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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Make sure your D:\ drive has an NTFS file system, then change the staging folder location for each game in the settings menu.
  2. Sounds like your mods aren't being deployed. Check the bell icon in Vortex for errors or just try pressing "Deploy Mods". You should also check the mods are enabled in the plugins section.
  3. This looks like it might be an ISP-related issue. Have you tried using a VPN?
  4. There's an issue where the view counter won't "start" until the file is downloaded at least once. Perhaps this is the issue you are seeing?
  5. Didn't do anything on my end, I've been on holiday :P
  6. See the pinned post about download issues. We need you to run some tests and post the results before we can advise you.
  7. Perhaps this help page will allow you to understand it better. Note that you must have had a 2FA app to even enable this: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/74-two-factor-authentication-for-nexus-mods If you've completely lost your 2FA, see this page: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/108-account-recovery
  8. There are tags in place to help you block content you are not interested in. The "Translation" and "Preset" ones (actual name may vary). You can also block certain authors if you don't like the content they share. A far as a "New tab" goes I feel that's a bit short sighted as the current site setup applies to 1,500+ games and presets/translations don't apply to the majority of those. It's better for you to use the available controls to block content. It's not perfect, but there's not much we can do about that in the short term.
  9. Honestly, the issue is probably persisting because you haven't published the file yet. You can't download something this isn't public yet.
  10. You've not set your new version as the main file: The API response can be around 5 minutes behind the site too.
  11. Hey there, It looks like your mod is still uploading to the CDN so I can't check it yet. At first glance it would appear the file preview failed, which means that it is archived using an unrecognised 7zip encoding. It may end up being perfectly fine, but we've had issues in the past where the file was manipulated to try and hide what was inside it.
  12. C0llinsVenture banned. Reason: Telling another user to "go die in a fire" "We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along." Reference post
  13. To be clear, we're not ready for release yet, but we are planning to open up testing to more users in the new year.
  14. This user's unban "appeal" Amusingly, as much as they don't want to be part of the site, they still tried to evade the ban with a new account.
  15. That is weird, currently Nexus Mods Next is only used by a few hundred people and is on a separate "stack" to the main site. Out of interest if you use a VPN is it better? Could be something along the route your traffic normally takes has degraded?
  16. Looks like you're connected to Prague, this is the closest server for Serbia. It looks like either the server is congested or your ISP has a really bad connection to that server (or both). This may improve for you as internet traffic dies down.
  17. The means that someone knows your username or email address and has requested a password reset. If it wasn't you, simply ignore it as instructed :)
  18. I was mostly right, the forum was attempting to build a directory of every subforum on the site and timed out. We've made some optimisations to the code, but it's more of a bandaid fix for now. This problem may reoccur as we add more and more games to the site.
  19. RaisaSarielle banned. Reason: Ban evasion - waffle652 This user's "appeal" for the original ban which exposed their evasion "Ey, so those guys were c**ts, they did cunty things and I called them out. I'm not sorry. Also, thanks for the meme : P" Reference post
  20. I've added a ticket for the devs to take a look. Will report back if they find anything. With it being almost Christmas though I am not sure I'll get a quick reply.
  21. It's not currently possible to search directly by game/mod version I'm afraid.
  22. Can you give me detailed instructions (including URLs if possible) for what you're doing when this happens? It's possible the advanced search page itself does a heavy query of some kind, possibly trying to get a list of all forums, members or tags.
  23. I'm afraid this is most likely a timeout. The forum has been struggling for years with all the content that it contains. Anything that is a long running query which may lock up the database has a fairly strict limit on it so that it doesn't impact other users. We are hoping to migrate the forums to a new server some time in 2022 and part of that will involve a full re-index which may fix the search.
  24. Keep an eye on the site news for an update on Collections soon!
  25. Vortex does reshuffle the INI on deployment but it won't actually lose your value changes, it just re-orders them. why would it reshuffle them if its not changing values? afaik the placement of the parameters and their values in the .ini is not going to impact the game. is my understanding incorrect? Tannin may be able to confirm but I believe it always parses the INI, checks the values it needs for saves etc and then writes it back to disk. The library the does that is opinionated about the order of the values.
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