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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Are you saving to an SSD, or Mechanical HDD?
  2. I would like to see statistics on hours played. :D
  3. I hear ya on that one. Those folks are ANNOYING. Trouble is, I am not sure that there are actual speakers, per se. Would be an interesting mod though. :D
  4. The first two are the load order of the mod. Likely when you save it, it changes the date, so, it loads later. Try resetting your load order after changing it, see if that fixes it.
  5. With the right perks, weight becomes a non-issue. Perk out Strong Back, and the only restrictions you have are running requires AP, and you won't be able to sprint when over-encumbered. I have carried stupid amounts of weight around like that. :D
  6. Creation club mods come from the beth website, via the in-game menu. So far as I know, that is the only legit way to get them...... Having multiple mod organizers operating on the same game isn't a good idea. They work in slightly different ways, and aren't always compatible. (in fact, rarely are they compatible.) Also, beth has been handing out all the resources for the creation club stuff, but, you have to PAY for the esp/esl files to actually get them in-game.
  7. Armor and weapon keywords community resource.
  8. Probably some remnants of a previous install, or a mod conflict. And that is certainly a unique problem, never seen that one before. Are you using more than one alternate start mod? Can you post your load list?
  9. Are you running AWKCR? If so, there is a conflict, and you can't repair the armor.
  10. Windows Search, and tell it to search within archives.
  11. My dogs figured out how to open doors........ They don't do it often, but, they do indeed do it...... It's kinda disturbing.... :D
  12. I think he is looking to change how much damage the turret can TAKE, not how much it puts out. :)
  13. No need to uninstall/reinstall. Make your edits, see if it worked. Some changes are easier than others.... (at least, as far as getting them to take effect....)
  14. If you have something selected in the console (its ID showing in the top center of the console area) the command affects that item ONLY. Click a time or two so NOTHING is selected, and TCL becomes universal. I have fallen into that trap more than once...... Aside from that, the command always works as it should for me.
  15. Go to your data\f4se\plugins folder, the Place Example.ini is in there, go thru and see if any of the lines have been uncommented out. (if that makes any sense at all.....)
  16. Only with a mod. But, I don't know which mod..... In the vanilla game, the player is the leader, and the settlers are incapable of doing anything for themselves. They need to be told where to sleep, where to work, what to guard, etc. They are all uniformly inept. :D
  17. May wanna ask this over at LL.... I don't think the kids were intended to use those anims.
  18. Working for me, pretty responsive too.
  19. Yep. That's a normal thing for beth games. Dragon skeletons migrate, mammoths fly, and a few other oddities with physics. If your framerate goes over 60 FPS, it gets even worse. :D
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