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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. There is a "Mechanized" legendary for space suits, that adds 40 to your carry weight.
  2. Is the Fallout76Custom.ini marked as read only, or something equally as odd? (like, hidden.....)
  3. Which game do you want to mod??? That is a rather important question.
  4. Isn't OnHit triggered when the player is hit??? Is that what you want? Or are you looking for when the player does damage to someone/thing else??
  5. I used that one for a while. It didn't make the cut when the last major update dropped. (which, I think, is when the activation issues started.....) Though I thought I had read that it had been updated?? No??? It was a convenient mod, but, not a deal breaker not to have it.
  6. The .dll file *should* have come with the game update. I had the same issue starting the game itself afterwards, but, I just verified game files thru steam, it picked up two files, and all was right with the world again.... I know that's not an option for you though.... that's why I suggested reinstalling the update. But, I have no clue how gamepass deals with that.
  7. All of the StarUI mods have been updated. I use all of them, and no issues so far.
  8. Just out of idle curiosity, where are you from?
  9. I would prefer to avoid violence, regardless of who is handing it out..... It would also be nice if the police didn't NEED to be violent, but, that's a pretty forlorn hope..... And yeah, some cops do indeed abuse their position.... but, they are the exception, rather than the rule. Ask the folks at Oklahoma City if they would have preferred a guy with a gun, over a guy with a truck bomb......
  10. That seems reasonable... I may have to go a diggin', and see what I can find..... or maybe, if anything actually CHANGES.....
  11. Under the right circumstances, everyone can be violent.... the gun just doesn't matter, it is only a tool. If it wasn't a gun, it would be something else.
  12. Ah. Thank You..... Is weapon data in there as well? I just find it odd that a missile launcher with 4 (or more....) obvious tubes, only gives you two shots before needing to reload.......
  13. What all is actually IN the blueprints file? Is it just vanilla ship designs? And if that is the case, does that mean we Cannot make changes to the vanilla ships via a mod????
  14. Diesel actually has more energy per unit volume, than gasoline. It's just a bit harder to ignite. It still burns pretty enthusiastically, once it gets going. But, we are WAY off topic here...... What were we talking about before?
  15. Do you have the updated version of the CK?? The game updated recently, so the CK did as well. When I see those errors, its usually just an update the screwed up. Could try reinstalling the update, however gamepass manages that.....
  16. True. If it is designed for it, then that's what you run. Otherwise... run what it calls for, otherwise, it doesn't run.
  17. Your car won't run on diesel...... Your diesel will basically disassemble itself if you run it on gasoline.
  18. I never ran into them.... In that universe, I think they are 'rumors' only, and not actually around anywhere. Though, it would have been neat to run into a couple of 'em.
  19. No clue where it came from. I can't find it on Nexus at any rate..... If that mod is causing problems, just disable it, call it a day.
  20. If Vortex isn't seeing SS, need to find out why. Is it up to date? Is the plugin for starfield up to date??
  21. The interior is it's own cell, right? Should be in the cell properties somewhere, or, it may just be a keyword that needs to be assigned.
  22. See if either has been updated, barring that, try just changing load order.... See if that changes anything.
  23. Any collection should come with instructions for the install. And if you ARE installing a collection, it should include all of the required mods as well. Lots of non-techy folks manage it every day.
  24. I disagree. Asking here in the debates section gives us something to argue about. That said..... I would try reinstalling vortex.
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