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Everything posted by SandsOfTime404

  1. dunno, "silent peeker" sounded creepy. you ask a lot of questions :p
  2. no no no, lol. I meant visiting your profile again and looking like a creep was the mistake
  3. Ahh, so I had it backwards lol. My apologies OP, I don't use Soul Gems that much.
  4. Glad you solved the issue. Doncha hate when it's something so simple and easy, but nearly drives you insane? :laugh:
  5. I've had this problem if I Alt + Tab out of the game, but never for just opening up the Inventory. That said, I never really saw it as that big of an issue. I'm not sure what causes the problem, though. Either way is it really that difficult to just hit a button and leave the stance? Messing around with something to fix such a small problem like this strikes me as one of those time when it's a lot easier to make things worse than to make a small thing better.
  6. "my bad" as in "my mistake". I guess it's not actually bad, but I didn't intend to do it O_O
  7. I'd power level just to force out more of a challenge from NPCs. I've always noticed that if I level my character efficiently the difficulty of the game sharply decreases around the 25-35 range. Aside from that, if I'm using armor from mods that has some powerful defenses and enchantments, coupled with a rather powerful weapon, I'll need stronger enemies. I'm not the kind of person that likes being ambushed by some bandits in the middle of nowhere, and subsequently dropping them in one hit. If I'm outnumbered three to one, I want it to feel like I'm outnumbered. Suppose that it depends on how you want to play the game. I've played it enough on easy difficulties that I want a challenge now. I've seen enough of the game that a challenge isn't bad, as I'm not worried about easily being able to do a quest or try some obscure Ayleid ruins out.
  8. no scheming lol. I noticed the message and in my infinite intelligence clicked on your name instead of "personal conversation". my bad :p
  9. I think with soul gems the soul automatically fills the largest, empty soul gem. I'm not sure of anything that can change that. Unless someone else knows something I don't, you may just need to leave your other soul gems elsewhere until you need them.
  10. I give it the ability to successfully philander.
  11. I'd actually like to see this Mushroom City thing, lol. If I had the patience to learn how to do it, I'd definitely make it into something similar to where the Ewoks live in Star Wars, except that trees have been substituted with fungus. It'd definitely become my new home.
  12. Yeah. I suppose they figured it'd be pointless since players never access it unless they've modded the game or used a console command. Either way it would have been nice. Always wanted to stand up there and just look out over everything. Suppose I can use tcl and not really notice a difference in the first person view though.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TGbIAban14&ob=av2em LIGHTS - Saviour People tell me she sounds like a robot though. :confused:
  14. Not sure what exactly but I've been in the 600-700 range before. Of course I murdered armies and armies of city guards and innocent passersby. Shoulda gone for 1000.
  15. Can't you raise your level by going to prison and having your major skills reduced?
  16. Yeah, she typically stays in the room but I know that I've had a few problems when asking her to follow me, and then leaving that room. It takes her a good while to figure out how to get back lol. I partly blame the fact that there's two entrances to the master suite. It probably gives the AI a hell of a time trying to figure out which one they're actually capable of getting to.
  17. Sounds kinda like when I did my Misadventures of Mister Man (at the time, Man was all I could come up with as far as a name). I'd go around with a small group of companions whose names were unimportant and we'd do pointless things like that. A personal favorite is picking the Arena lockbox at high noon. The funny thing is we actually managed to get a few heists down when I had done my best to plan them out so that we'd fail every time. Either way, it's fun to just mess around like that.
  18. If your acrobatics skill is good enough, there's a broken pillar in the room where you fight Umbra. Jump on it, then whip out your bow and snipe away at her. She will NEVER touch you. Yeah, I knew about this but I don't want to use it. It'll be much more satisfying to charge in head on and get the job done. There's no fun in it for me if I'm out of reach. May as well turn on God Mode.
  19. Well the first one I can remember doing is the one with the fisherman that gives you the Jewel of the Rumare. Wasn't a bad way to start out either. I can happily say I've never drowned in Oblivion, lol. It's nostalgic though. Even though it eats up time, I still listen to all of the dialogue.
  20. Well with the whole "sir" thing it could just be a subtle joke the rest of the Blades make. When you meet her yourself, she's more than a little bit rude. Like dang, I didn't choose to get locked up. Cut me a break. Don't need to walk around threatening to kill me.
  21. Lol, and never again can I consider myself one of the world's biggest jerks. :D
  22. Oddly enough I have never met this woman, and I tried making a point of running into the various nutjobs scattered around the world.
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