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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Do you get the "Post Beep" when you power it on?
  2. Run the drive cleanup utility, and be sure to use the option to clean up system files as well. Depending on your O/S, you can free up 20-30 gig just by doing that.
  3. If it's been like that since the reinstall, I think there is an ini edit you need to do to enable use of mods?
  4. In the debates section? :) Right back at ya there man. :D Hope you are yours have a wonderful holiday.
  5. If you play beth games, they require moving LARGE amounts of data, on a fairly regular basis. (every time you move into a new cell, the game needs to load surrounding cells.) So, you might see a 'hitch' at cell boundaries, or longer load times going from interior to exterior. (somewhat less of an issue going from exterior to interior, lot less to load.)
  6. What are you attempting to do, and what appears to be happening? Does the game itself run?
  7. Performance. :) The way it works, it uses the solid state portion as a 'buffer', and so long as the data you want is in the buffer, speed is right up there, but, if it needs to actually fetch stuff from the mechanical portion, data speed drops like the proverbial rock. VERY noticeable in gaming applications. I would rather have one, or the other, so data bus speed is consistent. Yeah, I'll grant that 100 bucks for 500 gb is still a bit expensive, considering you can get terrabyte WD Gold drives for about the same price....... I have a 250 gb drive, that the o/s, and various apps are installed on, and a 500gb drive that my games are installed on. I think I only have four or five games actually installed...... (Skyrim and FO4 being right up there on the list.......) so, space isn't that much of an issue at the moment. I also have a NAS, and I store a LOT of stuff on that, as it isn't used WHILE gaming, access speed just isn't an issue.
  8. LOLOL. Wish I would have known that a couple days ago. :) Gonna have to go looking for that, for future reference. Thank You.
  9. I'm not a fan of the hybrid drives, performance is good for a bit, then drops like a stone.... I would rather have a mechanical drive, at least it's consistent. But, the tech has gotten dirt cheap of late, and you can get 500gb SSD for under a 100 bucks...... (I cheat, I work at a PC shop, and get them at cost...... :) )
  10. My secondary harddrive is also an SSD. After playing games installed on an ssd, I couldn't go back to the mechanical HDD's..... so, there aren't any in my machine any more.
  11. HeyYou


    And you thought Trump wasn't 'diplomatic'....... :)
  12. Figgered it out. It's in the right spot, named correctly, and doesn't screw up an existing savegame. Now, HOW I managed to get it to work.... I could not possibly explain. I would love to try and set it up for script injection/removal...... however, I am using several mods that add things to the conduit category, and I am not seeing any conflicts (yet...). So, I don't think I am going to worry about that just yet.
  13. Ok, only one filter per contructible object. (and a clean save.....) Now, the menues for the various colors show up, but, still not quite in the right spot. They are still in the Main power menu, not in the conduits menu...... I don't see a form list for that particular menu specifically though....... Not sure how to work this one out. I am ALMOST there. Get them in the right spot, and I am done. :D
  14. Ok, nuked the additional filter for blue, and left the one shown above. Nothing seems to have changed...... Grrrr..... :D
  15. Ok, I am VERY close. I get the categories to show up, but, not where I really want them. They show up in the main "power" category, as 'sets', however, in the conduits category, they show up as individual items..... (the whole huge long list of them.) I used the same format for recipe filter keywords. WorkshopRecipeFilterResource02Power03Conduit04Blue Should I only have one filter in the contructible object form??
  16. Yep. Most programs want to install in some flavor of Program Files folder, on the C drive. For most, yeah, that's where they go. For games though, given that some of my installs are north of 40 gig..... yeah, they go on another drive. :D
  17. Don't the ENB fellers come with their own version of d3d9.dll, or some such? That needs to go in the same directory as the exe file for the game.
  18. I install my games on a separate harddrive. Most apps, (office, and things of that nature) get installed to their default locations. (program files of some flavor or other) My C drive is a 250gb SSD, so, I limit what I put there.......
  19. HeyYou

    Hey guys

    (belated) Welcome to Nexus! :D
  20. Awesome, Thank You. I will give this a shot tonight, or tomorrow, and see how it goes. :)
  21. Digging further into this.... The constructable (contrutible??) object for conduits just points at a form list. They all have the same requirements, etc. So, I think I need to separate the various colors, into their own form lists, point the constructible object for each COLOR at the appropriate form list, and insert the filters for the correct sub-menu in that record? Am I getting close here??
  22. Well, tried an experiment. Edited the Form list in the mod, so that one of the conduits was listed twice. It worked, it shows up twice in the build menu. As I understand it, in order to add these to separate submenues, I need to create a construcable object, with the correct keywords for each piece, to put them in the correct submenues. (which means I need to create the keywords for those submenues, and fill in all the appropriate information. Will I need to change the entries in the form list to then point at the construcable objects, in order to accomplish what I am aiming for here then? It appears that the 'vanilla' conduits are added to the form list as the 'static' items..... so, I would take a WAG, that I wouldn't need to change the form list, just need to create the constructible objects?
  23. I see them in the FO4 esm file as well, along with the vanilla conduits...... don't know if that's what actually adds them though. Some experimentation may be in order. :D
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