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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. The function key is configurable in bios. Some manufacturers have it 'on' by default, others, do not. Even so though, I would expect that the actual arrow keys on the keyboard do the arrow thing by default, and you have to press the FN key to get their alternate function......
  2. Doesn't one of the bartenders (that wants to join the railroad) rent rooms?? (Bunker Hill.) And those rooms would be where exactly? At some point things need to coalesce - i.e. I have rooms for rent AND I have physical rooms to rent. Which brings us back to square 1 - does what I see make any sense? At Bunker Hill, what your are left to digest is it's a resupply /stopoff. There is no facilities for extended rest. I don't know. My character is an insomniac, and never sleeps. :D Certainly not in a rented bed......
  3. I think EVERYONE is working for the institute..... Crows, traveling merchants, Mayor of DC. (who is a synth....) etc.
  4. I believe that in this instance, if you give up, you lose EVERYTHING..... (which would make sense.... of course, I would expect raiders to just outright kill you, given the opportunity, same would go for any other faction that you have pissed off....) Though, it could be fun going back there, and reclaiming your equipment. (from their cold, dead bodies, of course. :) )
  5. Got it fixed? That's all that matters. :D
  6. SE Downloads??? This is the Fallout 4 forum, I wasn't aware of any "SE" version of the game.
  7. Happy to help. :D Let me know how it turns out. :) I don't spend a lot of time here, but, I kinda browse thru a few times a day. :D
  8. I only shoot the stuff that shoots at me, or, tries to take a bite out of me. If they are not hostile, they are not targets. Crows, on the other hand..... I just LOVE the explody feathers thing when I hit 'em. They make for GREAT target practice, as they respawn fairly quickly, and there are usually four or more in a group. :D
  9. You have to go to the Mod thread for questions, (the one on the mod page itself) the thread that shows on the forum side won't allow posting, as it screws up the formatting on the mods side. :D That said, I am not seeing anything about those in the mod thread, or any conflicts for that matter.... *Might* be safe to just ignore them.
  10. Have a Dell computer by any chance? See if "Smartbyte" software is installed on it, if it is, uninstall it. (you don't need it, and it causes more issues than it solves.)
  11. Yep, that be the one. The whole Visual C++ thing is baffling..... It really shouldn't put anything on the desktop, should all be in the downloads folder, or, in a temp directory, that gets nuked after installation...... Does it ask where you wanna put stuff when you fire off the installer? If so, just stash it somewhere in your downloads folder, and manually nuke it after installation completes.
  12. I had issues with them in Morrowind, but, after that, I simply stopped using them... However, of late, in Skyrim, and FO4, I do tend to use them, but, only when necessary. (like, when I get killed, and it's been a while since my last hard save. :D)
  13. I love those. They make great targets. Every playthrough, I make my 'targeting' missile launcher, just for them. :D The whole 'fire and forget' thing is awesome to watch. :D
  14. Device Manager shows what hardware you have, and assorted driver information. Task Manager shows running processes. (right click on the task bar, left click on Task Manager in the context menu that comes up.) The startup tab can be really enlightening, especially if you are running one of the "big name" computers. They tend to install a LOT of bloatware, that really isn't necessary.
  15. Do you have the script extender and plugin preloader installed as well? Are you starting the game with F4SE_Loader?
  16. Is vortex/MO set to download from the premium servers?
  17. Never ends, indeed. XD I had been thinking about an 850W, anyway. Might just upgrade that and my RAM first and hope the card prices come down a little in the next year. Maybe. Possibly. One can hope, right? Well, now the government is talking about banning imports of some material or other, that is a requirement for chip making..... and Intel, and various other manufacturers are whining about how it will make the chip shortage worse. Considering that very few, if any at all, chips are actually manufactured here in the states, I don't see the relationship there... but hey, any excuse for the corporations to gouge us some more. At this point, we can't even GET video cards at work.... They are just nowhere to be found. I thought it was getting better, but, it appears not.
  18. All first-person animations are hands and a camera, and nothing else. My guess is that all the third person animations need to be redone for the first person camera. Lots of animations, and animations with weapons. Probably ... But maybe I misunderstand and there is some simple way. For example, completely disable vanilla first person view, replacing it with some kind of trigger that switches the camera to pseudo first person view, while remaining in third person view. Something similar was done for one of the earlier games.... Don't recall if it was Oblivion, or Morrowind. It was called "Fake First Person", and it essentially was just third person, with the camera locked where the eyes would be. So, you could see your arms, and if you looked down, there was actually a body to be seen.
  19. I completely agree that power will always result in creating the situation where those in power don't feel the rules apply to them (at least to the same extent as they apply to the masses) and that they 'deserve' more because of the 'sacrifices' they are making to 'govern' (a massive blindspot situation). I've even read of a study using college students that demonstatrated how pervasive the problem is (reported in Science daily quite a few years back). One of the biggest hurtles to overcome when assessing whether 'this form' of government is better than 'that form' is taking self interest out of the assessment process. For example you and I share a fairly common background, both working stiffs landing somewhere in the middle of the middle class. A system that allows us to better our situation (even if only by a little) will naturally be the one that is 'best' to us from our perspective. A person who is at the lower end of the lower class will consider that a system that offers them a safety net for times when no jobs are available to them as 'best'. Each case is correct with one simple proviso ... the correct way to state it is 'best for me'. Best for me has never equated best for everybody, and therein lies the insurmountable problem. I suspect that getting everyone, or even a majority... to agree on what is 'best', simply wouldn't happen. :D That's because 'best' is a concept that doesn't fit well with politics. Best for whom can be defined but just best alone is as undefineable as divided by zero. True that. I generally look at it as the lesser of a choice of evils. We need to have one, but, that doesn't necessarily imply we are going to like it.
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