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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Hhhhmmmm.... not seeing anything in the mod comments.... Might try getting the 'other' flavor (installer vs. archive?) and reinstall, see if anything changes. Use something like RevoUninstaller portable to make sure you get rid of all traces of the original installation.
  2. Sounds like you're being childish for getting blocked for acting childish and blaming the consequences of your actions on everybody else. And this comes as a surprise when? :)
  3. Normally, I would suspect that a mod was doing something with the robes, but, the IDs say otherwise. Do you have any inventory management mods active?
  4. Familiar with TESIVEdit? Run that on your full load order, and see what mods are affecting Capt. Renalt. Likely there is a script that is watching for his death......
  5. Rogue One was a good movie. It falls between episodes III, and IV in the Star Wars saga. Good acting, good story, good special affects. I really enjoyed it. Star Trek: Into Darkness was a good action flick. I think this was the better of the three movies in the 'new' star trek universe. Guardians of the Galaxy, (both of them) were also rather enjoyable. They also had some truly humorous moments. :) All of the X-Men movies were good. Battlefield Earth was a disaster though...... it was (and still is) universally panned by both moviegoers, and reviewers. Not sure what John was thinkin' when he took that role.
  6. Might try updating your video drivers....... also may want to look thru event viewer, and see if anything interesting presents itself.
  7. What operating system? Try playing in borderless window mode, and leave task manager running in the background, that way, you *should* be able to alt+tab to it, and see if the game is still running. I would also be tempted to see how much free disk space you have available on the drive where it is trying to save.
  8. Not to mention that these days, calling someone 'fat' is basically equivalent of murder...... the whole 'accept people as they are' thing, regardless of how unhealthy it is, doesn't seem conducive to a healthy populace.
  9. I don't have a google account. Don't want one either.
  10. Deny all you like, I KNOW you did that on purpose. :D I could not resist :devil: posting to toss around my lighthearted, and light headed, remarks. Typing a bunch of letters with my pudgy little fingers, making it feel like I will lose some weight while I loose a pound of thought here... on the forum's threads... before I start thinking about my bulging flesh! :sick: Which then starts to creep me out. :sick: I promise that I will keep my muscles strong even with all the weight I am carrying around. So I can run fast enough to get passed you if a grizzle bear is chasing us, while I keep enough fat to float on the salty brine sea or ocean and hope I can safely reach a little island where there aren't any left over missing in action soldiers already camped out there who also don't know about a lot of the problems the world has wrought upon our weak wills. FOOD! PASTRIES made with REAL WHIPPED CREAM! oh my! :laugh: Watch for the cannibals..... :)
  11. You need to delete all files associated with the game after you uninstall, as the uninstaller isn't real effective at cleaning up directories and such. It tends to leave anything mod related there..... (just nukes vanilla stuff.)
  12. Deny all you like, I KNOW you did that on purpose. :D
  13. Forks. Forks are the problem. Without forks, it wouldn't be so easy to eat. Lets ban forks.
  14. HeyYou

    Monitor choice

    What country do you live in? (where to buy becomes an issue.)
  15. I liked Morrowind a LOT better than Oblivion, while in vanilla (no mods) form. There are a LOT of mods out there in the world to deal with most of the issues in Morrowind, and the exploration aspect is much better as well. (I don't think MW has any variety of fast travel either.) I like leveling in morrowind better than the later games. its supposed to be a role playing game, where character skill determines success/failure. Oblivion is still pretty good in that aspect, but, later games..... not so much. Combat is skill based. If you are lousy with a short blade, don't expect to hit a lot with one. As your skill improves, your odds of actually doing some damage improves as well. In Oblivion, you will almost always hit your target (with a melee weapon) but, DAMAGE is based on skill...... So, at low levels, you do very little damage, even with a two-handed sword. Also, leveled enemies..... Its a lot less obvious in Morrowind, in oblivion, beth went WAY overboard with it. I played vanilla for about 45 minutes, and came to the conclusion that leveling was actually a BAD idea....... and quit playing. Then FCOM came out..... and it RADICALLY changed the in-game experience. Of course, getting all the components installed, and working properly is an exercise....... but, makes the game MUCH more challenging. And fun.
  16. Yeah, "Teaser" is indeed correct. Just not a lot of information to be had. Sure LOOKS good though. :) Lookin' forward to it. Unless they go the 'online' route, like Fallout 76, then I will have zero interest in it.
  17. Yeah, the folks that think their 'freedom of speech' applies EVERYWHERE....... Even in foreign countries. (which Nexus qualifies as..... oddly enough.) Of course, I have been seeing that argument as long as I have been participating on forums too. :)
  18. You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit. I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that. But 'that' IS the point. The rules are in place for good reason. Don't expect them to change because you don't think they are 'right'. It may be YOUR "point" but it is not mine. Your entire argument, judging by the absence of counter-argument and the contemptuous ‘how dare you’ attitude you are expressing, seems to be that questioning the way something is done (assuming it’s to your liking I suspect) is inherently illegitimate and that anyone who would do so is acting from a place of malevolence. THIS is my problem with these kinds of formats and why I have broached the subject to start with. Creative interpretation at its best. So, you are advocating for open discussion on any topic with no moderation? You state that folks with trollish intent will simply be ignored? That folks will pretty much 'self-police' themselves here? That is laughably inaccurate. The reason this section is moderated, albeit, very lightly, and that certain topics are banned, is BECAUSE folks will get into 'heated arguments' (putting it politely), and it just turns into a circular argument, and insults. There is no 'debate', nothing is accomplished, aside from providing some interesting reading material for the internet voyeurs. It happens damn near EVERY time, with hot-button topics. Religion, abortion, (as religion plays a heavy role there) gun control, etc. If you want open, unmoderated discussions on such topics, don't expect to find it on a GAMING forum. There are places out there for just such discussions, but, you will find that they also have their own set of even more arbitrary rules..... If you don't subscribe to the 'majority' opinion there, you don't last long. In all reality, we are LUCKY that there is a 'debate' forum here in ANY capacity. The powers-that-be here frequently considered just shutting it down, because discussions of the nature you are proposing, are simply too much bother for the moderation staff. (and this forum DOES need to be moderated..... I have no doubt about that at all.)
  19. You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit. I don't miss that point at all. I am simply not talking about that. But 'that' IS the point. The rules are in place for good reason. Don't expect them to change because you don't think they are 'right'.
  20. You are missing the point entirely. Its Robins house, you abide by Robins rules, or, you don't get to visit.
  21. Asking for advice on performing illegal acts? Hhhhmmm.......
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