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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Nope, they left all the negative posts towards mod authors intact, and removed the others. Apparently attacking mod authors is encouraged now, because the ones who did it the most appeared out of the woodwork to once again do it, unfettered by any rules, and free to do it whenever they want now. And that seems to be completely in line with Nexus new attitude toward mod authors......
  2. Hhhmmm... Apparently, Discord is the only place to get support for it....... Bummer. I MUCH prefer forums..... Any other mods you are running require that? If not, then, go play, and have fun. :D
  3. Scrappable Commonwealth - Scrappable Commonwealth v1.21 WIP <- This one may be a significant performance hit. Aside from that, you have a LOT of mods I don't recognize. :)
  4. Gonna have to go thru your mods that require F4SE one at a time then. Disable one, start the game, see if you still have the error message. If you do, re-enable that mod, disable the next on the list. Keep going till you find the mod that is screwing up.
  5. Ok, so, F4SE is indeed running. Now, question becomes, which mod doesn't think it is? Is there anything interesting in the console after you clear that message? (the error message.)
  6. Load a game, open the console, and type in: getf4seversion See what it says.
  7. Click on the drop-down arrow by your username, (upper right, where it shows you are logged in) Go to My Settings, and in that window, go to Ignore Preferences. There you can add/remove folks from your ignore list.
  8. The term 'alternative facts' might be a recent phenomenon, but, calling it what it is, Lies, have been around in american politics, since there have been american politics. Politicians lie. That is indeed a fact. It isn't restricted to just one party either. ALL of them are liars. They sprinkle just enough truth into their words, that the rest seems somehow 'plausible'...... at least, to the followers of that particular political religion. Most of us are aware of this, and take ANYTHING ANY politician has to say wit a grain or so of salt. And sometimes, the whole container...... Trump was just FAR more blatant about it. Not being a life long politician, he hadn't refined the art to the high skill levels the rest of the washington crowd has. Now, the fact that some folks actually believe the lies...... That shouldn't come as a surprise either. Some folks still think the world is flat. Of course, the rest of us know that can't possibly be true, as if the world were indeed flat, cats would have knocked everything over the edge by now. :)
  9. Ah, and there is the problem. :) MO2 doesn't odd and strange stuff with ini files, and the ones that show up in your 'my games' folder, are NOT the ones MO2 has the game actually use. That said, this *should* work: set your fov with the console command. saveini refreshini See if you FOV settings held.
  10. I think the folder with the 'installed' mods in it, needs to be on the same phyiscal drive as the game itself.
  11. Are you using a mod manager? If so, which one? Go ahead and post your load list. Condolences on your loss.
  12. No. Due to Sony's restrictions, ya can't add anything that requires external assets.
  13. Yea, the card doesnt have a 6pin connection tho, I was baffled by that when I unboxed it because the AMD I had before did have the 6pin and I had it hooked up but this one did not have it This is the one I bought: https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-gtx-1650-gtx-1650-d6-ventus-xs-oc/p/N82E16814137529?Item=9SIAVT8E3X4300 Looking at it, no, it doesn't require any additional power connectors..... That is indeed kinda surprising for a 1650...... but, it also only requires a 300 watt power supply.... So, I guess it's no needed. Wild. :D Is the game aware you have a different vid card? Not sure how much of an issue it is, but, when I change cards, I tend to delete all my ini files, and run the Fallout 4 Launcher once, just for it to re-check things, and figger it out. (but, I don't launch the game from there, as I use F4SE....) Sorry for the late reply. I think I did narrow down the mod being the problem: "Big Junk Redux" by LeahTheUnknown/GenghisKhanX. I uninstalled that, started a new game, now my game works fine, mostly. It did just CTD earlier today followed by Windows 7 message "Change Color Scheme" popup. I think the graphics card I got is limited in its capabilities and gets throttled easily. I bought it to replace my AMD that went bad, thought I'd go the NVidia route this time. Should've read the reviews first but, live and learn, right? Anyway, I appreciate the help. Take care :thumbsup: I used to see the 'change color scheme' message when I was running windows 7, and exited out of the game, (or, the game crashed...) haven't seen that one on 10 though. But, my game doesn't crash all that often either. In fact, it's quite rare.
  14. I suspect it is mod related, or game difficulty level related. Playing on survival, I can see how corpses might harbor disease that can shorten your life. :)
  15. That's just bizarre. Gotta be a mod doing that to you. Post your load list. (in spoiler tags please.)
  16. It would be nice if their 'updates' didn't break everything under the sun, again......
  17. 10th gen i7, so highly likely that's ddr4.
  18. i'd suggest buying a mac is a bigger indication of throwing money away, personally. I wasn't going to say that....... but, it gives me a good chuckle that someone did. :)
  19. Ok, it appears they blocked you from PMs back in March...... Might try contacting someone on staff, to see if that can be reinstated. Just remember what cost you that access last time around, and don't do it again.
  20. You don't need to pay for a membership to do anything here. Paying simply makes downloads faster. That's it.
  21. Which reminds me to fire Codsworth. He polished my car for 210 years, but it still turned into the worst heap of rust across the commonwealth :mad: And just how long are you expecting paint to last?? :smile: You do understand, that 'polishing' actually REMOVES a small amount of paint. I am thinkin' over the course of 'a bit over 210 actually' years, I would be VERY surprised if there was any paint left at all. :D You forget the paint in fallout can withstand 200 years out in the open and exposed to the elements. Valid point. Apparently, in the Fallout universe, there was no EPA telling them to use water-based paints, instead of the stuff that would last forever. :D
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