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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Paga ... you are a wiley one, he fell for it! Quick, fire the heat seeker while he's still warm and you know which way to aim!! Sorry Niph, Paga has me all wound up. "Hunting me is like looking for water that isn't in a glass" ... love it!! I see Niph looking high and low, while all along the drop on the leaf behind him, then the mist rising from the waterfall watch him, biding their time, waiting for the moment to pounce. Paga you had me ready to jump to a new tab and search for a link ... then I scrolled far enough to see you were miles ahead of me. "You can do anything ..." but then that brought another image to mind. "Oh he's not bothering me Ma'am ... hey kid, show me that crazy thing with the leg again".
  2. Paga ... keep your wits about you. Even though you are without a doubt the best you that anyone could possibly be (heck, a way bigger task than I'd ever attempt ... I have my hands full just being me), you are also a hunted man!!
  3. My understanding of Vortex (imperfect at best) is that it uses a "virtual" install system similar to Mod Organiser 2 (i.e. the mods are only going into the Data folder when you run the game). Your best bet, if you are going to continue using Vortex, is to study the Vortex manuals and tutorials, and ask in the Vortex support forums when something isn't clear. HadToRegister is a regular helping out on those forums, and would make a good resource to develop a solid rapport with. A word of advice ... the more you can learn on your own the better quality of your questions and answers received. When you ask "How do I do this starting from square one" the scope of the question, and effort that will be required for the answer will keep most from even answering. When you ask "OK I got W and X to work but I'm not clear whether I should do Y next or Z" your question is both easier to answer and says "this guy is doing his best to work through this". Even if it turns out you've made some missteps in step W or X you've established that you are doing the best you can and people will be more willing to help.
  4. Running Oblivion using Vortex takes some knowledge of modding the game and more than a little preparation. Have a peek at HadToRegister's post on the subject: Vortex and Oblivion, an Experiment
  5. Sheesh. Getting a really big "babyboomer with a chip on his shoulder" vibe from this... diatribe. Ease back on the stick a bit Black ... Paga had that locked on me so you don't need to chaff 'n flare. Take a look through my recent posts and you'll see who he was gunnin' for. All in good fun. I think the thing I miss most about being retired is the kibitzing (and yes, that would be the only thing I miss ... even considering the drop in pay and "the boss" I have to put up with now).
  6. A Dragon and a Dinosaur sitting, bowl of popcorn between them. From time to time the inevitable finger fight for the next handful ... [Dragon] This is such a great flick, don't you think? [Dinosaur] Yeah, you nailed it ... the grandkids have all loved it back when they were just hatchlings. Dragon looks at Dinosaur, and Dinosaur looks at Dragon [Dragon and Dinosaur] Groan ... where does the time go!! Perhaps the saving grace for those who come along after we've "moved on" (in whatever manner that occurs) is that not one keystroke here is ever really gone. Lost to those without search-foo of course, but think of all the decade old necro posts we get. Those people didn't start back on page one of the comments to find those old threads I'd wager. I watched a bunch of them after I found that clip ... the grandkids are old enough I don't get "the request" anymore. They'll still watch when it's grandpa's turn to pick the evening's movie though.
  7. Pretty sure it was just Interpol's number I called ... they're the only ones on my speed dial :laugh: Judging from what I'm seeing reported now I believe we can call this another problem toasted to perfection (Dragons are so useful!!). - Edit - So then what do you think ... will they keep the Dragons and Dinosaurs around for a bit longer (even if we have a bit of an "appetite")?
  8. Dang ... I knew I should have reviewed my DrakesTips text file. The node name stuff is in there. Thanks Drake ... how was the summons delivered? Hope it wasn't anybody from the Sherrif's office.
  9. For Paga ... https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2020/08/16
  10. So the armor ESP is not lower in your load order than either MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp or Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp? - Edit - And yes Drake is a regular here ... give him time. - Edit 2 - Also make sure of the texture path ... i.e. textures\characters\imperial\male\footmale.dds is not the same as textures\character\imperial\male\footmale.dds (note the missing s ... game won't find the second example).
  11. It is not designed for use with Robert Male (i.e. it's for vanilla bodies). Change the texture path for the exposed skin parts of the NIF to textures\characters\imperial\male\footmale.dds and see if that helps. Make certain the the material for the exposed skin parts is set to "skin" (there are a couple of numerical values that work as well, but I only recall seeing them used for head parts like ears ... could be wrong though ... DrakeTheDragon is the go-to guy for details like that). - Edit - Load order ... where in your load order is this armor ESP vs either MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp or Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp (if you use OCO v2). Last loaded wins every time.
  12. Is this a body mesh or an item like armor or clothes with exposed skin?
  13. ROTFLMAO ... Add one more to your list of Paga abilities ... Consummate Chain Rattler. Don't believe you left a single Striker-link unrattled there Paga!! But you know me ... a question: What value does language hold if it can't be magnificently mangled?? I could be wrong, as my past experience has different twists than your own, and the Striker Manor would probably be more aptly described as the Striker ManCave (heavy emphasis on the Cave part), but don't you think that rocks instead of stakes would be more .... I don't know ... FUN?? Think of it ... you're coming home from another long day of staking your claims, and blazing your trails (hey, now there's an idea ... blaze your claim ... but then again I'm not sure stake your trail works well) and you arrive at the spot you left Tent Paga. Hmm, no Tent Paga in sight though. All your downwind neighbors would get to know Paga as he looked through their backyards looking for where the wind had left Tent Paga. A different view following every wind storm. What more could you possibly ask for??
  14. Body textures are keyed to the mesh NIF (expand the tree in the left panel of NifSkope and you'll find the textures "purple flower"). Body textures are all linked to the mesh material ("skin" in this case), which allows each race to use the appropriate texture files (as assigned in the Race record). What you are describing sounds suspiciously like a vanilla game male upper body mesh, not a Roberts Male upper body mesh. - Edit - +1 :ninja: for OA
  15. Have you looked at the vanilla game Dark Brotherhood Murders? If you look at their AI Package List you'll see their three Follow packages, and if you look on the Conditions tab you find three GetQuestVariable entries and by expanding the Function Ifo column you'll see three variables from the quest Dark19Whispers (== 1.00 is the same as true and == 0.00 is false). You'll also notice that each Murder has a script listed (DarkMurdererScript). If you open that script in the CS you'll see that it sets variables back to 0.00 (false) and removes a spell (DarkUnderlingFade ... a chameleon ability they have) when they are killed. A look at the quest Dark19Whispers Topics tab reveals the inner workings of getting the followers to follow (see the Result Script box on each of the "Yes, most revered Listener" responses in the Response Details section when for example Dark19Choice1A is highlighted). The scroll arrows are need to see everything the result script does (more in the case of some Choice options than others). That should give you a toehold, and when you run into something you will have a specific question that can then be answered. I myself will probably not have the answer ... the Shivering Isles dancer was recently a subject for my own attempts (I figured three dancers would be more fun than one) but have since scaled back the additional dancers to more of an "additional window dressing" role (i.e. all I actually managed to do was break the vanilla dancer, not recreate some sort of "Happy Hour Review" at the local strip club).
  16. Steam version of the game or GOG/disk? OBSE is required by your load order ... do you have it installed? I see VVAdvanced.esm but not the rest of that mod ... from the Vim and Vigor mod description (and don't forget to read down a bit farther ... you've missed some Shivering Isles info too): "Copy VVAdvanced.esm, VVAdvanced.esp, and VVAdvanced.bsa from the archive to your Oblivion\Data folder." What are you sorting your load order with? And I'll do a little preemptive troubleshooting before you finally get the game to start and then appear in the OCO v2 mod comments ... Read the OCOv2 mod comments sticky post and you will see COBL mentioned. The specific part of COBL that is cause for concern is COBL Races.esp (the rest of COBL is fine). If you search through the comments you may run across some further advice concerning COBL Races plus OCO v2 (I'm not a big "races" guy myself, but I know I've seen info regarding it). MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp is not required at all. Delete or move it out of the Data folder ... Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp does everything required for Roberts Male to work properly alongside OCO v2.
  17. I am waiting for the rest of the world to figure out that the US is NEVER going to be able to repay it's debts. The government continues to operate at a deficit, and no one seems to care. At least, not yet...... Currently, debt service accounts for around 8% of the national budget. But, that is with rather low interest rates....... Then again Wimpy never seemed to go hungry (and was a right portly fellow if I remember correctly). Perhaps Tuesdays never came somehow. - Edit - Yep ... . Maybe troughs just have no bottom.
  18. Where the heck did you find that?? I've looked and looked, and all I ever found was steaks, but they're way way out of my price range. You'd best grow eyes in the back of your head Paga. Niph will be looking for you big time now you've let the cat out of the bag. Does the universe have enough places to hide??
  19. What if I'm left-handed? You will have to seek out a court where everyone has left handed equipment and uses it. Unless! You are ambidextrous! Are you?! LOL ... well there goes Niph and Paga for a while. Lost in Space. Not likely. A family matter is taking over my day today. I may not return to gaming at all. Be well my friend ... we'll keep the fires stoked and a light on the porch.
  20. LOL ... well there goes Niph and Paga for a while. Lost in Space.
  21. From where I sit you seem to have found your voice. Remember that those who do not need a translation will never know the true value of a translation. I regularly remark in response to apologies for poor English that they offer a far better rendition of English than I could ever hope to offer in their native tongue. Often the half full portion of the glass is difficult to find. If you run across a reply to a PM that sounds cross it may be one of those who only see the half empty part.
  22. LOL ... what you don't realise is my imagination is very precise. Your "hover pop-up" gave away your focus, and a little later a little red flag told me what you were up to. All is good (and you are once again right ... the Sandman and Sleep Pixies couldn't stem the tide that even yet sloshes into the recesses ... I need a blank page to begin).
  23. I did mean to add thanks ... often I can be a bit more than a bit dense. You 'splained it well Pag. Mr. Harvey is once more in the house. - Edit - I see the way you're lookin' at me ... I can feel the eyes upon me!!
  24. See my reply in your other thread.
  25. You will stand a better chance of getting an answer in the game's forum ... I'm guessing either Skyrim or Skyrime SE.
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