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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here. i can ease your trouble but only if you understand that. it is a clear statement. if american society is not able to at least force politics to release a nationalwide background check this society and its politcians simply lie and fail if they claim they love their children. it is pathetic and inhuman to watch this without consequences as a result. it is a huge national problem of a society and politics which permanently fails to solve their true and obvious weaknesses and instead supports a uniquely short sighted and block headed weapon lobby. i can not see that anything of this is better than watching the slaughter of families in the ukraine on their own ground without doing anything. i have nothing to add. Erm, a background check IS required for the purchase of a firearm...... even at gun shows. No matter how much the left would have you believe otherwise, the vendors at gun shows, that are actual businesses, do background checks ON THE SPOT before selling someone a weapon. It is a REQUIREMENT for ANY vendor at the show. Now, private citizens selling weapons to each other in the parking lot, is a completely different story. Sure, you could pass some law that would require a private citizen to do a background check before selling someone a weapon, however, it would be impossible to enforce. The NRA doesn't sell weapons, doesn't make weapons, or ammo. They are essentially a 'gun club', or, more accurately, a 'gun owners club'. Do they have a lobbying element? You bet.
  2. Premium members shouldn't have speed limits, even with an adblocker. (theoretically, premium members don't see ads in any event?) Could try turning off your adblocker, and see if anything changes.
  3. Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here.
  4. Is this for Fallout 4, or Fallout New Vegas?
  5. Did you uninstall all of your original mods??
  6. Personally, I think having more than one application to do the exact same thing, to the same programs, really isn't a good idea...... :)
  7. Wouldn't purging all mods first work?? Theoretically, that should remove any detritus left behind by mods installed via vortex.....
  8. Keep in mind, water doesn't act the same way as say, concrete foundation blocks. If you put in a water plane, it extends ALL the way down. So, no underwater tunnels that aren't also filled with water.
  9. Don't own a Dodge Van by any chance do ya? :) (a member from another site is legally blind, and I have been helping him and his wife troubleshoot some problems.) Can you find an older version of the package that used to work?
  10. What is the exact error message? Anything enlightening in Event Viewer?
  11. Folks not reading mod descriptions, and thus borking their games, has been a problem since Morrowind. :) It isn't new, it just seems more prevalent today, as there are a LOT more games that allowed modification by the end user.
  12. one of you has jty_biomes, the other does not.....
  13. I can cherry pick, and misrepresent facts as well as you do to illustrate my point, but, I am pretty sure it would be pointless, so, lets just stick with the facts of the moment, shall we? Human rights issues actually decreased significantly in the months previous to Russias invasion of a sovereign nation. Not to mention that the majority of said incidents happened the breakaway regions.... And then we had Covid.... and the consequences thereof. (lockdowns, and such) which curbed cross-border traffic significantly. Putin used lies and misdirection to justify his was in Ukraine. Took a page out of Bush Jr.s book.... tell the lie often enough, and eventually folks start to believe it. I find it absolutely hilarious that Russia is getting spanked in Ukraine. On the other side of that coin, it is truly sad that all those folks are dying, for some egotists goal of establishing his legacy..... Not to mention the inconvenient little fact that human rights abuses in Ukraine increased in frequency rather dramatically due to the Russian invasion. And who is responsible for those abuses? The Russians...... So, the goal of invading due to human rights abuses falls rather flat, don't ya think?
  14. Given that Skyrim is rather mountainous..... you will only be able to flood the lowlands, and even there, not very much before water start covering important stuff.
  15. So can your horse.... even though he was complicit in the crime..... (not necessarily willingly, granted....)
  16. Defender won't cause that. What drive is this happening on? What type of drive? Any other problems with it?
  17. Well - I'll be damned. There's someone that actually gets it and lives in the real world as opposed to all the sheep bleating and bahhing that have been brainwashed by the mainstream media and bleeding heart libs out there. Good on ya Somethindarker. :thumbsup: So, you support Putin's war of aggression? You do understand that his 'reasoning' has been thoroughly debunked, and not just by the 'main stream media' you obviously don't believe. I would be real curious how you justify such actions.... Or, then again, maybe not..... Anyone that supports the aggressors here, must have at least one screw that's rather loose......
  18. Discord has its place, but, as an avenue for getting help, I really don't care for it. There is no permanence. The same questions gets asked over and over again. At least with forums, there is some small hope someone will actually SEARCH, and find the answer to their question. ESPECIALLY on games this old. It isn't the most organized either... EVERYONES comments are in line. There is a mixture of several conversations all going on at the same time. Quite frankly, I think it sucks. :)
  19. Uninstall the mod, and load a save from before you installed it. See what happens.
  20. Well, my dogs bark at things that aren't there....... at least, so far as I can see. :D Glad ya got it figgered out. :D
  21. Well, ran me out of my depth. :) Might want to inquire in the CK forum. I know beth games can be really picky about what sounds they will play with.
  22. F$SE doesn't cause any problems... At least, as long as Beth doesn't give us another update. Then there is a day or three wait for the compatible version of F4SE to come out. LOTS of mods use F4SE as well, and a fair few of them, I simply will not play without. (I started using script extenders with Morrowind..... love 'em. :) ) 16 or more companions? I think that would drive me absolutely nuts. I have enough issues with ONE. :) I severely dislike them.
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