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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. MiWi is a small-footprint networking protocol used in HVAC systems, and other applications where devices have a limited amount of space to run code. Your computer doesn't need it, likely won't use it, and it really shouldn't be installed in any event. Unless, of course, you use your computer to talk to some network addressable controllers for your climate control, or something similar. If you don't know where it came from, then running some serious virus/malware scans on your machine would be a good idea.
  2. HeyYou

    IP Ban?

    Either that, or log into your router, and have it release/renew the IP address. Sometimes, simply power cycling your router will do it as well. Just depends on how your ISP handles DHCP.
  3. Windows 12 is a Linux-based O/S, that is NOT being developed by Microsoft. MS just recently released Windows 11..... and Windows 10 isn't going anywhere any time soon...... So, a Microsoft Version of windows 12 does not exist at this point.
  4. As of this writing the Video card is nowhere available at any price. Nice machine. :) Yep, I am suitably jealous. :D NewEgg seems to have a selection of 3090s available, no founders edition I saw on a quick perusal. NOT inexpensive though...... Ouch.
  5. Not going to hold my breath on that. There are still a lot of folks running gaming rigs that aren't even 1080p. VRAM still has barely made it into double digits, and with the current supply problems, I suspect advancements in the tech are going to slow down for a year or three. A 4K capable gaming rig built today, will probably be still worth playing on in 5-10 years.
  6. Computer hardware advances fairly quickly. Generally, what is 'top of the line' today, is outdated within six months, and obsolete in a year. Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't still work just fine, and play the games great. It just means there is something 'newer' out there. Games still have trouble taking advantage of more than two processor cores.... SLI/Crossfire have gone the way of the dodo, as the technology simply made it unnecessary. (not to mention, the cost/performance ratio just didn't make any sense at all.) I ran my last build for 8 years, with little upgrades here and there. The only reason I replaced it, was because it died. :) I expect my current build to last me a similar number of years. Games just aren't advancing as quickly as the tech to run them.
  7. Gotta be from a mod. No idea which one though.
  8. Please provide the source for me "giving him a pass on it". Nothing in my post referred to 'him'. Not only are you clearly a hypocrite (which you didn't can't deny because it's easily verified on this forum) you also attribute to people things they did not write and views they do not hold. You could have legitimately called me out for not providing sources for my claims about your double standard, but I suspect you didn't as it could've got rather embarrassing for you. And by your own standard above, you would've then been whining at me for not 'citing sources'. See how silly it is to try to belittle someone's comment by describing it as whining.....? And of course, if you were to legitimately call someone out for being a hypocrite, it wouldn't be whining, would it..... Quite the word salad there. Congrats. And here I thought (hoped) this thread was dead. But no, you have to come along, sling more insults, and 'justify' your position. Ya know what? I am just not going to bother with you any more. You take this 'debates' forum FAR too seriously. Which apparently, you simply can't comprehend that I.... Do not. So, enjoy the air up there on your high horse. Maybe invest in an oxygen bottle distributor?
  9. Deactivate all your mods, see if it will progress.
  10. When does it crash? During play, before the main menu?
  11. Young 'un. :D Happy b'day. I turned 61 today...... Yep. I'm old.
  12. Why not just install OpenGL?? Seems like a rather simple solution.
  13. Yeah, I think it is named for the location. Have a look around when you are there, and you can see how they might have come up with that name. :D Not the most inviting place for a settlement though.....
  14. You ignore the third option. What a pregnant woman does in privacy is nobody's business, and nobody has a say in what a pregnant woman chooses to do. MYOFB Isn't it? if one believes life begins at conception then that person would be unlikely to see a difference between killing a child in the womb and killing it when it's five years old, and few people would say "it's no ones business" if a mother killed a her five year old child. Of course if one doesn't believe life starts until the unborn is viable then yes they would say it's none of their business. This is why these "debates" are pointless, no one is right or wrong, it all opinion or belief. People are free to express their opinion but on this subject it rarely stops at that, instead we have people trying to push their opinion onto others and generally being unpleasant, I'm surprised this thread is still open, they usually get locked for reasons I just stated. I'm with JimboUK on this one. It's a pointless debate which has no chance of ever being productive because everyone has their own perceptions or opinions of at least ONE of the core principles involved, so it can NEVER be resolved, or I believe, even sway anyone's opinion. @JimboUK - You probably know this already, but ad-hominem and no true Scotsman are Scythebearer's go to debate techniques, I've yet to see them make any real arguments in any of their posts, so I believe I'll join HeyYou and add them to my ignore list, as reading poorly aimed insults and false narratives are not what I believe this sub-forum's original intent was. An ad hominem accusation as an ad hominem. And you accuse me of using ad hominems as a go to. Hmmm. Do I sense a bit of projection? What is this? Third grade? You. No, you. Uh uh, you. Etc. And this is why you are on my ignore list. (though, this post isn't exactly ignoring you.....) And just like that, another ad hominem appears. And this one from someone who never misses an opportunity to hurl insults, probably because his only means to elevate himself is by belittling others. From someone who posts his assumptions as fact and then defends those assumptions with the "no true Scotsman" argument. I know what your are, HeyYou, and I was grateful you put me on your ignore list because it meant I wouldn't have to listen to your lies any longer. But, if you insist, I will remind everyone here that for you, your assumptions are facts and your opinions are reality. That the truth is meaningless to you when it doesn't coincide with your twisted vision. That for you, another falsehood is preferable to admitting you were wrong. Yeah, HeyYou, I know what you are. And now, more people know what you are. Keep harassing me. I'll keep telling the world what you are. Crawl back under your bridge, and you can keep what ever is left of your reputation. Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point. Very good. You should be proud. Or something......
  15. What seems to be the problem? Does the installer not detect the card? Does it give you an error of some sort? What operating system?
  16. You ignore the third option. What a pregnant woman does in privacy is nobody's business, and nobody has a say in what a pregnant woman chooses to do. MYOFB Isn't it? if one believes life begins at conception then that person would be unlikely to see a difference between killing a child in the womb and killing it when it's five years old, and few people would say "it's no ones business" if a mother killed a her five year old child. Of course if one doesn't believe life starts until the unborn is viable then yes they would say it's none of their business. This is why these "debates" are pointless, no one is right or wrong, it all opinion or belief. People are free to express their opinion but on this subject it rarely stops at that, instead we have people trying to push their opinion onto others and generally being unpleasant, I'm surprised this thread is still open, they usually get locked for reasons I just stated. I'm with JimboUK on this one. It's a pointless debate which has no chance of ever being productive because everyone has their own perceptions or opinions of at least ONE of the core principles involved, so it can NEVER be resolved, or I believe, even sway anyone's opinion. @JimboUK - You probably know this already, but ad-hominem and no true Scotsman are Scythebearer's go to debate techniques, I've yet to see them make any real arguments in any of their posts, so I believe I'll join HeyYou and add them to my ignore list, as reading poorly aimed insults and false narratives are not what I believe this sub-forum's original intent was. An ad hominem accusation as an ad hominem. And you accuse me of using ad hominems as a go to. Hmmm. Do I sense a bit of projection? What is this? Third grade? You. No, you. Uh uh, you. Etc. And this is why you are on my ignore list. (though, this post isn't exactly ignoring you.....)
  17. I don't think Precombines make all that much difference in places that aren't really building/population heavy. At least, not so I have noticed. Of course, in the areas where there aren't any precombines in my game, I usually scrap everything under the sun. :D
  18. Processor might be your bottleneck..... but, the SSD should help a LOT there. Is the ENB doing anything with graphics? Or are you just using the memory fixes?
  19. Likely cell boundaries. What does your hardware look like?
  20. Wander around downtown Boston. :) That area can bring even a beast of a machine to its knees.
  21. That almost looks like it is supposed to be there...... You have some pipboy mods though... might be one of them.
  22. Not running on a dell computer by any chance are you? If so, check and see if smartbyte software is installed. If it is, uninstall it.
  23. Precisely. My take on it is, don't think abortion is ok? Don't have one. However, do NOT try and press your views on everyone else.
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