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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Thanks HeyYou. Yes, if you're not planning to share the mods publicly, then you can do whatever you like :)
  2. Please do the full suit of tests outlined here: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do It looks like your issue may be related to bad routing at your ISP. I'm not sure there's much we can do from our side.
  3. If you can't get permission (and the mod page doesn't explicitly have open permission) then you can't use that content. This won't stop you from creating new, original content based on the same idea though.
  4. Please see the entry on our feature roadmap here https://trello.com/c/MqnMzdrz
  5. If Vortex can't reach GitHub then it won't be able to download the LOOT lists. This is usually because of something on your PC blocking the connection
  6. Electron (the underlying tech Vortex uses) seems to cache a list of files in folders it has visited lately. Try closing the app and reopening it before setting the folder.
  7. Is looks like something on your PC is blocking Vortex from communicating with the internet at all. I'd check your firewall, anti virus or other security apps first.
  8. romelsalwi has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  9. The downloads are already split by game but the overall download folder is a single directory that you can move. What is the use case for doing it the way you're asking? The downloads folder is basically just storing a backup of the mod in case you need to reinstall so it can just be put on whatever drive has the most available storage
  10. You can add it to the suggestion board if you like https://feedback.nexusmods.com :)
  11. Have you checked the fix in the pinned solutions thread? (Missing plugins section)
  12. The filters you describe are the way to filter what you see. If you're not using the mod you can delete it and it will disappear too.
  13. I've heard back from the team. It's a traffic management page, so something about your browser setup may be changing the way requests are made and triggering that extra check.
  14. Thanks for the screenshot, I've never seen that before so I'll see what I can find out. I suspect it's a Cloudflare page.
  15. How are you seeing that State of Decay is supported? I turned off the Vortex buttons for it weeks ago.
  16. Did you click to show bundled extensions? I can't remember if it's a native extension for old school Enderal but I know the SE version is a separate extension as I wrote it.
  17. Ah sorry I was on mobile when I replied so I couldn't see that you weren't Premium. None of your speeds look bad so I'm afraid it sounds like your ISP is probably limiting you in some way. You might want to contact them to report a fault or try a VPN.
  18. If it's unmanaged now I wouldn't worry about it. I would suggest you look at the path Vortex thinks Skyrim is installed to and work out what's there.
  19. Which part of the website are you referring to? I believe that Turkey is not supported by PayPal, which means that most of the donation options we usually show don't apply.
  20. It will do both. Vortex gives an explanation of what's happening before you confirm the action.
  21. This is covered in the pinned solutions thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=124189977
  22. shinobij has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, shinobij has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for 30 days This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 30 days This user cannot upload images to the Image Share for 30 days This user cannot send private messages for 30 days This user cannot add videos to the Video Share for 30 days Important links: Our terms of service
  23. cbtfftrdffgtre3553S has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, cbtfftrdffgtre3553S has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days This user cannot send private messages for 14 days Important links: Our terms of service
  24. If the game is in the managed tab then you either have it installed or set up a folder that Vortex recognised as the game directory. If you click the menu button on the game tile it will tell you where the game is located and give an option to remove it.
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