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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Official Oblivion Construction Set - use version 1.2 Construction Set Extender - not strictly necessary ... note it's requirements
  2. If your previous computer also used the Steam version of the game with the same Steam settings for 'auto-everything' then it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that Steam is having fun messing with your mind. You can probably guess that I am not a big fan of 'auto- anything' ... if I forget to save something I only need to look in a mirror to find the culprit. Conversely I also don't need to scratch my head to figure out why something is happening as nothing happens if I don't do it. I'm not trying to say 'auto-everything' is 'wrong' it's just not for me. 'Easier' always comes with a price tag, and I'm just a grumpy old guy who doesn't spend a penny that I don't need to.
  3. OK forget about that then (I follow a particular Collection's comments and many times people complain about screen resolution problems that always come down to ORC overriding their settings).
  4. The only other possibility that comes to mind (beyond Steam Cloud screwing you up) is if you use Oblivion Reloaded Combined it has a 'feature' that will do the same as what Steam is doing (keep replacing your edited Oblivion.ini settings with it's own).
  5. The reason I prefer the renaming method when getting the game to rebuild Oblivion.ini in My Documents is so that I can easily find and edit my old settings for stuff like screen resolution etc by looking in MyOldOblivion.ini and then changing the newly made Oblivion.ini to match. The game will just ignore a file named MyOldOblivion.ini so having it there or moving it to some backup location does the same thing. - Edit - Make sure you leave the newly created Oblivion.ini in the C:\Users\<your user account name>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder.
  6. As I've found in my own tests Oblivion_Default.ini does not have that setting ... it must be something that the game sets up any time you either reinstall the game completely or go through the hiding Oblivion.ini by renaming or moving it exercise (forcing the game to regenerate a new Oblivion.ini).
  7. I'm not a Steam user, so I'd only be guessing. My guess would be that Steam uses that for some part of the whole 'Steam Cloud' thing (but it does lead me to think that a lot of your troubles are because Steam keeps replacing your Oblivion.ini edits with whatever it thinks is best, hence your screen resolution problems etc).
  8. So that means that when you did the validation Steam downloaded a new Oblivion_Default.ini which means that you did not need to rename back the MyOldOblivion_Default.ini (look back at my instructions ... I said IF and only IF ... maybe should have made that even clearer). In any case now I would imagine that the one you renamed back is now named something like Oblivion_Default(2).ini or something similar. You can either delete that one or move it to some backup location outside of the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder.
  9. So Oblivion.ini has two entries that seem to touch the border region issue, but they are subtly worded differently. In the [General] section of Oblivion.ini you will find bBorderRegionsEnabled (which is set to bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 from the default bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 to turn off the invisible wall preventing you from leaving the official game area). Oblivion.ini also has bEnableBorderRegion=1 down in the [Main] section (which is down lower in Oblivion.ini, so below the [General] section). My own Oblivion.ini has it exactly as shown (mean =1 ... so enabled). In the distant past I recall trying to set either one or both to off (0) and if I recall correctly the only way to disable the invisible wall is to have the setting in [General] set Off (bBorderRegionsEnabled=0) and the setting in [Main] set to On (bEnableBorderRegion=1). Like all things Bethesda, keeping things confusing made sense to somebody for some reason.
  10. Hmm ... so no indication if that applies to just game files or also to saves and possibly INI files. I notice that HeyYou is reading the thread, and I'm hoping that he may have some insights to share.
  11. Also don't forget to rename MyOldOblivion_Default.ini back to Oblivion_Default.ini if (and only if) Steam did not get you a new Oblivion_Default.ini when you validated.
  12. Were you able to find out anything about the cloud saves? I'm wondering if Steam also replaces your local Oblivion.ini when you start the game (I think I've seen issues like that reported on other games like Skyrim or Fallout).
  13. That could be the problem. I recently bought a new pc and for reasons unknown, I still have the saved files from the other pc (even though I didn't move them to the new). I have the Steam version of the game. Something more that bothers me is that every time I launch Oblivion, the game sets my graphics settings (like it's its first time). Last, but not least, I can't load my saves from the previous pc, not can I make any new saves (auto-save, quicksave, etc). No I missed this post ... do you have the cloud saves (or whatever Steam calls them) option enabled? I don't know that. How can I find out? I'm not familiar with Steam at all but I would guess that you'd use Steam to setup or disable that sort of feature (cloud save or some form of on-line backup system). - Edit - Oh oh Roman ... is that now +2 :ninja: for Striker?? I normally don't get any ninjas as I'm too slow in detailing my step by steps. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket!
  14. That one is my fault ... it is bUseMyGamesDirectory (note that it should be Games not Game as I had). It seems that this is another one that is found in Oblivion.ini but not in Oblivion_Default.ini so the game must set that up when installing or creating a new Oblivion.ini (I'm learning interesting little tidbits here).
  15. That could be the problem. I recently bought a new pc and for reasons unknown, I still have the saved files from the other pc (even though I didn't move them to the new). I have the Steam version of the game. Something more that bothers me is that every time I launch Oblivion, the game sets my graphics settings (like it's its first time). Last, but not least, I can't load my saves from the previous pc, not can I make any new saves (auto-save, quicksave, etc). No I missed this post ... do you have the cloud saves (or whatever Steam calls them) option enabled?
  16. What I meant from that is the 'validate' option from Steam (or whatever it's called ... I'm an old disk version dinosaur) which is supposed to get your game back to original (meaning vanilla game) as far as setup files go. You could probably use the same rename trick on Oblivion_Default.ini to make sure that Steam gets a new copy when it validates (so rename Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Oblivion_Default.ini to MyOldOblivion_Default.ini before starting the Steam validation process).
  17. Hmm ... running low on new ideas. You say you've tried adding bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 to the [General] section (mine comes right after bExternalLODDataFiles=1 and right before bDisableHeadTracking=0).
  18. The best you can do to delete a duplicated post is to edit it and remove all of the content (but I wouldn't worry about it). Is your game from Steam where you can easily re-download the vanilla game? I'm wondering if there is a problem perhaps with your Oblivion_Default.ini that is causing trouble (for example look in Oblivion_Default.ini found in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder and see if you have bEnableBorderRegion=1 in the [Main] section ... I'm wondering if that got changed to bEnableBorderRegion=0 at some point in time by mistake).
  19. Yeah I've tried changing that when looking for a way to change the Saves folder to my big Data drive (wanting to save the wear and tear on my C drive SSD) but I had no luck whatsoever.
  20. To get the game to re-generate a new Oblivion.ini you will need to rename your current Oblivion.ini to MyOldOblivion.ini ( so change C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini to C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\MyOldOblivion.ini) and then start the game all the way to the Main menu. Exit the game and check your newly created C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini and see if it now has bBorderRegionsEnabled in the [General] section and set it to bBorderRegionsEnabled=0.
  21. After I posted I had a look in the Oblivion_Default.ini and found that it does not have bBorderRegionsEnabled in the [General] section. This leads me to think that the game creates that entry in Oblivion.ini as it sets up the game while installing. Make certain you are looking in C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini (or whatever that folder path has evolved to in the latest versions of Windows ... I'm still using Win7).
  22. There are two entries in Oblivion.ini that sound like they are sort of the same (but I don't think they are). In the top [General] section you will have bBorderRegionsEnabled (which I have set to bBorderRegionsEnabled=0) and in the [Main] section you will have bEnableBorderRegion (which I have set to bEnableBorderRegion=1). I can go around the entire perimeter of the map. Make sure you are editing Oblivion.ini and not Oblivion_Default.ini (so not the one found in the game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder ... you want to edit the one found in the Oblivion folder in your MyDocuments folder where your save files are).
  23. All I see on the mod page Files tab are versions uploaded on Jan 12 2021.
  24. Yeah I saw your post on the OBSE page after I posted here (as well as llde's reply to that post). Must admit I'd never noticed that particular item in the change log any time I'd previously looked through them ... good eyes on finding it.
  25. Could it be that in matters concerning the various forms of AI not all definitions of 'intelligence' are equal??
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