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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You can change compatibility modes whenever you care to. Just don't install the games in the program files folder. Create a specific folder for games, including steam. Should work just fine.
  2. Not gonna happen. Min spec is GTX 460..... The integrated intel graphics aren't gonna cut it.
  3. You were taking a course on how to start a debate?????? For most folks, that just comes naturally. :D Especially on an online forum.
  4. Headphone jack should be analog output. I think you'll be fine.
  5. I thought outlook used .pst files?? What version of office are you running? 2007 tends to be problematic under the later versions of win 10. Worked with 1709, stopped working with 1803.
  6. That would be a question for the mod authors...... could try posting in one of their respective mod threads.
  7. If you have the username, and password correct, it *should* work. Does it give you an error message?
  8. You should post in the skyrim construction kit forum. That would be the best place to get help. :) I suck at scripting after Oblivion....... never really wanted to learn papyrus......
  9. I suspect that is precisely what they are doing........ I wouldn't mind a bit more information on it though, (not to mention TESVI....) But, beth is notoriously closed-mouthed about what they are doing..... (I suspect sometimes it's because they don't know what they are doing.......)
  10. Agree with all minus the Crossfire/MultiGPU use is dead, is not as with Dx12 and or Vulkan you can implment multiGPU it is brand independent BUT and here is the BIG BUT the developers have to code it in.....and we know how lazy they can be to implement new stuff. From my perspective, the minor performance boost from multi-GPU's simply isn't worth the cost. Vid cards ain't cheap.... and I would rather spend the money on one REALLY good card, and call it a day. I get 90% of the performance, for half the cost..... Developers still haven't coded to take advantage of multi-core CPU's....... For the games I play, a decent dual core yields the same performance as a quad core...... or eight core.... etc.
  11. Yeah, Starting with windows vista, directsound went away. That forced ALL sound processing to go thru the CPU no matter how nice of a sound card you had. (for games/applications that use directx for sound.) Creative labs came out with 'Alchemy', which intercepted directsound calls, and converted them to openAL, which WOULD get processed by the sound card. Of course, it adds another layer of complexity to gaming.... with the expected results.... instability, odd sound problems, etc. But then, back then, computer hardware wasn't nearly so powerful as it is today. Using onboard sound is, in a lot of cases, actually BETTER than the expensive sound cards..... (depending, of course, on what Mobo you buy.)
  12. Depends on where you get it from, but, for the most part, yeah, it's safe.
  13. Need to update to the newest version, either Mod Organizer, or MO2. Things changed with the login API, and older versions don't support it. Get the new version here.
  14. If you use a mod manager, or Wrye bash, they usually have a utility to export your load list as a text file.
  15. I suspect that would also be a 'no'. :) can you post your load list? Gotta be a script freaking out somewhere.
  16. Running any hotkey, or autosave mods?
  17. He makes a lot of bad movies. But he did that one because of Scientology. That was L Ron Hubbard's biggest novel, I think. I believe you are indeed correct. I hadn't considered that connection. After all, the book was just an illustration of dianetics at work. :D
  18. I am still playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and enjoying it. :)
  19. Right click on your task bar, and select "Task Manager". See if you can find the instance of NMM running, and kill it off. Worst case, just reboot your computer. :) Welcome to Nexus, and the world of gaming. :D
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