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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I've seen the outline around bodies of water before. but, it isn't all of them..... which is weird. Mostly I see it on the little pond between Drumlin Diner, and Starlight Drive-in..... I have no idea what causes it. I only use Verdant Wasteland as far as texture mods go, and nothing affecting water..... I have seen it with my old GTX 1060, and also with my RTX 3070.... No clue what it's all about.
  2. Yeah, I love it when folks bring their gaming rig into the shop, and I get paid to play their games. :D Let Memtest go thru its complete test, unless, it starts spitting lots of errors. (it'll get tired of it aft a bit, and die anyway.....) See what happens. If your machine has been together for a while, likely wouldn't hurt to blow it out, and re-seat the RAM. That fixes a great many ills.
  3. Bummer. But, if it gives a better game from the start, that would be nice. :)
  4. What hardware are you running? How much of an overclock? What size power supply? The bugcheck error does indeed point to a ram issue.
  5. Vid card prices are already coming down.... The market seems to have peaked, and is now on the decline. The last batch of vid cards we had at work, we actually LOST money on, prices have dropped so much. Nvidia changed their architecture from the 20 series cards, to the 30 series. The performance improvement was incredible. I have no clue when the 40 series will be coming out though..... but yeah, the 'high performance' vid cards are usually fairly expensive. The only reason I got my 3070 when I did, was because my boss gave me a REALLY good deal on it. Skip the 12gb 3060 series cards, they look good, but, are performance-limited at resolutions greater than 1080p. Also, you don't absolutely need all the ram on the vid card itself either. My 8gb card does a VERY nice job. If you want to get really bizarre on the ENB's, and textures and such, a 3070 would be the minimum card I would be looking at, 3080 would be even better. and as was suggested above, for that kind of behavior, 32gb of system ram would be a REAL good idea. :D
  6. I run an i7 9700KF, a RTX3070 8gb, and 16 gb ram. I don't have any performance issues at all. Of course, I don't run any 'prettification' mods either. (ok, I Do use 'green commonwealth', or something similar... but, that's it.) I also run Fallout at UGrids 7, I run Skyrim LE at ultra as well, and ugrids at 9. No performance problems there either. My Framerate seldom, if ever, drops below 40. Gameplay is butter smooth, and view distance is awesome. I tried running FO4 at ugrids 9, but, I got a fair bit of screen tearing with that..... but, I have a significantly meaner vid card now (that was on the old 1060 6gb....) I haven't tried bumping it again since the upgrade, but, I am pretty happy with the game as it sits. I still run into targets that simply don't even notice I am shooting at them, till I move closer. (weapon range is the limiting factor.)
  7. Yeah, that machine should run Skyrim without issue. Either version. :) More RAM probably isn't absolutely necessary, but, it sure won't hurt. So far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as "Too Much Ram."
  8. But, it can be reduced..... Pretty sure there are settings for it.....
  9. What mods do you have the change spawns? Gotta be one of them. Better console might shed some light on the subject. (requires F4SE as well.) Just open the console, click on one of the ghouls that shouldn't be there, and see where he comes from.
  10. Depending on how many mods you are running, it might just be a non-issue. Marking a mod as "light" (which, I believe, effectively makes the game thing its an ".ESL" file.) changes how the game sees it. For the most part, it'll likely still work as advertised, however, being an esl file, it no longer counts toward your hard limit of 255 esm/esp files. If you are knocking up against that limit, then, marking some of your plugins as "Light", will give you more room to add more mods. If you aren't there yet, don't worry about it. :D
  11. Get the right version of SKYUI for your game version.
  12. Just wait until collections become REALLY popular, and are using older, outdated versions that authors can no longer delete...... That should add some interest to life..... That said, I also think this is a really bad idea. (broken button) We have already seen that the 'community' has a significant population of bad actors, and will leave negative feedback on a mod for multiple reasons, none of which have anything to do with whether it works or not. How many folks do you think would start marking EVERY mod dealing the LGBTQ+ issues at their first opportunity? And that is only ONE hot-button issue..... Nope, this would be abused immediately, and to no good purpose.
  13. Do you play on survival mode??? Saving while having another menu on the screen will cause the game to crash when you try and load that save..... There are indeed some instances when you DON'T want to save.... :)
  14. Have any of the 'beyond cyrodiil' mods installed? Some of them overlap that dungeon.....
  15. Pack Attack: NPC Edition. You can get it from Greslins's Discord. I have been running this for quite a while now, and I LOVE IT. It is very configurable, from vanilla, to insane. :D So, gotta be careful with it. The random patrols especially. I had them set too high, and couldn't build for more than a few minutes in my settlements, before I had to stop and deal with the random bad guys wandering in. :D
  16. You can't join the gunners, but, you can become leader of the raiders....... Hhhhmmmm...... The gunners don't have the best rep either. Maybe a hair bit better than raiders...... but, not much. A gunner quest line could be a lot of fun though. :D I am kinda surprised no one has done anything with them yet.
  17. What does not work? I used this mod years ago, and it works. __________________________________________________________________ I also want to add, please remove the AWKCR requirement & add an optional feature that scales settlers' level because not anyone uses BSs/Mortal Settlers. What does settlers' level has to do with this mod? Because giving them good equipment while being level 1-6 is pointless. Even the Author has pointed out that a game update broke it. That was in September of 17, last update of the mod was August of the same year, so, I suspect it is still broken. As the author was around for a while after that, but, did NOT fix the mod, I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope that its gonna happen. Also, the Author himself (herself?) hasn't been around for several months....... Not really a good sign that it will ever be fixed. That said, I DO like the idea behind the mod. It makes a lot more sense than me having to personally equip each and every settler. Are settlers REALLY that stupid/inept?
  18. I don't think that's a problem with Vortex.... I think that is a problem with running more than 255 game files. (esl files don't count, esp, esm files do.)
  19. Need to set a rule for the mod in question, the tells vortex to load it before/after some other mod that it is conflicting with. Generally, Vortex sets the load order pretty will on it's own. Which mods are you having trouble with?
  20. My concern is: The Russians are getting spanked. Bad. And Ukraine seems to have allies everywhere. Being fed intelligence from the US, and UK, supplied arms from everyone and their cousin, and the Russians are taking notice, and have begun targeting weapons convoys. Russian morale is at an all time low, a lot of their equipment simply does not work, their communications are seriously compromised, (by some of their own actions, ironically enough....) Their leadership leaves a LOT to be desired..... and give the appearance of not having a clue of what they are doing...... The leadership is in almost as much danger from their OWN TROOPS, as they are from the Ukrainians...... All of this has GOT to really piss off Putin..... here he thought that the war would be over in two weeks. Yet 70 days later, he is still no closer to his goals than he was when he started. He has had some success, but not nearly on the scale of what he was told to expect...... Note that most of the folks that were telling him this was going to be a cake walk, are now conspicuously absent...... Even the Russian troops don't think they can win the war..... So, what is Putin going to do? Secure the territories he has taken, and call it a day? Or is he going to resort to WMD's to try and tilt the odds more in his favor???? Unfortunately, I suspect the latter.....
  21. So what does it actually DO???? I really don't see the point of having a script on it. I suspect it checks to see how much is in the stack, so if it does the autobreakdown thing, you get the right amount of cloth...... Which I don't care about, as I don't scrap it in any event.
  22. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one. When you draw the crossbow a knee appears on the side of it, its so badly edited. You can easily see it with a higher fov. You say there is a fix? where bro? Ah, that is a different problem than what I was thinking..... Are you running any crossbow mods??
  23. From container to my inventory, or, from my inventory to another container. (I think..... been playin' skyrim of late. :smile: ) It doesn't matter how much is in the container, could be 2, could be 20, if I have close to, or more than, 1K pre-war money in my inventory, it gets slow. If I have a couple hundred in my inventory, I can transfer it to a container, but, it takes it's sweet time to transfer. When I tried to transfer around 1400 TO my inventory, the game froze solid. I let it sit for a while. (5 or 10 minutes) and it was still frozen solid. Had to restart my machine. I looked at it in FO4 edit, with all mods loaded, and Yup. Kor_scavenger puts a script on it...... No clue what it does though. Thank You. Think I may try just nuking that record from the mod...... as I don't scrap the money, I run modern firearms, and it wants pre-war money for various things. Thank You. :D Ok, that looks dangerous. :) How do I nuke the script without screwing everything up?
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