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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, south side of Chicago sees a 'mass shooting' just about twice a week....... and those statistics are freely available in the chicago newspapers. Mass Shootings (at least, the 'real' ones) are indeed a problem, but, banning a selection of weapons, or large magazines, isn't the answer, as it really won't make any difference. The bulk of mass shooters use pistols, or shotguns. But of course, the liberal press will hype any shooting that involves one their so-called "assault rifles"...... I would also point out, that a fair few of the mass shooters had owned their weapons, regardless of what it was.... for years before actually committing a crime with it. A few more should not have had their weapons AT ALL, but, either someone in the government (Air Force, I am looking at YOU.....) or THEIR PARENTS screwed up. (Newtown shooter.... history of mental issues, but, his MOM bought the rifle for him.) Besides all that, it has already been proven, quite effectively, that banning something, does NOT make it go away. All it does is create a black market, and another income stream for other criminals. If folks want one, they WILL be able to get one, regardless of the laws. Maybe if we actually enforced the laws that are already on the books, it might help. Like, folks with a history of mental problems are not permitted to purchase/own/possess firearms......... That ones been in the books for decades. Working real good, ain't it.
  2. Personally, I think it's your last explanation. :) Taken individually, we have some truly bright people here in the US. Taken collectively though? We got nothin' on a box of rocks. :D
  3. Have you played the game without problems with that card previously? I might be tempted to rename your ini files, and let the game re-detect your video. See if that helps.
  4. I would love to see their source information on where they came up with that info. However, I am not going to pay them money to see it. (that really seems like a scam to me......) Would also like to see what 'incidents' they are including in their collection of 'mass shootings'....... Definitions vary, sometimes dramatically.
  5. For trash outside of settlements, they are generally part of precombined objects. The game does that to improve performance. Breaking precombines can really trash framerates in places with lots of stuff around. (downtown Boston springs immediately to mind.....)
  6. ScrapAll can be dangerous. Especially if you use mods that expand the settlement area. Might nuke stuff you don't want to go away. I am not sure what it does to any NPC's that may be in the area as well. :D
  7. Gun control is the ability to hit what you are aiming at. My question becomes, what weapon did he use? Did he possess it legally?
  8. Only need max if you are going to do models. Is that what you had in mind? Learning to use max is no small undertaking....... I am curious about the version requirement though. Would the niftools plugins work with a newer version, and save in the proper format?? (I don't have the faintest idea.)
  9. That's a missing master crash. One of the mods you have installed, is dependent on a mod that is NOT installed. If you are using a mod manager, it should tell you which one is missing a master.
  10. Disable the legendary modification mods, see if the problem goes away.
  11. There's a difference between 'disabled', and 'uninstalled'. :) The game loads mods listed in the plugins.txt file, found in your windows user profile. (appdata/fallout 4) If the mod isn't on that list, (and marked with an *) the game *shouldn't* load it, but, all the files are still in your Data folder. (or, at least, appear to be....)
  12. Windows dynamically sizes the page file in any event, unless you go in and set it to a specific size. Also, if you have "Fast Start" enabled, windows doesn't really shut down anyway. It just writes the current machine state to a file, and at boot, just loads that file.... Restart actually does force windows to reload drivers and such. On my machine, there is maybe a couple seconds difference in boot time between the two settings.... so, I just turned it off. (I would prefer that windows would reload all its files and drivers at boot in any event.....) As it stands, my machine goes from completely off, to a usable windows desktop in under 30 seconds. :) Gotta love modern technology.
  13. I don't think so...... Too many of the factions require the institute be destroyed to 'finish' the game. If you go institute, the railroad and BoS have to go. Even the minutemen require destruction of the institute......
  14. Something I use to minimize dust in the machine (virtually impossible to eliminate it) is those filter media you can buy for your forced air heating system vents. I cut them to fit into all of those spots that have no way of installing a proper fan filter. For my CoolerMaster 690 that means the air coming into the bottom of the case (all other fans are either filtered or exhaust). The space between the case feet at the front and back are thinner so a single layer cut to fit between the feet is good ... the space between on the sides gets a piece wider than required folded in half lengthwise so it slides into place folded. You would be amazed at how much dust they collect between cleanings. I have no clue how old my case is..... "ancient" comes to mind. I think it is on its third of fourth iteration of parts at this point. Problem is, my cpu cooler is huge, so, I can't even put the side cover on. :D I may score a better case at some point, but, this one still works for me, so, save the money. :D
  15. Your link doesn't take me to the cooler...... But, that said, I just installed one of these at work. It went into an older system, with an i5 4th gen processor. They are kinda known for running fairly warm...... Running Prime 95, putting all cores to 100%, temps stayed under 70* C. My major problem with liquid cooling though, is the coolant seems to mysteriously disappear over time.... and cooler efficiency degrades accordingly. I've seen a couple of these just this week....... Replace the cooler, and all the problems go away. These guys were 4 to 5 years old though..... so, for the money, I suppose it's pretty much worth it. On my machine, I run one of these. Yes, it's huge. :) But, temps stay stable, regardless of what I am doing, and the fins have a large enough separation, that it doesn't clog up with dust easily. (which is an issue in my 100+ year old farm house.....)
  16. You can only do that if they are NOT vanilla assets. Otherwise, beth takes a really dim view of porting their assets to other games... Yes, even if the 'other game' is one of theirs...... Tends to make them unfriendly. :)
  17. I am not an expert.... but, look at the ammo entries for the fatman.... (I think there is 'ammo', and then there is 'projectile', I think.....) Need to change both of those to your static chicken-on-the-shelf, (ammo you can pick up) projectile I believe is the chicken-in-flight...... I *think* you can just copy the current stuff, create new form, then change the mesh they point to.
  18. Fallout 4 is a 64bit application, so, there shouldn't be ANY restrictions on how much ram it can use. Using an external utility, like ENB, or FOSE, and enabling their memory fixes works pretty well for me. The game runs good, and is pretty darn stable, even with around 100 mods.
  19. iPresentInterval is essentially V-sync. Turning it off uncaps framerate. On powerful machines, that can be a problem, as physics gets really stupid if you go over 60FPS........ Fun to watch.... but, not easy to play. :D
  20. Does it actually show up in-game? Have you updated that mod??
  21. Modern Firearms has a variety of belt-fed machine guns.
  22. I think you need to run LOOT on your load order. You have esps loading AFTER their masters...... That doesn't work very well.
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