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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You can't join the gunners, but, you can become leader of the raiders....... Hhhhmmmm...... The gunners don't have the best rep either. Maybe a hair bit better than raiders...... but, not much. A gunner quest line could be a lot of fun though. :D I am kinda surprised no one has done anything with them yet.
  2. What does not work? I used this mod years ago, and it works. __________________________________________________________________ I also want to add, please remove the AWKCR requirement & add an optional feature that scales settlers' level because not anyone uses BSs/Mortal Settlers. What does settlers' level has to do with this mod? Because giving them good equipment while being level 1-6 is pointless. Even the Author has pointed out that a game update broke it. That was in September of 17, last update of the mod was August of the same year, so, I suspect it is still broken. As the author was around for a while after that, but, did NOT fix the mod, I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope that its gonna happen. Also, the Author himself (herself?) hasn't been around for several months....... Not really a good sign that it will ever be fixed. That said, I DO like the idea behind the mod. It makes a lot more sense than me having to personally equip each and every settler. Are settlers REALLY that stupid/inept?
  3. I don't think that's a problem with Vortex.... I think that is a problem with running more than 255 game files. (esl files don't count, esp, esm files do.)
  4. Need to set a rule for the mod in question, the tells vortex to load it before/after some other mod that it is conflicting with. Generally, Vortex sets the load order pretty will on it's own. Which mods are you having trouble with?
  5. My concern is: The Russians are getting spanked. Bad. And Ukraine seems to have allies everywhere. Being fed intelligence from the US, and UK, supplied arms from everyone and their cousin, and the Russians are taking notice, and have begun targeting weapons convoys. Russian morale is at an all time low, a lot of their equipment simply does not work, their communications are seriously compromised, (by some of their own actions, ironically enough....) Their leadership leaves a LOT to be desired..... and give the appearance of not having a clue of what they are doing...... The leadership is in almost as much danger from their OWN TROOPS, as they are from the Ukrainians...... All of this has GOT to really piss off Putin..... here he thought that the war would be over in two weeks. Yet 70 days later, he is still no closer to his goals than he was when he started. He has had some success, but not nearly on the scale of what he was told to expect...... Note that most of the folks that were telling him this was going to be a cake walk, are now conspicuously absent...... Even the Russian troops don't think they can win the war..... So, what is Putin going to do? Secure the territories he has taken, and call it a day? Or is he going to resort to WMD's to try and tilt the odds more in his favor???? Unfortunately, I suspect the latter.....
  6. So what does it actually DO???? I really don't see the point of having a script on it. I suspect it checks to see how much is in the stack, so if it does the autobreakdown thing, you get the right amount of cloth...... Which I don't care about, as I don't scrap it in any event.
  7. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one. When you draw the crossbow a knee appears on the side of it, its so badly edited. You can easily see it with a higher fov. You say there is a fix? where bro? Ah, that is a different problem than what I was thinking..... Are you running any crossbow mods??
  8. From container to my inventory, or, from my inventory to another container. (I think..... been playin' skyrim of late. :smile: ) It doesn't matter how much is in the container, could be 2, could be 20, if I have close to, or more than, 1K pre-war money in my inventory, it gets slow. If I have a couple hundred in my inventory, I can transfer it to a container, but, it takes it's sweet time to transfer. When I tried to transfer around 1400 TO my inventory, the game froze solid. I let it sit for a while. (5 or 10 minutes) and it was still frozen solid. Had to restart my machine. I looked at it in FO4 edit, with all mods loaded, and Yup. Kor_scavenger puts a script on it...... No clue what it does though. Thank You. Think I may try just nuking that record from the mod...... as I don't scrap the money, I run modern firearms, and it wants pre-war money for various things. Thank You. :D Ok, that looks dangerous. :) How do I nuke the script without screwing everything up?
  9. Angling to get this thread locked as well? Still haven't figured out that insults are not an argument? Reading comprehension not your strong point? Let me ask it again: What is your definition of "Usurper"?
  10. I don't see anything in there just offhand, that should be doing anything with your inventory......
  11. Looks like there is a screw up between hops 8 and 9, both of which are owned by KDDI in Japan.
  12. That IS weird...... Can you use the Pip-Boy app on your setup? If so, I would be tempted to have it running on your inventory page, while walking along, and see at what point things disappear. Nope, never seen this particular problem before. No idea what might be causing it, possibly a mod..... but, why anyone would put that 'feature' into their mod is beyond me......
  13. Yeah, the forums in their letter subcategories seem to be in a random order.... I suspect that it's the order they were add to the site in. Would be nice if they could also be in alphabetical order. Would make finding the game you are looking for a fair bit easier.
  14. Theoretically, Vortex supports 'import from NMM'.... Though I have never tried it.
  15. Ok, just a confusion in terms then. :) The method you are using *should* work just fine. So far as I know, NMM doesn't care how many plugins you are attempting to load. Does it toss an error or anything when you try and add the mod??
  16. With NMM, on the mods page, you click on the Plus sign, and then select "add mod from archive", or some such. I wasn't aware it even did the drag and drop thing.
  17. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one.
  18. Once the software is up and running, can you drive around without it getting upset that it's connection went away? If the software actually gives you a CHOICE on whether or not to update, "just Say No." takes on a whole new meaning. :D I assume your car is 96 or newer? (OBDII) and thus, flash programmable?
  19. Did any drivers get updated recently? Or even windows itself?? (not much you can do about windows updates any more.....)
  20. Yeah, the news out of Russia, is not what I consider 'comforting'...... It seems they are leading up to the use of nukes, and are already trying to portray the action in Ukraine as WWIII, as too many nations are overtly supporting Ukraine, against Russia..... You would think that given the number of folks supporting Ukraine, vs. the number of folks supporting Russia, they would figure out that this really isn't such a good idea....... But, he is also saying the folks killed in a nuclear exchange will be skyrocketed to paradise, or some such???? Hhhmmm..... where have we seen this particular tactic before......
  21. It's possible that 'feature' is baked into the exe file.... in which case, defeating it ain't gonna be easy, and will require a rather specialized skill set/tools. (need to decompile the exe, find the code, and then come up with a way to neutralize it.) Real curious why the company that wrote it would require that though.... seems to me, that if you want to do data logging, chances are real good you won't be able to maintain an internet connection while driving around. I might be more tempted to find a different software package, that doesn't have the limitations your current software does. Not too familiar with the Subaru tuning scene though, so, not sure just how many options you have..... Might have a look at HP Tuners, and see if they support your car.
  22. Here is an article talking about it.... What problem are you having?
  23. Have a read here. The article it points to gives instructions on how to test, and provide information to staff here, to help troubleshoot your issue. Also, try using a VPN, and see if anything changes.
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