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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. BAIN is the system that Wrye Bash uses to install mods. At it's base it is a convention for folder structure and folder naming that the BAIN wizard install scripts are set to understand, and which unscripted installs can use to guide users through the installation in Wrye Bash or when manually installing.
  2. So, if xOBSE is version 021, why do I need to install it? The last version of OBSE from Silverlock is 0021.4 ... the xOBSE team has taken that to version 0021.8 with their fixes and improvements.
  3. What more can I say ... maybe that I'm not an adult? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/02/15
  4. False positive maybe? I've scanned OBSE_loader.exe from both xOBSE and OBSE with BitDefender (the latest anti-virus that is trying to convince me it belongs in the garbage pail) and it finds no issues.
  5. My understanding of Win 10 (which is very incomplete and quite possibly wrong) is that it still has User Account Control (UAC) plus a bunch more stuff to make it hard for you to change things (not to mention constantly collect data from you). I only know enough to know that I will never use it. HeyYou (who is quite well versed in all things Win 10 as it is part of his job) describes Win 10 as malware pretending to be an operating system.
  6. Just a guess ... but I'd say you have your game installed in C:\Program Files (x86). That doesn't lead towards easily solved problems when it comes to modding games.
  7. I'm guessing you're using Windows 10 ... I'll never be able to help with Win 10 issues as I will go to Linux when I decide I'm not going to use Win 7 anymore.
  8. I can't say anything to help as my only experience with Avast is on my phone ... which I use for phoning, texting and browsing the web on rare occasions (so Avast gets completely ignored by me). A Google search for Avast gave me links to their site, but those are links to the English Canadian site, so you probably should do your own Google search. The Canadian English site has a link for Support in the top right corner.
  9. How can I do that? You'll need to look through the Avast interface to find however it allows you to do that. Look for a Help menu if you can't find it easily, or go to their web site to get support.
  10. Don't have any experience with that one on PC (I think it's what I'm using on my phone, but that's a completely different operating system). I have used AVG and then Kaspersky in the past, and ditched both due to their heavy handed ways (you should not need to keep backups of Windows core files so you can recover from your anti-virus deleting key OS files). Look for a way to get Avast to ignore the OBSE_loader.exe from either xOBSE or OBSE (may be called whitelist or similar).
  11. The latest version of COBL (version 1.74) used to be hosted at The Assimilation Lab. According to what I have just read here at TES Alliance The Assimilation Lab has been shut down (see Arthmoor's post from Jan 5 2021). The copy of COBL ver 1.74 that I have is packaged as a BAIN (so Wrye Bash installation or manual installation ... though I do see an OMOD Conversion folder with a script). I see that COBL version 1.74 was uploaded to the Oblivion Nexus COBL page on Aug 27 2020 and it is packaged as a BAIN (see the top listed download link on the Files tab).
  12. I've never seen anything outlining why it is a problem ... but I have seen the situation reported by more than just OblivionAddicted. People do it to make their stuff sort to the top of lists ... I'm more of a "My" kinda guy myself (not very original ... perhaps some areas of my brain lack the creativity gene).
  13. I haven't tried that myself with any of my edited vanilla houses that I've "taken over" (e.g. Agarmir's house in the Imperial City after the Unfriendly Competion quest is finished) but I do know that most of Emma's houses (e.g. Aleswell Cottage ver 4_1 and Leyawiin Lake House) come as COBL versions or non-COBL versions (that are otherwise identical). Maintaining COBL and non-COBL versions just adds an extra layer of complexity to updates.
  14. Good news. It was a bit of a long shot, but every now and then you get lucky I guess. As I think you've guessed, now it's just a matter of extracting the textures and putting them into Oblivion\Data\Textures\winebeer\0wine01.dds etc. The icon textures will go in Oblivion\Data\Textures\menus\icons\wines\ale.dds etc. Can't say why this mod seems to have trouble reading from it's own BSAs, but I do notice one thing that is known as something to be avoided ... there are three texture files that have file names beginning with a number (zero in this case), perhaps that is significant.
  15. LOL ... poor Pekka ... a moth to the flame!
  16. I've been a troubleshooter most of my life ... that was a major part of my job before I retired. Troubleshooting game stuff still taps into the same skills, and one skill that is most important to learn is to lose the idea that you know the root cause without looking at the situation. The more eyes on the problem the more viewpoints, and the harder it becomes for the real root cause to hide.
  17. This whole exercise is a hunch on my part too. The only problem I encountered with Alluring was icons for player created potions (if I remember correctly) and extracting them from the BSA fixed that. It didn't make sense back then that the game wouldn't load them from the BSA same as this is probably a wild goose chase as well as this time it's meshes (but I wasn't the only one with the problem ... look through the Alluring mod comments). I often find that even wrong theories can help in looking at things from a different direction, and then all of a sudden things look different and the root of the problem is seen.
  18. Early versions of Oblivion Reloaded Lite included some memory tweaks (ORsRamCleaner.esp and there was a version of OblivionReloaded.dll that was advertised as No Heap Support version). As far as I can tell those were dropped some time after version 1.1 so I'm not sure what memory management utility may be left in ORL. Looking in OblivionReloaded.ini it seems that support for it's Purger (can't say for certain if it was RAM purger or VRAM purger) was dropped after version 3.5 of ORL. I do see a link to Ultimate RAM Purger in the ORL mod description so I suppose that function was moved to a separate mod (GBRPluss is also the author of Ulimate RAM Purger). I followed it for a while but I'm more of a stick with vanilla for much of the features left in ORL (and those I want changed from vanilla I have my current solutions). Whether or not I try ORL is a moot point until I decide to start a new playthrough anyway.
  19. Archive invalidation shouldn't come into play here Pekka ... the meshes are not in vanilla folder paths and they point to non-vanilla (i.e. specific to Alluring) folder paths for textures.
  20. No. I thought it was COBL but after uninstalling it, it became apparent that it was not it. I do have a BSA Browser, can I try and extract the files from the BSA and put them somewhere else in the data folder? They need to be in exactly the same folder structure you see in BSA Unpacker. I'd do all the unpacking outside of your game folders (so either copy the BSAs from your game folder to folders elsewhere or use your extracted download if you're like me and have stuff like that laying around). The potion bottles shouldn't need doing as they have a custom folder structure, so without the ESP the game wouldn't even acknowledge their existence. Sorry, I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Do I have to unpack all of the bsa files that I have in data or something? No ... just create a folder outside of the game's folders and then copy/paste Alluring Wine Bottles.bsa to that folder. Then you'll use BSA Unpacker to extract just the meshes from Alluring Wine Bottles.bsa to that same folder you created (yes you could just extract from the game folders to that new folder ... but I'm not a "walk and chew gum at the same time" type of dinosaur). When you open Alluring Wine Bottles.bsa in BSA Unpacker look in the lower right corner and select Folder Name in the dropdown box (will probably be already on that option) and then hit the Sort button. That will list all of the meshes to the top of the list ... single left click on meshes\clutter\wines\ale01.nif to highlight it and then Shift + click on meshes\clutter\wines\skooma.nif and all of the meshes will be selected. Once they are all highlighted click on the Extract button (not Extract All) and a Windows dialogue will open allowing you to select the folder to extract to ... select the folder you created and click OK. Look in your folder you created (I named mine Extraction_Test for this step by step) and you will see a folder named meshes with the subfolders and NIF files below that (full path to mine is Extraction_Test\meshes\clutter\wines\ale01.nif etc). Right click on the meshes folder and select Copy, navigate to your game's Oblivion\Data folder and right click on the Data folder and select Paste. Answer Yes to the Windows propmpt to merge the contents of the meshes folder.
  21. I'm using both COBL and the two Allurings (so Potions and Wine Bottles). BOSS has the two Alluring ESPs sorted just below the two COBL ESPs (so below Cobl Glue.esp and Cobl SI.esp) but of course above any of COBL addons for the houses by Emma that I use. I can't say for certain what LOOT does, but I would guess it would be the same.
  22. When you're not quite up-to-snuff for scripting you innovate/exploit/repurpose.
  23. My own personal choice for "house companions" is those very same NPCs you meet on the roads and in dungeons. After I've "made friends" (I am well versed in the options available via the console) I get them to follow me to whichever cell I want them in (not always one of the vanilla/mod added houses ... I've "taken over" any Ayleid ruins I visit regularly). Now the true magic of the "Striker method". Normally any bandit/marauder/conjurer/necromancer will just walk back to their spawn location once I dismiss them from following but if I save, exit and then load that save while they are still following and then dismiss them from following their current cell becomes their new "editor location". So the next hurtle is that once the cell resets they'll be "cleaned up" by the game (i.e. get deleted) but good old shadeMe comes to the rescue with SPAWN. I have player owned cells and Ayleid ruins set to a fairly long time between resetting (plus those cells are switched back to vanilla behavior for the cell reset counter) so all I need to do is stop by for a visit once in a while and my gang is still there. I like your fish tank analogy Pekka ... very accurate.
  24. I do have a BSA Browser, can I try and extract the files from the BSA and put them somewhere else in the data folder? They need to be in exactly the same folder structure you see in BSA Unpacker. I'd do all the unpacking outside of your game folders (so either copy the BSAs from your game folder to folders elsewhere or use your extracted download if you're like me and have stuff like that laying around). The potion bottles shouldn't need doing as they have a custom folder structure, so without the ESP the game wouldn't even acknowledge their existence.
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