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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. That should work just fine then...... Do you have an anti-virus program running?
  2. I suspect that's a problem with the download, not the tools you have installed. Try and download one of the mods again, see what happens. What browser are you using?
  3. What do you mean bud? Bye garden hose? She is suggesting a cold shower for the both of them. :)
  4. Since we are in the 'other system' forum, I suspect he plays on console, so, Loot/NMM/Vortex simply aren't viable options.
  5. There is an updated version of NMM available on github, that still works on Nexus. It was a security thing for logins that screwed it all up. I don't know if MO has been updated, or MO2 either.
  6. Yeah, its in the .ini file. Careful with it though, going to high, can REALLY cause problems. Also, if you save outside, and exit the game, if you change the setting, the game will simply crash when you try to load. Saving inside will *usually* allow you to dial it back without issue. I think there is a script extender plugin to make changing it on the fly possible.... but, I haven't used it yet.
  7. For beth games, to me, anything above 30FPS is definitely playable. But, I don't go in for the 'prettification' mods myself. I DO tend to play with UGridsToLoad though, and that can most certainly have a profound affect on framerate. :D What is UGridsToLoad? The number of grids (cells) the game loads around the player. Picture a piece of graph paper, with the player standing in one of the squares, the game loads the surrounding squares as well. UGridsToLoad determines just how far out the game goes to fully load them. 5 is stock, I generally run 7, to 9. (MUST be an odd number) 9 puts a horrendous load on the system though, so, in really 'busy' areas, (like downtown boston in FO4) framerate can really take a hit, and I get graphical glitches as well. I am running a GTX 1060 6gb vid card. 1080 would likely be able to do 9 without trouble.
  8. For beth games, to me, anything above 30FPS is definitely playable. But, I don't go in for the 'prettification' mods myself. I DO tend to play with UGridsToLoad though, and that can most certainly have a profound affect on framerate. :D
  9. There was a thread about that over on the beth forums. Initially, modders were able to upload the various files (external assets) but, they simply did not work. I think that lasted only a few days. That was when the cat was let out of the bag about the proprietary formats for various files. Sony outright refuses to allow the tools for those to be 'release into the wild'.
  10. Yeah, sony kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one, though, as expected, it blew over fairly quickly. Sony still makes tons of money from their game system, and that's all they really care about. Allowing the external assets would not really affect their bottom line noticeably, so, no. They won't release the tools for their proprietary sound/texture formats. Bummer.
  11. I'm afraid that is simply a 'job hazard' with beth games..... or, likely, any game that is actually modable. :D
  12. I think the whole idea of 'cultural appropriation' in a GAME is a non-starter. Folks whining about this particular 'offense' really need to get a life. There are much bigger issues in the REAL world they should be addressing.
  13. LOL. Welcome to Nexus. :) Modding the PS/4 may be a tad frustrating, as Sony doesn't allow 'external assets' on their system, so, no new textures/meshes/scripts/items/etc. Now, there ARE a fair few folks that have done some rather neat stuff for PS/4. They generally hang out on the Beth forums though. :D
  14. Yield to temptation..... You know you want to..... Click the button...... :D
  15. It wasn't really a problem, since Skyrim runs just as fine as I want without crashing. It was just a silly question to understand why my stupid Laptop could handle good quality textures but not full screen at all. It will take a long time for me to buy a good PC since I live in Brazil and I'm a teenager, so it's hard to get a job and everything is expensive. But anyway, thanks for the reply. If you can scare up the money, expand to 8 gb. (likely two 4gb sticks, and tossing your 2gb stick you are currently using. Most laptops only have two ram slots.) Might just as well take advantage of that 64bit architecture. :D I can see how that might be a problem. :smile: Is your operating system 32 or 64 bit? You could toss in another 2gb of ram, and it sure wouldn't hurt. The integrated graphics chip shares ram with the system, it likely does not have it's own dedicated ram, so, adding some more for the entire system to play with, sure won't hurt. Shouldn't be that expensive either. I'll see what I can do about it, more RAM should be asy for me to buy. My system is x64, and it's running Windows 8.1 with many useless services disabled and some performance settings to give my Laptop full power. I have a lot of mods installed, including better textures for some things, and full screen is not exactly impossible, but it would meld down my CPU in no time. What difference could more RAM do in a system like mine? Decrease loading times, decrease sutter on cell changes, (yes, even when walking around outside) etc. As it stands, the game needs to load most of that from the disk drive, (either directly, or, from the windows page file, since you are limited on ram.) Adding more means less swapping to the disk. (which in laptops are notoriously slow.) Switching to a solid state drive wouldn't hurt you either, but, that's a bit more money. :D (MUCH faster disk access times. MAJOR performance improvement.)
  16. Your machine should run FO4 without too much trouble. Certainly has the hardware for it. It's been out for a while now, so there is a REALLY good selection of mods available, you can customize the game to your liking, then, you can mod it up yourself as well. :)
  17. Either one of those would be perfect. :) BenQ makes some high quality stuff, as does ASUS. I think you will be please no matter which you chose.
  18. It wasn't really a problem, since Skyrim runs just as fine as I want without crashing. It was just a silly question to understand why my stupid Laptop could handle good quality textures but not full screen at all. It will take a long time for me to buy a good PC since I live in Brazil and I'm a teenager, so it's hard to get a job and everything is expensive. But anyway, thanks for the reply. I can see how that might be a problem. :) Is your operating system 32 or 64 bit? You could toss in another 2gb of ram, and it sure wouldn't hurt. The integrated graphics chip shares ram with the system, it likely does not have it's own dedicated ram, so, adding some more for the entire system to play with, sure won't hurt. Shouldn't be that expensive either.
  19. Mainly because running in a small window isn't nearly as demanding on hardware as running full screen. That, and for Skyrim, your hardware flat out sucks. Celeron processors were gimped from the factory. Integrated graphics isn't helping you either, a distinct lack of ram is another nail in the coffin. You already called out your problem. A cheap laptop. There isn't really anything you can do for that machine to make it run the game decently. More Ram wouldn't hurt, but, I wouldn't even bother upgraded that machine, save your pennies and buy something better. Hint: Integrated graphics are terrible for gaming, finding a laptop with a REAL discreet video card, is NOT cheap. If you want to play games, build or buy a desktop.
  20. FPS is Frames per second. Usually, the more, the better. Except in Beth games, where going over 60fps makes physics go insane. (walk into a room, and all the loose items literally explode around the room.....) 1440 P refers to the monitors resolution. Full HD is considered 1920 by 1080 (1080P). Your vid card can do that without any trouble whatsoever, on pretty much every game out there. The higher the native resolution of the monitor, (what it really wants to run at...) the higher the price. :D So, question becomes, how large of a monitor would you like, and how high of resolution would you like? What games you play also makes a difference, for beth games, in my opinion, anything over 30fps is eminently playable. If you do first person shooters, the higher, the better.
  21. He isn't trying to change the 14th amendment, he is trying to change the way it is enforced. Basically, birthright citizenship should ONLY apply to children born here of parents that are in the country legally. If you are not here legally, your child will not get automagic citizenship. I completely agree.
  22. For the most part, simply standing up to the bully will be adequate to the task. No one (in their right mind) relishes taking a hit, but, it is a distinct possibility. Basically, it boils down to this, what kind of friend are you? If you AND your friend stand up to the bully, chances are good that the bully will back down. We had bullies when I was in school. I was occasionally a target of their attentions. I got tired of that in pretty short order. When one of them approached me, and started in, I suggested that he find someone else to push around, (and I did not phrase if very politely either.) he took a swing at me, and yes, it hurt. I figured that I wasn't going to get out of it without some pain, so went all in on him. I had some bumps and bruises, but, I left him on the floor bleeding. I don't think he was quite prepared for the intensity of my attack. I got suspended for a few days, but, that particular bully, and his buds, never bothered me again. On another occasion, I simply picked the ring-leader, and tossed him out a second story window. (it was a short drop, into grass.) He was no longer a problem either.
  23. Yeah, you want a nice 4K monitor then, you certainly have the hardware to justify it. Where are you located? (country)
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