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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Yup ... that jogged a dusty old memory cell. The more you pick up the more you can carry. My fullactor days were also back when I had my serious addiction to the Permanent Bound 'glitch' (of course to me it was an important, perhaps even essential 'game feature' to be fully utilized). Back when weight mattered.
  2. Do they have a Misc Item in their inventory? If so look for an AI package that is Use Item pointing at that Misc Item. A script will direct the item to an animation (look in Gameplay -> Idle Animations in the CS).
  3. If I recall correctly when you looked in the dead clone's inventory there was no missing name items, but if you 'took all' you got them. If you don't loot them at all the game cleans up on cell reset. Bear in mind we're dealing in memory locations in the Striker brain that are from a decade or more ago ... no telling what shape those memory cells are in.
  4. If these NPCs are clones you created with createfullactorcopy those missing name items will be items from the original ... possibly leveled list items which have lost their source info in the cloning. Back in my early days I'd find them in my dead cloned NPCs. If I picked any up I'd just leave them in a respawning container.
  5. The console command addscriptpackage 9828a works best as a simple method to move low processing NPCs (with a number of limitations to it's utility). I have used it to move bandit/marauder dogs to a cell of my choosing, and before I learned how to add dialogue to female Dremora it was the only way to get them into the cells I wanted them. In the case of female Dremora, now that they have dialogue I just use my go to for all things moving NPCs about ... Fluffy Follower Frill. Works great on any NPCs that have a dialogue available. Createfullactorcopy duplicates the NPC but not any of their AI packages, so when you don't want them just standing doing absolutely nothing you need to console an AI command onto them. To limited for my tastes.
  6. The cell that the dorr/gate teleports you to isn't the issue I'm speaking about ... it's the position of the door/gate in Tamriel that is saved in the savegame. I have zero experience in the case of Oblivion gates or the ones you are talking about. The incident that brought the persistent in a save issue to my attention happened a decade ago when I was quite new to modding (I was trying to raise the entrance spiral stairwell to an Ayleid ruin added by the mod Aranmathi so it wasn't partially filled with water ... everything except the actual door would move to the new height). Perhaps someone else has some insights to share.
  7. Ah ... the ones with the rectangular portal and blue glow. I can't say whether those types of gates have the same problems as the regular doors and fence gates (and ayleid ruin doors and cave doors). You may need a new game start to find out whether or not they act the same as regular doors. I do know that with the regular Oblivion gates if you get close enough for your map marker to change they are permanent, but if you don't get close, even though they show in your map if you leave the area and don't come back until the max number of gates are discovered they aren't created (I always try to avoid the gate that spawns on the Isolated House so the house isn't destroyed).
  8. If I recall correctly from when I ran into this the door would still show ingame even after it was deleted in the CS (or perhaps I was only trying to move the door ... was a very long time ago). If you don't have a save from before you got close to the location you could maybe try disabling the one you don't want with the console (click on it to get the ref displayed up top and then use the disable command) but I wouldn't try that using anything except a testing save (so in other words a save you will not be using to continue your game). When you are saying gate are we talking about like a fence gate or are you talking about Oblivion gates (if it's the later I have no idea if they are affected the same way as doors and fence gates).
  9. Doors (and probably gates) are saved in the savegame. You need to either use a save from before you ever went near that location or use a new game start for testing doors.
  10. Quest stages need to be advanced in some manner. Depends on what will trigger the stage advance for which manner you will use. If the quest is supposed to advance after you talk to somebody then a dialogue result script would be used ... if it's when you enter a certain cell or pick up a certain object or some other similar type thing then you'd advance the quest in the quest script or some other associated script.
  11. I haven't ever used TES4Gecko for anything myself (in fact I see that I downloaded it back in May 2011 yet have still never got around to extracting the 7z) but according to the mod description it can be used to merge plugins ... maybe worth checking it out.
  12. I was glad to help work out the texture problem. I have seen your question regarding merging mods but don't have any hands on experience with it myself (nor do I recall reading much of anything about merging mods ... perhaps I missed some topics over the years). What tools are you trying to use for the job?
  13. So, as I understand the only thing left to do is to move the folders with the various armours? I remember trying the mod myself yesterday and I saw that besides the boots, which were purple, the rest of the armour was invisible, Yes that is correct ... follow the steps I outlined and all should be good. The game has 'error codes' it uses for various missing texture assets, and purple and invisible are two of the more common ones. - Edit - I've downloaded and checked the latest upload and all looks good. :thumbsup:
  14. I have downloaded and checked out your latest version. All is good with the meshes now, but unfortunately there is still a problem with the folder path for the textures. This screenshot shows how you currently have the download structured for texture files: I have restructured the folders so that they are correct in this screenshot: Here's a NifSkope screenshot showing the texture path assigned to the meshes: I'll include my step to step on how I corrected the folder structure ... start by referring to the first picture. Start with the contents of the Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Armor folder visible as you can see in the left hand panel of that picture. Right click on the Cheetah folder and select Cut from the right click menu. Next right click on the Animal Print folder and select Paste from the menu. Repeat until you have moved all of the folders to the Animal Print folder. You will now have an empty Armor folder below the Animal Print folder ... right click the folder and select Delete from the right click menu. Your folder structure should now be the same as shown in the second picture. A note concerning the third picture showing the texture paths in NifSkope's left hand panel ... the reason the arm skin textures are showing the way they are (with the grey showing on one arm) is because the mesh for the female armor is for the vanilla game female body while I have HGEC installed in my game for female bodies (along with the female body texture replacer/addon from Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2, which changes the non-used portions of the female body texture file from flesh-toned to grey making the improperly mapped textures more obvious). I only bring this up so you are aware of what your users may see if they use your mod on HGEC bodies (the original HGEC body textures will not show such an obvious error as they use flesh-toned non-mapped areas in their texture files).
  15. Welcome to the Nexus. There is a specific forum for Fallout 4 found here with subforums for different types of questions or problems (though don't sweat it if you are unsure which one to use ... make your best guess and have at it). If you are looking for mods then check out Fallout 4 Nexus. Questions regarding particular mods are often best asked on the individual mod's page using the Posts tab.
  16. Pretty simple way to look at forum etiquette ... imagine you are in the same locked windowless room as the person you are replying to/helping and they are 230 pounds of solid muscle with a gaze that slices right through your very soul. In that case would you bait or diss that person?
  17. Why not just change the download to match the ESP? The way Animal Print Armour.esp is structured is fine ... the game wants to find armor meshes in a folder structure that starts with Meshes\Armor. If you change the folder structure in your download to Meshes\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.nif for example the folder path defined in Animal Print Armour.esp will agree with the folder path in your download. Same goes for resolving the textures problem. Right now the textures path shown in NifSkope is Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.dds so just change the download from Textures\Animal Print\Armor\Cheetah\m\cuirass.dds to Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.dds and the two will be the same. Of course I'm just using that male Cheetah variation as an example, but correcting the download folder structure will solve for the other variations as well (I did look at a number of others in NifSkope, though I didn't check any others in TES4Edit). Note I haven't even looked at your Elswyr download, so the same sort of problems could exist there.
  18. Just checked a couple of items and the only remaining problem with the texture paths is that your download is structured Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds but the texture path in NifSkope shows Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds (note the extra Armor folder in NifSkope that doesn't match the download folder structure). You have corrected the absolute paths problem but still need to match up the NifSkope texture path with the actual used texture path (NifSkope needs to be Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds to match the download). Ok, I am trying to fix the issue now. So, you are saying that I should remove the Armor folder? 'Cause it worked just fine for me. Actually I decided to add an Armor folder in the Textures path. Just downloaded the latest and the folder path problem is still there. The path the meshes expect is Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\f\cuirass.dds but now the download has Textures\Animal Print\Armor\Cheetah\f\cuirass.dds (note the the Armor folder does not appear immediately following Textures ... the Animal Print folder does). What we are looking for is for the actual texture folder path in the download to exactly match the texture folder path assigned to the mesh in NifSkope. Looking at the mod comments leads me to think you have a similar situation with where Animal Print Armour.esp has assigned the folder path for the meshes (perhaps you have already resolved that problem ... I didn't load up the ESP to check). - Edit - Yup ... just looked at Animal Print Armour.esp in TES4Edit and the folder path to the meshes is armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.nif while latest download is structured Meshes\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cuirass.nif (so the ESP is telling the game to look for a folder that does not exist).
  19. HeyYou deals with this type of stuff at work alll the time. If he doesn't pop in with some ideas I'd try PMing him.
  20. My guess would be that it's probably the Windows 11 settings for your user login ... those permissions I was talking about. In Win 7 the regular user account has a higher level of permissions by default but I can't say what Microsoft took away from the user accounts in Win 11.
  21. It's not Read Only status that HeyYou and Roman were getting at ... it's Write access/permission for certain folders and files that is possibly at the root of the problem. I know how to resolve those sort of issues in Win 7 but haven't a clue where to start in Win 11. I'm certain that Microsoft has made it more difficult to actually own your computer (my opinion of them is they believe they own your machine and only allow you access to certain parts ... not a big MS fan here).
  22. Yeah I've seen that thread. My problem is that as a Win7 dinosaur I really can't offer any suggestions regarding possible Win 11 issues (heck I'm way way above my pay grade even talking about Steam stuff). I didn't want to clutter up that thread with what would amount to idle speculation. My guess was that if Dimitrisgb tried the console saveini it would fail, pointing to all of the troubles outlined in this thread being rooted in the overall problem.
  23. Your comment about the graphics settings getting reset has me thinking something is interfering with your Oblivion.ini settings. Normally the game saves it's current settings to Oblivion.ini each time you exit the game. If it doesn't and you are changing your graphics setting using the in-game menu then that change wouldn't be there next time you start the game if Oblivion.ini isn't getting properly saved on exit. There is a console command to force a save of Oblivion.ini before you exit ... it's just saveini. I'm not sure if the saveini console command will report success or failure, but giving it a try may help narrow down if the problem stems from something like that.
  24. Just checked a couple of items and the only remaining problem with the texture paths is that your download is structured Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds but the texture path in NifSkope shows Textures\Armor\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds (note the extra Armor folder in NifSkope that doesn't match the download folder structure). You have corrected the absolute paths problem but still need to match up the NifSkope texture path with the actual used texture path (NifSkope needs to be Textures\Animal Print\Cheetah\m\cheetahgreaves.dds to match the download).
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