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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Which reminds me to fire Codsworth. He polished my car for 210 years, but it still turned into the worst heap of rust across the commonwealth :mad: And just how long are you expecting paint to last?? :) You do understand, that 'polishing' actually REMOVES a small amount of paint. I am thinkin' over the course of 'a bit over 210 actually' years, I would be VERY surprised if there was any paint left at all. :D
  2. Yeah, I always figured somewhere between 10 and 12. Girls don't appear to be quite into puberty yet, but, they sure have the 'teenager' attitude........ Why is it, almost all the kids in Skyrim, (that have parents...) are uniformly obnoxious? Was that Beths idea of revenge for asking for kids in the game? (Skyrim was the first game that actually had children.)
  3. I love how this implies antivirus software is malicious lol Some of it is....... When it installs a host of different apps, that bog down my machine, and cause more problems than they solve, time for them to go.
  4. Deloreans were made of stainless steel, so, no paint required, and, they don't rust. :D
  5. What was the name of Ron Weasleys rat in the Harry Potter series??? :D
  6. You just described most of the DRM programs that existed prior to "always on internet". In all cases either that program itself got hacked or they made it function at such a low level that it was capable of screwing up Windows itself. There are still people trying to make old games work because the DRM provider went bankrupt and there is no way to authenticate the game anymore. Steam us probably the least intrusive DRM I've ever seen which is why Bethesda uses them. GOG went the other way and decided that their losses to piracy were too minor to pay for DRM. But remember that GOG started out selling "good old games" pretty cheap so piracy was less of an issue. Steam isn't really DRM, it's just a distribution platform. And a highly effective one at that. Much easier than printing physical disks, especially when the base game is north of 30 gig. :D
  7. Fair enough. In any case in regards to Gaming i find the techniques used by Consoles the best. In-build programms where as soon as your device detects a non legal identity that's it. Busted. I think this can be perfectly implemented to Windows. Lets not make Windows any more intrusive than it already is. Consoles are a closed system, with some pretty heavy restrictions on them already. Windows, not so much.
  8. Full Gameplay Rebalance <- I can't find any info on this one, unless you are actually playing Cyberpunk. :D
  9. Indeed, and the game would then need to track them... which could lead to some serious save-game bloat. :D I just look at it as the scavengers in game are VERY efficient. :D
  10. That is completely and totally false. F4SE does not cause any problems. It actually can alleviate some of them.
  11. Go to the folder you dragged them to, and simply drag them out, to where you actually want them.
  12. Niche software is rarely cracked. Popular software is frequently hacked. (Games....) Consider the game Spore. When the company was hyping it, they claimed it was unhackable. They were proved wrong when a pirate copy of the game hit the internet THREE WEEKS BEFORE the game was officially release. DRM is a waste of time, effort, and money. There is no such thing as 'unhackable', some are just more difficult than others. This is especially true when it comes to single-player games. So far, I have yet to see a game, or an update for a game, (or, simply the updated game) that HASN'T been hacked within days of release.
  13. My understanding of the collections system is this: If you are a premium member, you pick the collection you want, click a button, and it will automatically download all the mods in that collection. While doing so, it will display images and such from that mods page. However, if you are NOT a premium member, which represents the vast majority of users here..... you will be required to go to each and every mod page in that collection, and download them yourself. So, yeah, you have to visit each mod page.
  14. I am fairly certain they will allow others to pull out if they were inactive at the time, came back and then learned of it. Nexus never strikes me as unreasonable when it comes to mod authors. But with that said, they did do some things in the wrong order, but ya ... not a whole lot one can do about events that have already passed XD. I wouldn't hold my breath on that. They sent out a notification of the change in terms, along with a window of opportunity to pull your work if you so desired. That deadline has now passed, and the new ToS are fully enforceable. Given this change in policy, and the way it was implemented, I wouldn't hold my breath on Nexus deleting anything, regardless of circumstances. (aside from illegal material, of course.)
  15. You would be absolutely amazed what modders can do. It's just the amount of work required, and all the changes that would be needed to implement something like this. I very much agree with you, for folks that want to help rebuild the commonwealth, destroying the institute is way beyond stupid. There is such a huge amount of useful technology there, the idea of simply nuking it, it insane.
  16. The ingame menu gets mods from Bethesda.net. No clue if their servers are having issues or not. Not like they have forums where you can ask any more either.... Oh, but they DO have a Discord channel...... for whatever that's worth.
  17. Are those mods tagged as Spanish? Not everyone is as diligent as they could be on tagging. :D
  18. HeyYou


    In your opinion. Not everyone agrees with that assessment. I am one of them that does not. I like NMM much better.
  19. Actually, it would be Ephebophilia, pedos are attracted to per-pubescent children.
  20. The whole 'onedrive' thing is indeed a feature of windows 10. If you sign in with your microsoft account, onedrive is signed in as well, and it looks to put most of your profile folders out in the cloud. They are still also on the local machine, consider it an 'automatic' backup.
  21. The game engine ain't the best when it comes to memory management in any event. One of the reasons I use F4SE, is because of some of the memory enhancements it does. I *think* ENB will do the same thing, if set up properly in its ini file. I run ENB JUST for the memory fix. Duplication of effort? Maybe, but I can play for hours without a crash.
  22. Uninstall sim settlements, start a new game. Get far enough that you actually have some settlers to order around, see if you can. That will tell you if it is sim settlements, or not.
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