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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. So far, the best I have found, is PANPC. It revamps enemy AI within the limitations of the game engine. LOTs of options in the MCM control panel as well. Made a big difference in my gameplay. I think you need to register there to get the download links.......
  2. The author has been active VERY recently, (yesterday....) Might try PM'ing him, and ask him.
  3. I always enjoy the BoS vertibirds that can't decide if they wanna crash or not.... They are on fire, shedding pieces/bodies, but are still in their tight circle, looking for a place to crash..... I had one that stayed in that predicament for quite some time. I even left the area, came back later, and he STILL hadn't crashed..... I had a "fire and forget" rocket launcher, so, dumped a few more rounds into him, and he finally went down. :D
  4. Yeah, the main force of the BoS doesn't really show up until after you kill Kellogg...... So, either need to do the main quest, or use the console to complete some quests.
  5. When you delete your own account, does it also remove any mods you may have uploaded, or does it merely archive them?
  6. She was always singing when I went there on a quest. She was the quest target...... I don't know if that's a requirement for her to be singing.
  7. Have a look at your download history, and start deactivating mods in reverse order of your downloads, and see if you can find which one is causing the issue. Keep in mind, it might just be an interaction between two or more of your mods......
  8. Does it do the same thing when using JUST the mouse and keyboard? (gamepad unplugged.) What gamepad are you using? Supposedly, the game has native support for the XBox controller..... are you using any 'intermediary' software for your gamepad?
  9. Garbage trucks do indeed come out this way. (I live in southern michigan, in a VERY agriculturally inclined area.) Emergency services are available, police, fire, etc, however, response times are not always the best. Sometimes they can take a bit to show up, and if something is burning, you can usually figger it's going to be a total loss, as the fire will have quite the foothold by the time the fire department shows up. Most farms are outside city limits, so the Mayor has zero say in what goes on there. In fact, the government in general has very little say in what farmers do. They choose crops that grow well in their given climate, and sell to whoever will pay them the most. Its mostly corn, and soybeans around here, and a fair bit of the corn goes to the 'alternative fuel' plant in town. No clue whom they sell their soybeans to.
  10. DCMS was taken down because it was corrupting save games. Supposedly, the author was going to re-upload, when it was fixed. It's been some time since then, so, not really holding my breath on seeing the fixed version.
  11. Humans are notorious for doing things that are inherently bad for them....... :D
  12. I doubt we make it. We are on a path that only ends in our own destruction. Can we avoid that? Not holding my breath....... Humans tend to be awfully short-sighted. It's all about what brings me the most benefit right NOW! Doesn't matter if by doing so, we condemn ourselves to a dark future.
  13. Likely depends on the personality of the player. Some folks are more prone to addition than others..... (like, the guy in korea that played for several days straight, and subsequently died......)
  14. What showler said.... And also, Bethesdas own DLC would be detected as conflicts.... make the wrong choice on conflict resolution there, and you could easily bork your game.
  15. That's the point though. MANY people have tried to make it work, and it always ends up the same way. Humans are simply too invested in their own self-interest for it to ever work the way it was envisioned.
  16. Hmmm.... Do you have long save times while playing, or just the exit save? On my rig, saving takes very little time at all. However, the exit save is rather random. Sometimes, the game will flash the 'Saving", and then be gone, other times, it can take several seconds to save, before the game actually exits. I have no clue why there is a difference there...... If I had to hazard a guess, it would be that it is a game engine thing, and there is nothing we can do for it....
  17. That will never work so long as humans are involved. They all start out with big ideas/ideals, but they all end up the same way. The elite have all the power, and money, and the rest are just peasants.
  18. Is the drive getting full? To get best performance out of 'em, shouldn't fill 'em up more than about 70%. For an SSD, that seems like an awful long time......
  19. Are you saving to an SSD, or Mechanical HDD?
  20. I would like to see statistics on hours played. :D
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