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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. User_13510085 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  2. Here it is: https://www.nexusmods.com/ahatintime/mods/130/
  3. Hi Equilibrior, I see what you mean, it appears to be based on the "Trending duration" which is related to the hot files. For games like Skyrim with a shorter duration the tab doesn't seem to be there. I'll look into it, however you can still see all the latest mods by clicking the "Explore all mods" option top-right of the table and sort the page that loads up by "Date published".
  4. Glad you solved it. Could you elaborate on what the problem was in case this comes up again?
  5. What is the file name you're seeing? It sounds like you might be trying to open an incomplete download.
  6. I can confirm that mod downloads fine. I suspect it's being flagged by your AV due to containing an installer and other potentially harmful files. (Our Virus Total scans shows it's free from anything malicious). Have you tried renaming the downloaded file to a 7z archive?
  7. Could you provide a link to the mod? This is usually your anti-virus renaming file downloads under the guise of "security". If this is the case, renaming it back to what it should be will work.
  8. User_68661078 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - reported a post from account closure topic.
  9. User_4008805 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  10. It seems I got a little confused here and thought you issue was related to this one: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues/944 We do not send emails for these kinds of updates via the site unfortunately. Only the forum threads you are tracking will send periodic emails.
  11. Many thanks! But that's the problem: THe screen popped up when I clicked save on my mail edits. I filled in the reCaptcha and it returned me to my mail editing screen, and my mail had vanished :ohmy: . Fortunately, the original unedited mail was OK. So this intervention effectively prevents me (and others) from editing and saving a mail. Glad you're looking into it so I'll leave it all with you. Thanks! I'm not actually able to reproduce this by editing a private message, could you possibly PM me the text of the message so I can test it? Is there anything unusual about your browsing environment such as: blocking cookies, blocking tracking, blocking javascript, etc?
  12. Are you still seeing the issue? It appears to be back to normal speed for me, but it was a bit slow when you posted this.
  13. Can you try disabling and re-enabling the notifications? I think there may have been a problem a few years back which required a literal "turn it off and back on again".
  14. Hi there. Sorry you're having issues with this. If you completed the reCaptcha it would've saved your changes properly. It's caused by some security settings we've increased recently, I'll report it to the team and see if we can prevent it from happening. If you see that screen, please complete the reCaptcha until we're able to resolve the issue.
  15. User_23928599 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  16. User_38773490 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  17. It is strang, there's nothing there that would indicate a problem (as far as I know). If it does happen again please try a different browser to confirm if it's exclusively a Firefox issue.
  18. User_1026376 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  19. Hi Sein, That is currently a known issue. Uploading Readme files is being blocked by Cloudflare security at the moment. (https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues/937) For now you may want to post it as an article instead, we'll hopefully have a fix soon.
  20. There was a temporary problem with logins to systems using our legacy API (newer apps like Vortex and MO2's beta were unaffected) which has now been resolved. Sorry about that. According to that IP address you are being directed to our Miami CDN server. You might want to try each of these links to see which is fastest for you and set you preferences to choose that server first. http://la.nexus-cdn.com/1Ghttp://chicago.nexus-cdn.com/1Ghttp://miami.nexus-cdn.com/1G
  21. User_47817533 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  22. In response to post #69774718. You can check out the latest submissions here!
  23. User_5064313 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  24. garousaitama45 banned. Reason: Ban evasion Slayerdark16/ceciliadelascasasymaria Reuploading content without permission. Reference post Reference post Reference post
  25. It looks like the lock states of the two threads have fallen out of sync. I've updated the forum to match the mod page, thanks.
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