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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. That IS weird...... Can you use the Pip-Boy app on your setup? If so, I would be tempted to have it running on your inventory page, while walking along, and see at what point things disappear. Nope, never seen this particular problem before. No idea what might be causing it, possibly a mod..... but, why anyone would put that 'feature' into their mod is beyond me......
  2. Yeah, the forums in their letter subcategories seem to be in a random order.... I suspect that it's the order they were add to the site in. Would be nice if they could also be in alphabetical order. Would make finding the game you are looking for a fair bit easier.
  3. Theoretically, Vortex supports 'import from NMM'.... Though I have never tried it.
  4. Ok, just a confusion in terms then. :) The method you are using *should* work just fine. So far as I know, NMM doesn't care how many plugins you are attempting to load. Does it toss an error or anything when you try and add the mod??
  5. With NMM, on the mods page, you click on the Plus sign, and then select "add mod from archive", or some such. I wasn't aware it even did the drag and drop thing.
  6. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one.
  7. Once the software is up and running, can you drive around without it getting upset that it's connection went away? If the software actually gives you a CHOICE on whether or not to update, "just Say No." takes on a whole new meaning. :D I assume your car is 96 or newer? (OBDII) and thus, flash programmable?
  8. Did any drivers get updated recently? Or even windows itself?? (not much you can do about windows updates any more.....)
  9. Yeah, the news out of Russia, is not what I consider 'comforting'...... It seems they are leading up to the use of nukes, and are already trying to portray the action in Ukraine as WWIII, as too many nations are overtly supporting Ukraine, against Russia..... You would think that given the number of folks supporting Ukraine, vs. the number of folks supporting Russia, they would figure out that this really isn't such a good idea....... But, he is also saying the folks killed in a nuclear exchange will be skyrocketed to paradise, or some such???? Hhhmmm..... where have we seen this particular tactic before......
  10. It's possible that 'feature' is baked into the exe file.... in which case, defeating it ain't gonna be easy, and will require a rather specialized skill set/tools. (need to decompile the exe, find the code, and then come up with a way to neutralize it.) Real curious why the company that wrote it would require that though.... seems to me, that if you want to do data logging, chances are real good you won't be able to maintain an internet connection while driving around. I might be more tempted to find a different software package, that doesn't have the limitations your current software does. Not too familiar with the Subaru tuning scene though, so, not sure just how many options you have..... Might have a look at HP Tuners, and see if they support your car.
  11. Here is an article talking about it.... What problem are you having?
  12. Have a read here. The article it points to gives instructions on how to test, and provide information to staff here, to help troubleshoot your issue. Also, try using a VPN, and see if anything changes.
  13. The funny thing is, I suspect the perceived bias in the media doesn't exist, but instead, the bias is in the viewer/listener/reader. The current situation with the "media" is therefore simple. People cannot agree on what the facts are, what the truth is, and where reality and delusion separate. So working with distinct sets of "truth, facts and reality" people gravitate to the media outlet which reinforces their biases and people distrust any media outlet which contradicts their biases. Unable to face their own biases, people label any media outlet as biased if that media outlet doesn't pander to the individuals set of "truth, facts and reality". On another note, term limits would help limit the collection of excessive power to an individual or group. But isn't a 'disagreement over what the facts are' a version of bias? Watch CNN for a bit, then watch Fox news coverage of the same topics. The stories can be dramatically different....... (who really won in 2020? :)) Each side has their preferred version, just as the folks watching them do. I remember the days when 'reporters', and 'journalists', reported what the actual facts were, and left it to the viewers/readers to decide if it was good, bad, or indifferent.... Today, the media is actively trying to lead the viewers/readers down the garden path...... Trying to find a story that DOESN'T have a slant to it, or is 'selectively' reported, is getting to be a real exercise in frustration. Yep, term limits would definitely be a plus. I had a list of things that I detailed in another thread, that I thought really needed to happen, to see the american people take back control of their government. Pretty sure it was during one of the presidential election cycles. Don't recall which one though. (hell, it may have been when Obama was still running. :D ) Of course, none of the points I made are very likely to happen, as the only folks that could implement the changes, are the very same people that benefit most from NOT changing them. Citizens United was my personal favorite item that I though needed to be changed immediately. :) I will believe a corporation 'is people too', about the time one gets arrested, and tossed in prison......
  14. -an automatic suspension for any leader whose honesty is in jeopardy As there is no such thing as an 'honest politician', this right here makes it impossible to achieve your goals. According to theory, we already have an 'independent media'. However, they have their agenda as well, and their own bias to go with it. I agree the campaign finance reform is most certainly the first step in taking back control of our government.
  15. NMM is no longer supported by NEXUS staff, there is, however, a community version, available on its github page. I recently changed to Vortex from NMM, and it turns out, I do indeed like vortex. There really isn't an option for manually setting load order, but, the method they use (rules) works fairly well. It also loads faster than NMM..... Wrye should NOT be unchecking masters, regardless of which version you are using.....
  16. Because of the way the site gets charged for bandwidth. Faster speeds cost more, so, premium members, that are actually paying... get faster speeds. For the rest of us, this is a FREE service...... but, bandwidth still costs money. For the really large downloads, I usually just kick 'em off right before bedtime, and they are done by the time I get up.
  17. Ooooo, Thank You. I will do some digging into those. :D
  18. Anything interesting in Event Viewer? Have you tried using Buffout4? Those logs might present something someone else knows how to interpret.....
  19. That is *usually* a missing master crash. If you try and load too many mods, you generally get other odd and strange behavior, but, the game will actually load, some/all of your mods may just be MIA. That said, you have something strange going on there, and I am not entirely sure just what is up. Is the hardware having issues??
  20. So you felt the need to bring back a 2 year old post, just to say it's useless??????? Really? What? Are you working on boosting your post count with this type of uselessness?
  21. The game doesn't need to run at 60FPS to be playable. Anything over about 25 or so, (30 is better) is fine. With your hardware, you should be able to run the game on high settings, without too much trouble. If your machine is still struggling with that, take a look at what else is running when you are trying to play. Also, are you running any mods?
  22. There IS a tag for translations, and a fair few of them are even properly tagged. The problem becomes, when authors ALSO use the tag to indicate that there are translations available.... Wrye Bash was set that way for a while. Which really puzzled me why it wasn't coming up in my searches, even though I KNEW it was uploaded here. (I had the translations tag blocked at that time.) Unblock the tag, and lo and behold, there it was.......
  23. Have you tried using fallrim tools on your save game??? I wonder if it isn't mods, so much as corruption of your save.
  24. I hate companions. I only use them when absolutely forced to do so by the game. I don't even take Dogmeat with me to Concord.... They have a nasty habit of getting in my way, or alerting enemies to my presence, LONG before I want them to know I am there. I play a stealth-based character, and tend to take out most enemies at a significant distance..... so it is generally pretty easy for ME to shoot, move, hide, lather, rinse, repeat, and clear areas, and the occupants don't even get a decent shot at me. Companions, even dogmeat, change all that... as as soon as I fire the first shot, they are running off to engage...... and giving away our position. I am frequently tempted to shoot them MYSELF. :D
  25. Interesting, i know plenty of females with double if not tripple d's that want larger tits, and technically anyone who goes around in "skimpy" wear today, is doing pretty much EXACTLY what you JUST said you wouldnt. If you EVER wear skimpy stuff then you have become a liar, since ANYWHERE you go, there is at least 5 rapists in every SMALL town, and weve dropped enough nukes, along side using nuclear power for so long, were kinda swimming in radiation. Your point is kinda invalid now as to it breaking immersion in the slightest since everything you said is wrong, is kinda right in todays society, while YOU may not like that kind of stuff, it happens irl making it pretty realistic. On top of that, its unrealistic that there is still the amount of radiation in the "glowing sea" for the fact that the 2 nukes we dropped on japan around 60-70ish years ago, are again liveable while the glowing sea isnt to anyone who wasnt "blessed by atom". This game takes place 100-200 years after the bombs dropped meaning its almost double or even quadruple the amount of years and still has the radiation equal to a little after the damn thing exploded. This game as a whole, doesnt follow a realistic path, so equaiting it to real life isnt smart at ALL. Wow. You dredged this one up from the depths, to hand out a comparison of FO4 to Today's world??? Seriously? Yes, there are likely rapists in every town. However, there are NOT organized gangs of them wandering EVERYWHERE, nor is radiation much of a concern for us today. (aside from sunburn.) We also have some semblance of law enforcement. Something that is distinctly lacking in the FO4 world. Sure, we DO have gangs, and they DO commit crimes, however, they do NOT freely wander wherever they care to go in the cities, they are restricted to specific areas. I live in what I consider a small town, and I could wander around in a crop top, and short skirt, pretty much anywhere, at any time, and not have to worry about rapists. (of course, I am male, so they would just kinda look at me funny in any event, and figure I am somewhat less than sane......) Of course, citizens/bad guys in this day and age, aren't nearly as well-armed as those in FO4 world either. :D Now, I DO agree that the radiation hazard in FO4 is dramatically overblown. After 200 years, it would be MUCH less of an issue than it is portrayed in the game. Except the barrels of waste you find just about everywhere, those would still be problematic. Something else to consider though, is that after 200 plus years, Boston would be indistinguishable from a primeval forest. NONE of the building would still be standing. There *might* be some remnants of the framing sticking above ground level, but, aside from that, they would ALL be GONE. Nature would have taken back any area that wasn't being actively maintained. So, there might be a few small areas where there are still buildings standing, but, for the most part, it would look a lot like wandering thru a national park. :D
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