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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. 70 bucks for a mouse pad just seems really outrageous to me....... I think I am still using the two dollar feller I got from work..... after retiring the one I got for free from my previous place of employment.......
  2. Judging from your posts, if ignorance is bliss I congratulate you for living in a state of perpetual ecstasy. The last part of your post is entirely incorrect, and I'll take the word of others like Skunk Works who're actually doing the R&D and saying it's within $40B of being a reality. I'm sorry for that first comment but I'm ready to add you to my ignore file on this site. No joke, your posts rarely do anything except whine but manage to also discredit any and all possible solutions for what you're whining about. My point is that people make their own boxes in life and even the thought of living in one the apparent size of yours is downright scary to me. Go right ahead and add me to your ignore list. No skin off my back. The reason I am 'discrediting' your posts, is because you are making claims, that quite frankly, aren't true. I am not questioning what form of technology Lockheed wants to use, I am flatly stating that what they are talking about is a CONCEPT, NOT a WORKING MODEL. The fact is, NO ONE had developed commercially viable fusion power. No one. Much as you want to divert from that particular little fact, is doesn't change it. Whining? Really? So, stating facts is now whining? Well, that's news to me. Our government is corrupt. That's a fact. Our government is controlled by corporate interests. That's a fact. The american people are well aware of that fact. They also ARE NOT DOING A DAMN THING to change it. That's a fact. In all reality, there is very little the american public CAN do to change it. The only thing we can do is decide which set of corrupt politicians we want in control. Unfortunately, we don't get the choice of "None of the above". I am also REAL curious where you get the 'ignorance' thing from???? (and by the way, starting your post with insults really doesn't help your position at all......) Because I do not agree with you in this instance, you call me ignorant? Yeah, that's a real winner right there........ I suggest that you do some more reading. Either that, or re-read some of what you have already, and take note that Fusion power is still a pipe dream. EVERYTHING you have posted is still in the experimental stage. If you think otherwise, then your reading comprehension leaves a LOT to be desired.
  3. No. It's CONCEPT. It is not functional. Its what they WANT to be able to do, not something they have already done........ Currently, NO ONE has a COMMERCIALLY VIABLE fusion reactor of ANY size. Everyone is still in the develpment/experimental stage. Just like they have been since the late 40's. Granted, we are further along, but, at the current rate, don't expect to see fusion reactors powering anything at all for another 50 years or more. If even then. Yes, corporate america owns our government. (not just big oil.) That's been the case for decades. The american people are well aware of that, we are just too stupid to do anything about it.
  4. Here's their test: https://gizmodo.com/chinese-fusion-test-creates-90-million-f-for-102-secon-1757993374 You may now proceed to claim their test doesn't matter because it was only for 102 seconds. By all accounts we ALREADY HAVE the necessary components for commercially viable fusion reactors. What we also have is ExxonMobil's CEO as our country's Secretary of State. Nothing personal against Tillerson, so far he's about the only person I like in our current administration. He's doing everything he can to stop the inevitable with North Korea while his boss disallows him from doing anything to stop it. What's the exact opposite of national leadership again? Wait until tomorrow and we'll probably know. Ditto the tomorrow after that. Etc. Yeah, a little over 100 seconds. Not exactly what I would consider 'working'.... as in 'commercially viable'. When they can maintain power output as long as they care to, THEN I will consider it 'working'. Until then, nope.
  5. Fair few folks aren't really excited with Creation Club trashing their game once or twice a month either.....
  6. I assume you're from Alaska? Sure hope you like oil spills and the sight of wells all over your Arctic Refuge, because the Republicans just opened it up for drilling. Did you know that according to Skunk Works at Lockheed-Martin, a group who are by no means known for exaggerated claims, for less than the cost of a single year's federal tax subsidies to the oil industry ($40B), our country has the capability to do the remaining R&D work for commercially viable fusion power plants? Erm, they have been drilling in Alaska for quite some time now. They may have opened up more areas to allow drilling, but, that isn't anything new either. I have been hearing that "we are so close to viable fusion power" for decades. We still don't have it. Too many companies researching and experimenting, in too many countries, for a viable 'suppressed by X' argument to work. There is a company in Ann Arbor that has been poking at it for more than 30 years. They still don't have a working fusion reactor. That's because they continue to try to use a magnetic bottle method to contain the plasma, which is not how nature really works. Philo T. Farnsworth, the father of the television, had created a working fusion reactor he called a "fusor" in the 60s as part of his other electronics research. He is responsible for over 300 patents in electronics, and wikipedia says the fusor wasn't viable for energy. This, however, demonstrates a skewing of the experimental information. Dr. Farnsworth was testing this on a softball-sized fusor sphere. The bigger they are built, the higher the output exponentially. A quote from here: The Mark III Fusor produced startling high records in quick succession. By the end of 1965 the team was routinely measuring 15.5 Giga neutrons per second. It must be remembered that this Fusor was yet the size of a softball. A Fusor having a diameter of just one meter would permit greater ignition power for a smaller time period, while multiplying its output power volumetrically. A Fusor could be built to any size, as power was required. Dr. Farnsworth reported that his team achieved a self-sustaining reaction on several occasions, and could repeat the effect. The thunderous vibrations of the Fusor are well reported by those who worked with Farnsworth. Many laboratory workers saw the brilliant white light of the Fusor in its early test runs ... right through the metallic shielding! Dr. Farnsworth once invited a few individuals to watch a test-run of this feat one evening. As power was applied to the Fusor the neutron-reading meter achieved a steady threshold and there remained. Only a slight additional increment of power was applied. Then the needle went off the scale and stayed fixed. The room thundered. The light released behind the shield would have instantly and permanently blinded anyone. Although the ignition power was completely removed, the needle remained off-scale in excess of thirty seconds as the fusion reaction sustained itself. Controlled self-sustaining nuclear fusion of tritium nuclei was historically achieved in 1965. See also the wikipedia entry for Fusor. Also, the disturbing aspect of their drilling is that within months of that stupid Keystone pipeline becoming operational, it sprung leaks that damage the local ecology. As predicted would happen. So where is his research now? Why isn't it in widespread use? Yeah, I found it highly amusing (in an ironic way) that shortly after keystone opened, exactly what the folks trying to block it predicted would happen, happened. Not the first time something of that nature has occurred either.... Imagine that.
  7. Working fusion reactor? I seriously doubt that. Any links to such claims?
  8. I assume you're from Alaska? Sure hope you like oil spills and the sight of wells all over your Arctic Refuge, because the Republicans just opened it up for drilling. Did you know that according to Skunk Works at Lockheed-Martin, a group who are by no means known for exaggerated claims, for less than the cost of a single year's federal tax subsidies to the oil industry ($40B), our country has the capability to do the remaining R&D work for commercially viable fusion power plants? Erm, they have been drilling in Alaska for quite some time now. They may have opened up more areas to allow drilling, but, that isn't anything new either. I have been hearing that "we are so close to viable fusion power" for decades. We still don't have it. Too many companies researching and experimenting, in too many countries, for a viable 'suppressed by X' argument to work. There is a company in Ann Arbor that has been poking at it for more than 30 years. They still don't have a working fusion reactor.
  9. I think you overestimate the indignation of the american public. After all, we were flat out lied to for months leading up to the Iraq invasion.... thousands of dead americans, trillions in wasted dollars, and no one really even batted an eye. We have become accustomed to being screwed by our government. It is accepted as the normal state of affairs...... Mores the pity, I don't see that changing any time soon either....
  10. Thank you for that chuckle. If this decision stands look forward to stunning 56Kbit file transfers (and porn), unless you opt for Comcast's latest extortion package, which does nothing whatsoever except bypass the same artificial bandwidth limits Comcast installed in the first place. And paying extra for either virtually or absolutely everything beyond a Google search prompt, which in turn will guide you absolutely nowhere except to counterfeit crap made in China. Think basic cable TV service, because our cable TV companies are certainly doing the same. Banning of third-party DNS (if this decision isn't reversed, very soon you won't be able to find your files at all, so bandwidth is a secondary issue), the end of P2P/VPN/etc networking entirely if your ISP chooses it. Etc etc. I could spend hours going on but I'll spare most of the effort until we hear from our Congress on this issue. Oh, I have no doubt that the ISPs in the states will do whatever will make them the MOST money, right NOW. Of course, they have been ripoffs since the very beginning. Folks in other countries get faster service for less money that us folks here in the states. But, we wouldn't want to deprive upper management of their millions of dollars in bonus money every year, now would we? This is EXACTLY what you get when you have government sponsored monopolies. Most folks simply don't get more than one or two choices of service provider. Sure, satellite internet is almost universally available, but, the service also sucks right out loud, and is unworkable for most folks. If all you do is check your mail, then sure, it's ok, but, forget anything that requires a low-latency connection...... or, if you regularly move large files...... I suspect that congress will do something..... but, so far, nothing I have seen comes even close to what is actually needed. But then, it's the government. They aren't in the business of solving problems, or doing what is best for the country as a whole. They are only interested in supporting their campaign donors, and lining their own pockets.
  11. I don't even remember seeing minutemen patrols, even when I was the general???
  12. Suppose it just depends on how you want to play. :) Hard to be a good guy and have Gage hangin' about..... And ol' Preston has a pretty low opinion of you being Overboss.......
  13. Remains to be seen. So far as the internet is concerned, all we are doing here is downloading files. It will be up to the individual ISP's whether they throttle that or not.
  14. You installed the game in the wrong order. Correct order is Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon.
  15. The federal government hasn't worked for the american people for decades. Sure, our taxes make their paychecks, but, that's where it ends. They make more money from their campaign contributors, speaking fees, and various other forms of legal bribery than their annual salary. They know which side of the bread gets buttered, so, they cater to their big donors, as that's what keeps them on the gravy train. (in public office.....) Ever notice that a newbie congressman may not be rich when he gets elected to office, but, he sure as shootin' is by the end of his first term...... Why do you think term-limits for congress have never gotten off the ground? Lots of presidents have talked about it, but, that's all its ever been. Talk. There is no way such a bill would ever pass. Remember the 'line-item veto'? It gave the president the ability to mark out specific provisions of a bill, before he signed it into law. It was put in place toward the end of a republican presidency, and very shortly thereafter, when a dem won the presidency, it was suddenly deemed 'unconstitutional'...... Amazing, huh?
  16. Various folks have been predicting the death of desktop computers for years now. Windows 8 was a 'sure sign' of it. (If I wanted a tablet operating system, I would have bought a tablet......) Windows 10 moved away from that a bit, but, with various options, you can make it work just like a tablet. (assuming you have a touch screen.....) Still and all, it's not nearly as bad as 8, or 8.1...... MS REALLY screwed the pooch there. But yeah, everyone is catering to mobile devices, mainly because there ARE so many of them. I don't see desktops dying off anytime soon though. Too many cool games that you need real hardware to run. (though, Skyrim on the switch may point to a future trend.......)
  17. I don't think its illegal to take your gun into a church...... just most folks don't. (and some churches flatly state it.....) One of the things I have tried pointing out to the anti-gun crowd, as the location of damn near EVERY mass-shooting, has been in a gun free zone. Ever notice that there has NEVER been a mass shooting at a police station? A gun range? A gun show? Gee, imagine that...... The folks that do these kind of things are looking for VICTIMS, not folks that have the ability to fight back. That's why most of them take their own life, or, surrender, when the good guys with guns show up.
  18. Makes ya wonder just who is giving him these suggestions........
  19. Trouble is, we do it to ourselves. Even though we know for a fact that these guys are all crooks, we continue to re-elect them. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Individually, we have some pretty smart people in this country, taken collectively though, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. And, the system is stacked in such a way that we can't fix it. The only folks that actually have the power to change anything, are the very same folks that benefit the most from not changing anything at all. This is why we will never see Real election reform, or campaign finance reform, or term limits for congress. For the most part, I agree with you. Free trade agreements are NOT good for the average american, but, they ARE good for top 5% or so... so they pass. Tax deductions for your private jet, or yacht, benefit no one but the rich. (personally, I am thinkin' that if you can afford one, or the other, or both..... then you really don't NEED the tax break......) As I said before, our government isn't in business to help america, they are in business to help themselves. That's it.
  20. That has been the case for decades now. Roughly since the Supreme Court ruled on Citizens United. Face it, we have the best government money can buy. It isn't just the dems, or just the repubbies though, it's ALL of them. They get their 170 and some change thousand dollar a year salary, (plus all the bennies and perks) yet somehow, after just one term, the dirt poor politician that got elected, is now a multi-millionaire. Our government doesn't care about the people. They care about lining their pockets, and getting those big campaign contributions. The rest of us simply do not matter. And that should have been patently obvious for quite some time.
  21. There is going to be a fight over this....... and the courts will most certainly be involved.
  22. Neither MxR, nor ModDrop, ask for permission to upload/review mods. They just do whatever they like, and wait for authors to file claims against them before they will actually remove anything. Neither is very honest either. MxR has been raked over the coals on this before.... (featuring a mod in one of his 'reviews' that the MA specifically stated they didn't want that..... MA won that round. But, not without backlash.)
  23. Something like modern firearms tries to be 'realistic' as far as damage goes. There are a couple mods out there in the world that 'buff' vanilla firearms up to pretty much the same specs..... and it works that way for EVERYONE, NPC's included... so, in the early game, getting shot HURTS. But, you can also kill faster, without having to burn thru three magazines to kill one raider.
  24. Does the VR version even support mods???
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