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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Vortex should work just fine, no matter how many different games it is managing. Theoretically, "Purge all mods" *should* remove them all from your game, and check the data folder in the install directory should only show base game files, and whatever DLC you may have. That might be a question for the Vortex support forums.
  2. Best bet would be to open up your mods in FO4Edit, and check both the location, and dogmeat, see whom is affected by what.
  3. Fallout 4 is closing out when your CPU temp hits 80?? If that's the case, it isn't the game doing that. It's either a bios problem, or a windows problem.
  4. It's a .rar file, it opens just fine for me with 7-zip......
  5. How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving. If you tell the lie often enough, folks will eventually start believing it. Look at all the conspiracy theorists out there, and some of their truly off the wall 'theories'...... for all the proof you need this is true. Here in the US, I don't expect anything to change, short of the second revolution. Sure, 'the people' supposedly have the power, but, thats just another lie. It's government that has all the power. The only folks in a position to change anything at all, are the very save folks that benefit the most from not changing anything. Therefore, nothing is going to change.
  6. SKK50 has some scripts, and a specific weapon, that would tell you range to target....... It worked, but, it made my game kinda unstable. (don't know if it was that mod specifically, or an interaction between that one, and any others.....) I don't know if it works on non-living targets though...... If I recall correctly, it doesn't do any damage, and does not cause targets to go hostile...... He pulled all his mods from here though, I think he has a discord channel, or some such.
  7. I don't use VATS, as I simply don't like it. I do, however, use fast travel..... I get bored trudging thru the wasteland, over-encumbered, across half the map....
  8. Basically, all you need to do is call them, let them know about the problem, and they should go lookin' for it. At least, if it is a *good* ISP...... (I used to be tech services manager at an ISP.... problems like this got our attention.)
  9. You can buy it directly from RockStar Games.
  10. How fast your run, and therefore, how much ground you cover over time... depends on your stats. what you have in your hands, and probably several other things..... Distances in Beth games have always baffled me. The unit of measure is a mystery..... so, things like weapon range are a 'best guess'..... In some instances, I can hit targets at what I thought were 'out of range'.... in others, targets that seem pretty close, I simply can't hit, even though there is nothing between us.... So, even the game seems to have issues being consistent......
  11. Your battery has nothing to do with the overheating. It's likely that the fan/heatsink is simply clogged with dust. The machine IS fairly old. :) You might be able to pull the back off the machine, and blow out the fan, and solve your heating issue. DO NOT just blow from outside in though. That just blows the dust further into the machine, and can cause more troubles that you solve.... Gotta open it up, and clean it out.
  12. In the US, you can vote, join the military, sign legal contracts, get married, etc, the day you turn 18, however, you can't legally purchase alcohol until you are 21. :D Humans have some serious issues.
  13. 12 cores, 24 threads. :) AMD's version of hyper-threading.
  14. Yep, however, they are available elsewhere, just gotta search 'em out.
  15. This has been debated to death, numerous times. Nexus has stated their position, in no uncertain terms. It simply isn't going to happen.
  16. Oh, I can relate to this. :D I am just not a fan of the cold, but, here I am, still living in Michigan.... The winter wonderland.......... Yeah, we wonder why we are still here. :D
  17. Yes, and if you used any current passwords with it, ya better change 'em right quick.
  18. Get Better Console mod, (requires F4SE), then just open the console, and click on one of the caches. Should tell you the last mod that changed it.
  19. Yeah, the family farms simply cannot compete with the corporate farms. Just a matter of scale. That, and they are being regulated out of existence.....
  20. I use No Settlement Attacks. Works great. My settlements simply aren't attacked. I have another mod that limits my "Preston Quests" to 1. So they don't keep accumulating. I also turn off the loudspeaker at the castle, so IT doesn't hand me quests. I NEVER tune to Radio Freedom, so I don't get quests from there either. (except for a few breif moments doing the "Old Guns" quest....) Also, you don't need to pay for mods on the beth website. The Creation Club content is indeed behind a paywall, but, there are a LOT of mods that are free to download. (on the order of Thousands.....)
  21. I think I've been banned from about 50 websites. Why do only arrogant people work as admins? I used to be an admin in IT/network support, I was praised for actually doing what the users asked, instead of making silly rules. I am admin on a couple sites, and we ban for those reasons as well. This is a gaming forum, not a place to collect followers for whatever ideology it is you wish to express. We have a debates section here, but even some topics there are banned. (religious discussions, for instance.) The sole aim of those rules is to keep the site manageable, and not have to hire full-time moderators JUST for those sections. You may see the rules as frivolous, or silly, but, you still agreed to them when you signed up. That means, follow the rules, or you are history. Here, they have a warning point system. I am not even that nice. If I have some member causing issues, they get ONE chance to change their behavior. If they don't, that's it, they are gone. The rules are there for a reason, what you think about them simply doesn't matter. If you want to participate in the forums, you agreed to follow them. So, stay within the rules, or off you go.
  22. I believe that is hard coded into the game engine. Using the console command will scrap everything that is scrappable within the build area. So far as I know, it's an all or nothing type of command. I.E. you can't just scrap specific items, or types of items.
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