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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :smile: The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity." Once again, you are inaccurate with your quotes. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/#:~:text=Insanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same%20thing%20over%20and,repeating%20the%20same%20mistakes%20and%20expecting%20different%20results. That's all you got from that? Seriously?
  2. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :) The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity."
  3. Check in your 'active effects' list, see if anything there jumps out at you. Your weapon doesn't have the duelist legendary by any chance?
  4. I have had mixed results with Alt+Tab on Beth games. Sometimes it works just fine, others, not so much. For the most part, if I switch out while the game is running, it will automagically bring up the "Esc" menu.... I doubt that it is a mod problem..... Probably a windows thing.
  5. There are perks that let you move faster while aiming.... there are perks that increase your movement speed in general..... I don't recall if there are any legendary weapon effects that do that though....
  6. That's why you create a new object, instead of editing the base. Do your changes on the new object, then swap out the 'non-buildable' stuff, for buildable stuff. Yep. Tedious. :D Please, it took me hours this afternoon to navmesh one set of stairs lol Anyway, stuff isn't sinking through the floors. I haven't really tried the walls, mostly just replaced broken lights using Place Anywhere to record the originals position and transfer it to the new one. I'll go hang a few paintings or something, see what happens. It's entirely possible you could add the keywords to the base objects, and not have any conflicts in any event.... after all, folks build vaults (vault 88)... Might wanna look at some of those pieces, and see if they have the keywords. Might not even have to worry about it. :D
  7. That's why you create a new object, instead of editing the base. Do your changes on the new object, then swap out the 'non-buildable' stuff, for buildable stuff. Yep. Tedious. :D
  8. That's just odd..... Did they dink with the leveled lists? Or some other odd interaction?
  9. Good point, and a smaller cell so should be easier to pinpoint the marker for dissection. Some of these fast travel points are insanely hard to locate. I'm trying to find the Vault 114 marker (the one to the manhole cover where you exit after rescuing Nick) so that I can rename it to Vault 114 Surface Access, and for the life of me I have no idea where the actual marker is. The header marker for where you exit with Nick, but not the actual fast travel point. I don't think there is one in the vanilla game. It's not a spot you 'discover', so, there is no marker to travel to. At least, not that I have ever found...... :)
  10. I thought there already was a timer in game??? Timescale is generally 20 to 1. Unless the player changes it. There are also mods that change timescale, depending on what you are doing...... So, gotta watch out for that as well.
  11. What about railroad hq? Can fast travel to/from there as well.
  12. Should post on the thread for the mod. (on the mod page.)
  13. I occasionally see raiders, and even gunners... spawn without a firearm, just melee weapons..... Maybe one in ten?
  14. huh i see now it says onedrive while it's uninstalled and the non-onedrive folder is completely empty okay i fixed it, turns out onedrive f***ed it, through some registry f*#@ery i fixed it and now it all-cool an dandy Yeah, I am not a fan of onedrive... I am not a fan of signing in to my computer using a microsoft account either. So, no MS account for me, and onedrive is disabled in startup. :D
  15. For the most part, cleaning masters is ok. There are a VERY few exceptions to that rule, and you found one. (well, someone found it.....) But, WHY does nukaworld even TOUCH those locations??? (well, the market, I can see, but, the amphitheater??? Hhhhmmm.....) Maybe. :) The problem lies in dirty edits would be my guess..... (unintentional edits to a location that are NOT ITM's....)
  16. Trump was elected because they were tired of the Democrats. Plain and simple. Biden was elected because people didn't like trump. So, Biden was the default choice. Now lets just hope the republicans can get their collective act together, get away from Trump, and run someone in '24 that actually has a chance of winning.
  17. Right there is a direct quote from your post, indicating that you do indeed think you are spreading/know the "truth". But, the truth is, you have firmly bought into the liberal media interpretation of the 2nd amendment, and the firm belief that more laws (less guns) will make us "Safe". Problem is, less guns will NOT make us 'safe'. It will deprive the people of the ability to protect themselves from folks that simply don't care about the law. The environment here is RADICALLY different than what you grew up with. Yet you are still trying to apply european values to an american issue. That simply does not work. You are arguing from a position of willful ignorance of the actual situation. Your outright refusal to see any other position than your own, your refusal to educate yourself on the basic issues, means that you will continue to present arguments that carry no water. You don't have a clue, and apparently, you don't want one either. You would much rather act like a televangelist, screaming your 'truth' from the rooftops, even though 90% of your audience simply rolls their eyes at the fool on the hill.
  18. And you are flat out wrong on your "truth". The FACT is, MOST residents in the US SUPPORT the 2nd amendment. I suggest you go to the department store near you, and see if they have any 'clues' on sale. As you obviously don't have one.
  19. No. You can't. That will effectively remove all your mods.
  20. Did the game redetect your hardware after deleting the onedrive folder? (that really wasn't a good idea..... especially if your profile folders were actually in there....) Try this: Open File Explorer Right click on "Desktop" select properties in the drop down menu. Go to the Location tab, see where the PC thinks that folder is stored.
  21. "0016","+","Bullet Counted Reload - v.1.05b","d2021.4.11.0" Does that one affect NPC's as well? Does it force NPC's to use ammo? After you kill 'em, do the NPC's that resorted to fists have any ammo for their preferred weapon?
  22. Hhhmmm... MO2 does some odd things with ini files. I don't use it though, so, not sure just what, exactly, those 'things' are. I think it has it's own copy of them somewhere else... There was another thread about this somewhere, a search might turn it up.
  23. Are you using MO2? Are your ini files set to read-only?
  24. The media is biased. That is a fact. There is no such thing as 'honest journalism' any more. That too, is a thing of the past. You are a fine example of just what that biased media leads to. The whole "I am right, and you are batguano crazy, because you don't agree with me." You grew up in an entirely different culture, so, I am willing to cut you SOME slack for your opinions, but, you have repeatedly put forward that anyone that supports our constitutional right to bear arms is some form of 'white supremacist', or some other variety of 'low character'. Doesn't matter what anyone else says, if it doesn't agree with your 'disarm the masses so only the government has guns' rhetoric, then they are obviously some ultra-right wing conservative, and should be taken out and shot...... So, I am simply going to ignore anything you have to say on this topic in the future, as you have zero experience with it, have no clue what a 'constitutional right' means, seem to think that government/police can 'protect you'. (which they obviously can't) and seem to think that the answer to any threat is to run away, and hide behind someone else. You can't get any different from american values than that.
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