the original copyrighted cape from your version obvious your lawyer would have something to defend you with in court ... but that brings me to me being me. Is coming that close to a legal line in the sand that important to you? How is your life enhanced by "getting that thing out there for all to enjoy"? Keep in mind that stuff you have created, either following legal statutes or completely ignoring them is perfectly OK as long as it forever remains only on a machine that you own and take responsibility for (meaning that the asset would be completely and irreversibly deleted from your machine should you give it away/sell it). When considering releasing something that gets close to the line dividing permitted/legal and not permitted/illegal I would also want to consider who it is I'd need to keep looking over my shoulder for. Do they have a reputation of going after violators ... do they retain legal departments ... will they have the financial resources to keep you in court for years or decades (if you decided to fight them ... whether right or wrong)? I don't have any trouble picking my battles.
  24. The Nexus rules are clear on this ... if you are the creator of the assets (in all respects, so meshes, textures, etc) then you may upload. If some of the assets are created by others (whether individuals or companies) you need documented permission from the asset creator before you can upload. If there is any doubt Nexus staff might be able to offer their opinion (in cases such as the Hakama mesh you give as an example, where language/machine translation makes permission instructions hard to decipher) but Nexus staff will not be able to change or override the asset creator's permission. Nexus will give/withhold permission on assets that have been handed over to the Nexus Caretaker, but in those cases they only follow the permissions in place at the time the assets were transfered to the Nexus Caretaker.
  25. No ... the way that Wrye Bash's installer works is you only need to put the ZIP or 7z or RAR archive in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder (that folder will not exist until you have opened the Installers tab in Wrye Bash the first time and allowed it to set things up). In theory you are supposed to be able to just drag and drop the archives into the Installers tab in Wrye Bash, but for some that method fails ... a copy and paste into the Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder doesn't have the same reputation.
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