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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Generally, that's a result of running too many mods. The hard limit is 255. That includes the base game, and any DLC's you are running.
  2. If you are using OBSE, you watch for the keypress to close the book, once it has been opened.
  3. There are several. :) I use Build High. You can get pretty tall with that..... there are also mods that raise, or even eliminate the item count limitation...... Quick search will turn up numerous options.
  4. Running the beth high-res texture pack? Or any other mods that change textures? Nvidia card: Try setting Ambient Occlusion to Ambient Occlusion (HBAO+) Ultra
  5. I've been running NMM for quite some time now, and I have never seen that error.... what settings are getting corrupted?
  6. Once precombines are broken in a save, they stay broken. Just disabling the mods that broke them won't change anything. Uninstall all mods that break them, verify they aren't disabled in any of your ini files, then start a new game, and see how framerates are.
  7. Probably a good plan...... :) I think the longer you wait, the more likely you will find cards for good prices. Of course, by next year, the Nvidia 50 series (and 40 series) cards will likely have come out too. :D
  8. Trouble is, from what I have seen, with the values of various crypto-currencies remaining high.... I don't see the boom being 'over' any time soon. And we also have the supplies issues with the chips. So long as the pandemic is still an issue, that's gonna be a problem too. We have been able to get various cards at work, even for reasonable prices. And we can sell them at a pretty serious profit...... (which we do.... yep, scalpers.....) I am waiting for our next round of 3060Ti's to come in, and I will likely buy one..... Should last me for the foreseeable future. :D I don't see vid card prices coming to to anything I would consider 'reasonable'.... for at least a few more months. If you have vid cards of recent vintage you want to get rid of, now is certainly the time. We are getting really good prices on even 570's and such. :D
  9. The are all the same game, and all require steam. Just be sure the version you get includes all the DLC. :D
  10. There is an official support thread over on Beth.net.... Could try posting there.
  11. Did you do anything with precombines? Load any mods that break them? What background processes are running? With that rig, you shouldn't have ANY FPS issues, at all......
  12. As I explained earlier, the "well regulated militia" was written as the superior or most important clause in the Amendment. What the American Supreme Court did was to eliminate the "well regulated" portion of the Amendment, which is the very definition of Judicial Activism. And I will leave that there. At the time that was written, "Well Regulated" meant "Functions Properly", not "restricted by law". That too has been discussed quite frequently here in the US.
  13. Bad texture/mesh?
  14. Those who are willing to give up their freedom for security, will have neither. And the writings of the various founding fathers have been interpreted in a multitude of ways. I do believe that 'defending ourselves from an authoritarian government' entered into the argument for the 2nd amendment as well. Please take note what happened in almost every country that banned civilian ownership of firearms. Millions dead, at the hands of their own government.
  15. Hhhmmm.... Might want something with more system RAM, but, definitely something with more Video RAM.......
  16. SimpleCrossbowTest.esp What's this one do? Is this the one that places the crossbow on the rock? Have you tried verfiying your game cache via steam?
  17. I would rather have my consciousness transferred to another body, and live another lifetime. (Freejack :) )
  18. Yeah, more cops...... in a time when the left is calling for FEWER cops. Can you see how that might be a problem? But now, we are getting into gun crime in general, not mass-shootings in particular. If you look at the statistics (freely available on the FBI website), if you excluded five major cities from those statistics, (Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and another I can't remember just off-hand, all democrat controlled I might add, with some pretty severe gun laws.....Edit: St. Louis is the fifth.) The US instantly becomes as safe, if not safer.... than most other first world nations. Keep in mind, that most shootings are happening in what are already 'high crime' areas, so it really shouldn't come as a surprise. Would adding more guns to those areas decrease the number of shootings? Not very likely. Give the criminals better weapons, and they will tend to want to use them...... Several of those cities (including washington DC) have already tried a flat out ban on certain types of firearms. (pistols being right up there on the list, as they are the most common weapon used in gun crimes) and it really didn't make much difference at all. The criminals were still able to get their guns. That shouldn't have been a surprise either..... Folks that are already doing something illegal, really aren't going to care that there is yet another law that they are breaking. Leave it to politicians to believe otherwise......
  19. Considering it is entirely possible to have THOUSANDS of items in the workshop menus.... I think doing it by hand is pretty much a futile effort. :) I understand completely where you are coming from though. I had such a list for morrowind in a windows help file format, and it was a godsend. (for the construction kit) I would LOVE to have something like that for Fallout 4. Trouble is, there are so many mods out there that add items to the menu, it's likely going to be different for each install. My best guess would be writing a script for FO4Edit to extract that information would (should?) be doable. (but, not by me...... don't have the skill for that.) It would also be an EXTREMELY useful script for anyone that wanted the information. Just get your load order set up, run the script, and there you are. It would be independent of what mods you were running, as it would scan the entire load order for workshop items. (ideally) Being able to export it in some manner of spreadsheet would be way cool. :D Even if it was just comma separated values, you could then import it to your favorite spreadsheet program.
  20. Using Mod Organizer or MO2 by any chance? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they have ini files in their own directory that they like to use.... so, editing the ones in My Games has zero effect.
  21. Sometimes, I think computers do that kind of thing just out of sheer cussedness. :D I am not big into overclocking though. For my purposes, I don't really need to. My system is mean enough to run whatever I care to, rather well. :) We shall see if that still holds true when the next TES/FO games come out. :D I AM trying to upgrade my GPU though...... we have been able to get some of the Nvidia 30 series cards at work, but, given the prices at the moment, my boss isn't real inclined to sell one to me at the employee price, when he can make a couple hundred bucks PER CARD on the open market. :D
  22. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away...... Where I live, (here in the US) it's pretty rural. If I found myself in a situation where a quick response from the police would be required, they would show up in time to clean up the mess. They couldn't possibly get here in time to do me any good. Therefore, it is MY responsibility to protect myself, and my family. Not so very long ago, the police were called to a house for a reported 'break in'. The cops didn't show up for 45 minutes. In that time, the guys that broke into the house beat the crap out of the father, raped the wife, and 14 year old daughter, trashed their house, and stole their truck. There were no firearms in the house, as daddy 'didn't believe' in owning guns. He now has a concealed carry permit, and doesn't go anywhere unarmed. Closing the barn door after the horse has already left...... The US is a HUGE country, with very large expanses of sparsely populated land. It is physically impossible for the police to be anything other than janitors, when it comes to crime in rather larger areas of this country. Expecting them to 'keep you safe' is a pipe dream.
  23. That's interesting, and I have no idea why it should happen that way. One would think that the number of filled slots wouldn't matter. Two should be just the same as 4. I might be tempted to test the ram, and make sure both sticks don't have any issues. Check your MB manual, I would expect they have a specific order to populate the rams slots, depending on how many you have, to get the most out of them. Just out of idle curiosity though, are you overclocking the entire system? Or just the RAM? If it's just the RAM, I wouldn't expect you would see much of a performance difference between the two settings. Or even stock settings for that matter.... RAM is FAST. :D
  24. Personally, I think it's your last explanation. :smile: Taken individually, we have some truly bright people here in the US. Taken collectively though? We got nothin' on a box of rocks. :D As much as you'd like to Hey, I don't think you can claim American supremacy on the content of your boxes. I won't allude to first hand knowledge of Europe or Asia and the rest of the world, but here in the land of your frozen neighbor to the north we have both plenty of rocks and no shortage of boxes. Beware of one other thing too ...since the end of the last ice age the northern part of that wonderful frozen wasteland I call home has been rebounding from the trillions of tons of ice that once weighed it down. Soon we'll be high enougn for some of those rocks to start sliding downhill (I know, as if you didn't already have enough to worry about). For some time I have had the notion that we're doomed as a species. The more we advance the less we are in concert with our small home named Earth. It's not only the financial world that demonstrates the widening gulf between haves and have nots. We are also seeing the same in the schism between the knows and know nots (or perhaps "don't want to knows" would be more accurate). At first I was thinking along the lines that our advances had halted that fundemental process that had got us to the point where we could make the advances (yes I'm in the camp that believes Darwin was correct). Without evolution what option is open beside either extinction or devolution? Then I realised that the system isn't broken, and we are in fact evolving ... into two species. Oh gee, that's for the good news..... I live in the northern part of the US, so, I will likely be one of the first to see some of those rocks. :D Our government has been doing it's best to circumvent Darwin for a couple decades now, much to the detriment of the species as a whole. Humans, are indeed their own worst enemy, and I find it highly likely that we will be our own undoing. Be it environmental, war, or simply breeding ourselves into non-existence.
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