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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Really? How so? (about the topic title) Seems to me, that here in the US, "communist" is indeed used as an insulting term. Label something 'communist', or even 'socialist', and it immediately lends negative connotations...... And why is that? Simply because..... communism on a large scale simply does not work.
  2. You will likely still have to reinstall your mods, simply due to the way NMM works. The other possibility is, that moving the installation, will end up with all your mods actually being IN the fallout 4 install directory tree..... From what I have seen/read/experienced, there really isn't a good way to move installations..... I would love to see that kind of functionality added to NMM/Vortex......
  3. I use Pack Attack, NPC Edition. It dramatically alters NPC AI, and makes the game significantly more dangerous. You can also alter the number of spawns that show up, adding a further level of interest. :D Gotta sign up for his site to download though.
  4. Here I thought he wanted a gun that would shoot cats..... (collecting ammo might be fun....) Though I would think a "Cat Grenade" (claw bomb) would be pretty cool. I mean, look what happens when you toss a cat at someone, they get clawed up. :D Animations for it might be a stumbling block though.....
  5. Try using FallRim tools to clean your save. (back it up first....)
  6. Really? Fallout 3??? That's wild. Beth had said they were 'done' with FO3 YEARS ago........ The StarField dev team found all the bugs in StarField so they were twiddling their thumbs. Guess they found some things do do.* Someone has been busy, Oblivion and New Vegas got patches in October to increase the frame rate to 60 on the XBone X and Series X. Oblivion got an update??????? Wow......
  7. Running any mods that alter/affect quest markers? Or markers in general?
  8. At the bottom of the description page of Her Ivy cottage mod: Please email me with any bugs. Feel free to modify and/or distribute this mod, but please give credit. So, as long as credit is given to princess_stomper, it's all good.
  9. 15 BLD-AllWeaponPatch.esp This one needs to load after the main BLD stuff.
  10. Does the same thing on the Forums. Click the gear, and just a blank page. Get a 500 error in the dev console. (Thanks Shademe. :) )
  11. Really? Fallout 3??? That's wild. Beth had said they were 'done' with FO3 YEARS ago........ Yeah it came out of nowhere and there was no chance of FOSE ever getting updated, luckily modders were able revert it. The patch removed GFWL, something modders had already done back in 2008. Ah, now that actually makes sense. Not that it was needed. :D
  12. I just get a blank page. No error message.
  13. Which version of the Parthanax mod? I run one of 'em, and have no troubles with the greybeards. Any other mods that change shouts, or the greybeards?
  14. May wanna post this in the Skyrim SE section. It really doesn't apply to Legendary Edition, which is what these forums here are for.
  15. Really? Fallout 3??? That's wild. Beth had said they were 'done' with FO3 YEARS ago........
  16. You are going to need to reinstall your O/S, therefore, you will need to reinstall your games, and everything that goes along with them as well. Installing Steam, and then games, edits the windows registry, reinstalling windows means you are starting with a clean slate, and none of those entries will be there. On the other hand, you could *try* and see if the current windows installation will boot on the new hardware........ It might actually work, but, it is NOT recommended. Tends to lead to "mystery issues" later. :D Best choice: Back up your data, mods, etc, wipe the drive, reinstall windows, reinstall whatever else you need, play. :D It's an exercise, but, it avoids trying to troubleshoot mystery issues later on down the line.
  17. According to theory, Scrap everything only breaks precombines in settlement areas, not the whole game. I think there is an optional switch to do the whole game, but, it has to be a deliberate act, and it comes with a warning that performance issues may ensue. :D I also use a mod that lets you activate those trahs piles that are everywhere. When you activate them, they get disabled and you get some random scrap in your inventory. THAT breaks precombines EVERYWHERE for sure ... It was my understanding the precombine data is on a per-cell basis. So breaking them in one cell (simply by deleting the data from the record), regardless of what they consist of, doesn't affect any other cells.
  18. For Skyrim SE, and Fallout 4, I would suspect that the updates that beth puts out are what are causing your issues. Changing the exe file breaks the script extender. For fallout 3, NV, and Skyrim LE though...... They haven't been updated in quite some time, and *shouldn't* do that...... It's possible a windows update, or driver update breaks them, but, that's gonna be tough to nail down.
  19. Any idea how Carla became an enemy? Was it only one settlement? That is just weird. Yeah, companions aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. One of the reasons I avoid them like the plague. If I am by myself, EVERYONE ELSE is a target, don't have to worry about shooting friendlies. There aren't any. :D
  20. Check out this thread over on steam. It talks about an ini setting, but, on casual inspection, I didn't find it. If you have the tweak tool mentioned, might make life easier.
  21. Load up your mods in FO4Edit, and see what mods, if any, actually affect Kellogg.
  22. According to theory, Scrap everything only breaks precombines in settlement areas, not the whole game. I think there is an optional switch to do the whole game, but, it has to be a deliberate act, and it comes with a warning that performance issues may ensue. :D
  23. Oh yeah! I LOVED "And STAY back!" That was awesome, and combined with the Pancor Jackhammer (modded in legacy weapon, essentially, and automatic shotgun) even deathclaws were easy. :D
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