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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. It's always nice to see you Paga , don;t stop with that piece of art you made . The all seeing eye , that can't see through the Question mark. Does it make sense why it couldn't ? Dune ... and the idea of prescience . Leto II the god emperor Melange!!
  2. Who will be responsible for getting permission? Many of these mods were made by authors who have not been active for years. I do understand your enthusiasm, but site rules need to be respected.
  3. A lot can be learned by trying things and seeing what happens. Sometimes I'll use old saves for the testing, or if it's something simple I may use a current save (knowing that I may need to delete some saves if it doesn't work out). My current load order has remained the same for more than six years but there have been some additions during that time as new mods get released and I decide to give them a try. My trick is to not do too much at once, so I know where a problem comes from when/if trouble arises.
  4. I use Children of Cyrodiil ... it's on my must have/base install list. A word of advice, in my opinion there are occasions where I'm pretty certain that it is the cause of a CTD (the kids at Anvil stables and a bit less often for the boys at Skingrad stables are the two spots I notice it). I have a spot when approaching both areas that I make a save, except of course those times I have a brain cramp (and then it's Murphy's Law that I'll get a crash). I really like what the mod brings to the game so I cut it some slack. It's not like this game doesn't come equipped right out of the box to activate that crash "feature" that Bethesda built into it.
  5. I don't know much of anything about Better Cities myself (never downloaded or installed it). Perhaps somebody with experience using it will have an answer.
  6. Wouldn't NPCs added by a mod using it's own leveled lists still got the FF refIDs (here I'm thinking along the lines of Maskars Oblivion Overhaul which uses scripts to populate it's own leveled lists).
  7. Perhaps I misunderstood the OP, but isn't this to replaqce the voices for vanilla characters? In that case the script is already there, you just reproduce the same lines as the vanilla voice actor read. You may have missed my point on the earlier comment. Look at it this way, when somebody tells you "You should ..." you will have a different reaction than when somebody says "I have ... , maybe you could try that".
  8. See ... Niph's tougher than you give credit for Paga.
  9. I thought Niph was going "walkabout" for a while.
  10. Ahh ... gee thanks, now I feel old. To look at you one would never guess you had such a mean streak!! Just joking. I know I'm about the same age as dirt (though quite possibly the older of the two). I know there have been discussions in the past on the subject, and I'm sure I've seen the "Like only" idea floated, but I don't recall why it never gained traction with Dark0ne (the site owner). There is nothing stopping you from starting a thread in the Feedback, suggestions and questions forum (or you could use search once on that page and see if you can turn up the old discussions ... if that is in fact the forum they happened on). - Edit - As usual I'm a "stick it in my own pipe and smoke it" kinda' guy ... this was the best I came up with from that forum's first 5 pages of hits (using my pathetic Search foo) ... Downvote button.
  11. I believe that early on, for the mod pages at least, there was a feature similar to that. With people being people, there was enough abuse (using it as a tool to downgrade/discredit individuals by those ganging up against them) that the system was dropped. If you like a mod then Endorse it, if you find somebody who for whatever reason that makes sense to you deserves a Kudo visit their Nexus Mods profile and give them one of those. Those are the "no cost" options available here. You can also donate to anyone you wish (who has enabled that option in their profile ... many may not know about it).
  12. Alright, I'll try that. Will edit the comment once I get the info. Edit: Created a new game and proceeded to do the main questline. When I tried going to Kvatch, the game froze https://pastebin.com/WDdgdrAn Providing your load order hasn't changed since you posted the load order Paste Bin, your warnings from Paste Bin lines 4 thru 289 are all Better Cities related (specifically Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp). The two Oblivion Uncut warnings are consistent across all of your Paste Bin crash log postings (just changing position in the log). You have a new one this time I believe at Paste Bin line 296 that according to the mod index number (24) should be related to DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp (though an error from before that is worded exactly the same seemed to reference Knights.esp ... could be a load order change at work here). The four Offset Collection for Worldspace warnings remain for the same things. I would think that the final Crash Log entries are the ones most closely related to your crash, but the final two give no clue of their source, and the one at Paste Bin line 341 introduces a new one that doesn't make sense since the mod at index 2F is ShinySeptims_Septimus.esp (what would it have to do with ChorrolStoneWallStone01 ... makes no sense except maybe a dirty edit, or again your load order is different from the last one you posted). My own tried and true method for installing mod is simple ... install one mod and test thoroughly. Once satisfied that it is working correctly add one mod mod (and of course test thoroughly). Yes it takes some time (I spent well over two weeks setting up my current load order, but a lot of that time was spent getting Basic Primary Needs, Basic Physical Activities and Realistic Fatigue set up the way I wanted them ... they have quite a bit of overlap and interaction)). The advantage that my way offers a situation like this is that when you add a single mod to a perfectly working game and then something breaks it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start your troubleshooting. As you can see, your situation right now is more akin to trying to find the one end of a piece of spaghetti you need to fix ... on a whole plate of spaghetti. So from what you (thankfully, I am gratified by that) deducted, it is most probably Better Cities. I will then do the same thing as I did before with Oblivion Unclustered and edit the comment. Again, thank you for helping me. Keep in mind what we are doing right now is sort of the inverse of my usual method (the one at a time part) so it may take a while to narrow down things to the root cause. Often you will see advice to disable half the mods in your load order and test. If the problem remains then disable half of those remaining. When you finally get to the point where the culprit mod is disabled you can either add back from that group one at a time until you find the one causing the problem, or in the case of the first half including the problem mod use a re-enable half method (and if everything is OK in the first try then maybe one at a time through the rest). - Edit - One of the downsides to using the "edit a post to update info" method is that there is no visual indication that new info has been added to a particular thread (I know this because I am a master at doing the edit thing, and have run into plenty of occasions where somebody didn't know I added something). There's no limit on how many replies can be added to a post, so feel free to add your new updates that way and then all will see that new info has been added to the thread.
  13. Alright, I'll try that. Will edit the comment once I get the info. Edit: Created a new game and proceeded to do the main questline. When I tried going to Kvatch, the game froze https://pastebin.com/WDdgdrAn Providing your load order hasn't changed since you posted the load order Paste Bin, your warnings from Paste Bin lines 4 thru 289 are all Better Cities related (specifically Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp). The two Oblivion Uncut warnings are consistent across all of your Paste Bin crash log postings (just changing position in the log). You have a new one this time I believe at Paste Bin line 296 that according to the mod index number (24) should be related to DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp (though an error from before that is worded exactly the same seemed to reference Knights.esp ... could be a load order change at work here). The four Offset Collection for Worldspace warnings remain for the same things. I would think that the final Crash Log entries are the ones most closely related to your crash, but the final two give no clue of their source, and the one at Paste Bin line 341 introduces a new one that doesn't make sense since the mod at index 2F is ShinySeptims_Septimus.esp (what would it have to do with ChorrolStoneWallStone01 ... makes no sense except maybe a dirty edit, or again your load order is different from the last one you posted). My own tried and true method for installing mod is simple ... install one mod and test thoroughly. Once satisfied that it is working correctly add one mod mod (and of course test thoroughly). Yes it takes some time (I spent well over two weeks setting up my current load order, but a lot of that time was spent getting Basic Primary Needs, Basic Physical Activities and Realistic Fatigue set up the way I wanted them ... they have quite a bit of overlap and interaction)). The advantage that my way offers a situation like this is that when you add a single mod to a perfectly working game and then something breaks it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start your troubleshooting. As you can see, your situation right now is more akin to trying to find the one end of a piece of spaghetti you need to fix ... on a whole plate of spaghetti.
  14. I don't know a lot about the Steam version of the game, just what I pick up reading posts on here, but isn't it possible for you to get Steam to verify the vanilla game files? I agree that you have something not right, and it does seems likely that it's vanilla Oblivion (you gained a bunch more of those Bound item warnings). Perhaps a test using a new game start rather than loading a save will help narrow it down (I'm thinking that all those Bound item errors are just a result of whatever the underlying problem is, not necessarily part of the problem). A crash log from a new game start will not have any "baggage" coming from the save file (and if it doesn't crash may point towards save corruption being the problem).
  15. OK ... now look at the numbers on the left side of what you pasted onto the Paste Bin load order and at Paste Bin line number 56 you will see the number 2E that OblivionAddicted was saying you need to find. Load order numbers are hexadecimal (so instead of going from 1 to 10 and then switching to 11 to 20, hexadecimal goes from 00 to 1F and then switches to 20 to 2F). The mod that you have at load order 2E is Oblivion Scaling Unclusterf*#@ed.esp and that is the mod giving you all of those errors in the Crash Log Paste Bin you did back in your original post (errors listed from Paste Bin line 10 to 199). That could be due to an improper installation, so first thing would be to ensure that you have everything properly installed with Oblivion Scaling Unclusterf*#@ed. If you can't find anything wrong with Oblivion Scaling Unclusterf*#@ed's installation I'd suggest disabling Oblivion Scaling Unclusterf*#@ed.esp and then test to see if the crashing continues. The lowest errors reported in the Crash Log are related to Oblivion.esm (see Paste Bin line 200) and then you have three that are from Better Cities Resources.esm (see lines 201, 202 & 203). If the crashing still happens when you have Oblivion Scaling Unclustref*#@ed.esp disabled then your next step will be to disable all of the Better Cities related stuff (so that will include all of the Better City patches for other mods). I'm not sure what to make of your last five errors in the Crash Log (lines 240 to 244) ... the numbers starting with FF are things generated by leveled lists, so those could be mod related or vanilla game related. Do you have any recollection of some problem in game with Bound Armor or Bound Weapons? There are also two errors related to scripts in Oblivion Uncut.esp (see Paste Bin lines 4 & 7), so I guess that would be the last thing you could disable and test to see if it is the problem.
  16. Move the highlight onto the ESP you want to use as a master, right click on it and select Esmify Self. The file will still have the ESP file extension but it will now appear near the top of your load order with the other masters. When you want to change it back to a regular ESP just select ESPify Self from the right click menu. If you are going to be cycling between ESP and ESM on any particular ESP on a regular basis what I do is take a copy of the ESMified ESP and then you can either swap the ESM version and ESP version between dedicated folders (aka Striker's Old Method) or you can rename the ESMified copy to <NameOfFile>ESMified.esp (e.g. JoesReallyCoolSwordESMified.esp), then use WB to ESPify Self the copy in the Data folder. Now copy or move the renamed ESMified file back into your Data folder. The next time you want to use that as a master it's just a matter of renaming the ESP version (e.g. JoesReallyCoolSword.esp to JoesReallyCoolSwordESPified.esp) and then change the name of the ESMified version to it's orginal name (e.g. JoesReallyCoolSwordESMified.esp to JoesReallyCoolSword.esp). When you are done for that session you just swap the names back around (I suggest doing the swap back before you resort your load order after the CS edits and before you fire up the game to test). - Edit - Added this screenshot showing the WB menu item ESMify Self.
  17. Errors are a "feature" of the Construction Set. Some/most can be ignored but I'm not the expert in that area. My limited understanding of Vortex is that it incorporates LOOT for load order stuff. Can't say whether or not it has a way to start a load order sort outside of it's other things I've heard about (Deploy being the one that comes to mind right now). Oblivion load orders are determined by the file date and timestamp, with the newest dated stuff loading at the bottom of the load order, so in Oblivion all any load order manager does is change file dates/timestamps when it sorts your load order. When you edit an ESP in the CS and save the file date and timestamp will be the current system time on your machine at that instant. That's why you will need to resort your load order before starting the game. If you can't figure out how to get Vortex to resort your load order after editing the ESP I'd suggest posting a question in the Vortex Support forum. If you describe what you are doing and ask about getting Vortex to resort your load order there I'm certain you'll get your answer to that question.
  18. Try putting a tick mark in Preview (just to the right of the Eyes dropdown box) before you click on any other Face related tabs. - Edit - The other thing is I suggest you sort your load order again after editing any ESP ... your edit to an ESP will put it at the bottom of your load order rather than where it was before your edit.
  19. It's the right hand button on your mouse that you click. Look at the mouse pictures on this Logitech page. Notice the mice shown have a wheel in between two buttons. On the mouse shown at the top right of that page the mouse button that has the word Logi on it is the left mouse button, and on the other side, past the center wheel is the right mouse button. In Wrye Bash all of the menus are accessed using the right mouse button. For the context menu I'm trying to get you to open you move the mouse cursor (most often a little arrow pointed up and angled to the left) in the grey blank area just after the e in the word File and you will notice that the File column header changes colour (on my machine it turns light blue ... see this picture). When you have the mouse cursor beside the word File and then click the right mouse button you will see the column header context menu (see this picture). When you move your mouse cursor over the words Sort By a new submenu will open (see this picture) and you want to confirm that there is an indicator beside Load Order as you see in the picture. Once you have done that open the context menu again and this time move your mouse cursor down to the words List Mods (see this picture) and left click on the words List Mods. The Active Mod Files pop up dialgue box will open (see this picture). Left mouse click and hold it down at the very beginning (top left corner of the text window in front of the word Active) and then move your mouse to the lower right corner of the text window ... you will notice that all of the text in the window gets highlighted (I can't post a picture showing this as the Nexus site only allows me to upload 5 pictures every 24 hours ... I have served my sentence, maybe with a bit of time off for good behaviour so here is the final picture). With the text still highlighted press and hold down the keyboard's Ctrl key and then hit the c key while still holding down the Ctrl key. This will copy the highlighted text from the Wrye Bash Active Mod Files dialogue box to the Windows Clipboard. Open this form post and either edit or create a new post. Once you have a post open press and hold down the Ctrl key and while still holding it down hit the v key. You will see the entire contents of the Wrye Bash Active Mod Files dialogue box is now entered into your post. Click the Post button and you will see that your post now contains a small gray box with the word Spoiler in it that looks like this: Active Mod Files: When you click on the gray button in this post that contains the word Spoiler you will see my entire load order. - Edit - Added the last picture, for what it's worth.
  20. And yet I had the same in a non-Vortex install (though I didn't remove all of my saves from the Saves folder beforehand ... could maybe have something to do with my results). - Edit - Ya I just did the new game test but this time moved all my saves to backup and the new character saves started at number one no problem.
  21. Look at this photo you posted and in the section below the top part find where it says Oblivion.esm [sI] in blue letters. Look directly above that and you'll find the name for that column ... it says File. Now open Wrye Bash and position your mouse cursor to the right of the word File and click your right mouse button and the context menu will open.
  22. I just did a test, and a new game save in the tutorial dungeon (just after Renault gets killed and my save number just advanced from my current save number with the other info (character name, level, location etc) for the test guy. Something that just popped into my head ... do you have Oblivion.ini set as read only (I do)?
  23. When doing some research yesterday on the similar save problem that gpstr1 is having I looked through Oblivion.ini (and my old character's Oblivion.ini file backups) for just what you've looked for, to no avail. I too was fairly certain that there was some INI entry (something like the screenshot numbering thing) but searching with my Mark I eyeballs and by using Notepad's Find there seemed to be nada. Only thing I could suggest HadTo is maybe move or rename Oblivion.ini so that the game generates a new one (which of course will then require you moving over your INI edits from the backup ... yup Strker knows the hard way to do anything, if you care to ask).
  24. I've no experience with Simple Saves (my system is far simpler than that ... manual saves using the vanilla game Esc menu and all auto-saves turned off in Oblivion.ini, Quick save never used). My own experience is that menus and Wrye Bash start getting slow after you get over 500 saves, and by 1000 saves I'm not going to take it anymore. I backup all but my most recent saves to my H drive (a 1TB drive used for downloads and backups) and then delete them from Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves (I usually stop at an even 100 multiple on the save file numbers, so that will leave somewhere between 10ish and 90ish saves in the C drive folder). What I would do if I found myself in the spot you find yourself in is backup all of my saves, delete all saves from C drive and then rename my most recent save file (or files as you will need to take care of any cosaves as well) to the correct number ... so that would be your last correctly numbered save plus the number of misnumbered saves that came after it. I would then deactivate or uninstall Simple Saves and copy that renumbered save (and renumbered cosaves) to your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and make a new save using the vanilla game Esc menu. If the save number is now correctly following from your fixed save then you'll need to decide if you want to reactivate or reinstall Simple Saves. - Edit - +1 :ninja: for Striker!!
  25. Look at the photo you posted with your load order. In the second one down, right above Oblivion.esm you'll see the word "File". In the blank space right beside the word File click your right mouse button. A context menu will open (a context menu is one that changes the stuff it has for you to select depending on where you right clicked). Near the top of the context menu you will see the words "Sort by". Hover your mouse over the words Sort by and a submenu will open to the right (that's what the right facing arrow beside "Sort by" was telling you ... that a submenu with more options is available). Confirm that there is a dot beside the words "Load Order" part way down the submenu ... if there isn't a dot then single left mouse click on the words "Load Order" and a dot will appear (this is called a radio box selection because only one can be selected at a time, the same way you can only tune a single radio station in at a time on a radio). Next move down the context menu to the words "Load Order" and left click. A new window named "Active Mod Files" will open (called a pop up because it opens over top of whatever was displayed before you clicked it's menu activator). In the window you will find a list of all of your mods plus the word spoiler inside some square brackets (they look like this ... [ and ] ). Left mouse click before the begining of the brackets that enclose the word "spoiler" and while holding down your left mouse button scroll down to the end of the contents of the Active Mod Files window (so down to the end where it says /spoiler inside the square brackets ... make sure the highlight includes the entire contents of the brackets plus the word /spoiler). On your keyboard, while everything is highlighted hold down the Ctrl key and then tap the c key. This copies the highlighted text to the Windows Clipboard (where Windows stores the result of a copy operation, which is what the Ctrl + c does). Close Wrye Bash and open your initial post here. Hit the Edit button and then move to the end of your post (maybe hit Enter once or twice to create some blank space after all of the text you previously entered). Click and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and then hit v (the Windows shortcut to Paste the contents of the Clipboard to where you currently have your text selection located). You will now see all of the text that was displayed in the Wrye Bash Active Mod Files window in your post. Click on the Save Changes button and look at your edited post. You will now see the word "Spoiler" in a grey box. Left mouse click on that box and you will see your entire load order displayed in a manner that makes it easy for troubleshooters to see what Wrye Bash is telling us.
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