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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I know Modern Firearms bases range/damage on barrel length, but, it doesn't effect vanilla weapons at all..... and it does add a LOT of weapons......
  2. By hardcore I mean the mode that you can get disease, need to sleep, etc. which seem to be survival. Then that make sense, as my PC kept getting items and couldn't manage to sell or bring to a settlement everything, so kept dumping on those large piles. Things accumulate to fill the space available. :D Yep, Hardcore=Survival, so, your respawn times are significantly longer. The 'traveling thru the cell resets the respawn timer' also seems to be true, to a certain extent. Some folks report it is rather hit or miss whether it will reset or not.....
  3. Wonder when that changed. :) I printed the various keys off when I installed it last time around, but, that has been several updates ago. :) Looking at the mod page, the controls listed match what I have on my cheat sheet. Did you change the control set??
  4. I don't think disappearing junk would work.... unless it was designed to just go away after being fired. (like bullets currently do.... not like we are finding tons of lead everywhere.) I suspect that would require a 'specific' ammo for the junkjet though, which kinda defeats the purpose of it, doesn't it?? Doing a bit of digging, outdoor cells respawn every 7 days. Indoor 'cleared' cells, are at 20. Doesn't seem to differentiate by difficulty level. (except survival mode, there are multipliers in that case. changing the numbers to 35 days, and 80 days, respectively) However, the counter resets each time you pass thru the cell. (I am only assuming this is also the case for survival mode......) So if you leave a bunch of stuff in a cell that should respawn every 7 days, but, it's a cell you go through regularly, real possibility the cell simply doesn't respawn, and anything you left there, would still be there. It's entirely possible that the game simply does not 'clean up' after the player though, so, anything that YOU put down, stays put. I am not sure either way on that one.... I should think that player put stuff should go away as well as bodies, and anything they dropped......
  5. Yep, missed that. I would be curious if 'hardcore' mode doesn't alter the way cells behave...... So far as I know, when a cell resets, anything I have dropped there should go away as well. But, I play on normal mode..... Wonder if that makes a difference?
  6. The cells respawn after a few days, so, you can go through an area, pick up everything that isn't nailed down, show up a few days later, and it's all back. I always thought pool balls would make good junkjet ammo. :D
  7. Hhhmmm... are there loose files in your data folder? Might try deactivating ALL your mods, and see if the tires come back.
  8. It is indeed a missing texture, any other texture mods installed?
  9. According to my cheat sheet for Place Everywhere, NumPad 0 resets all rotation angles to zero......
  10. Was that just for vanilla weapons? Or did the mod add weapons as well??
  11. The default key for that is Ctrl. It should show a notification when you change it.
  12. Try using the advanced search, and search by Author. (you.) That might be more effective.... Maybe.... :)
  13. Run task manager in the background, when you get to a spot where you are getting slowdowns, and such, switch to task manager and see what the CPU and GPU are doing. (the graphs are the most informative, they will show what was happening a few minutes ago as well, not just "Right Now".
  14. Wow, that's just bizarre.... Are you plugged in to A/C power? If running on battery, maybe check to see if it is set to 'best battery life', rather than 'best performance'. Could try adding an exception to your antivirus for Oblivion? Run it in compatibility mode for Win 7?
  15. Fire up task manager, and see what's going on, that the game struggles so much. The newer hardware should be able to run oblivion with no issues at all....
  16. There likely is a way to force it, but, for the life of me, I can't remember how... :) It's been quite some time since I played Oblivion. Could try disabling the integrated graphics in BIOS, and see if that doesn't improve game performance. (to verify the problem IS which vid solution it is trying to use.) The 1050Ti should run the game great. :D
  17. Usually, the terrible FPS came when you LEFT the dungeon after the emperor was assassinated.... Is there a "renderer.txt" file in your My Games\Oblivion folder? Might check that, and see what video solution the game thinks it is using. Sure sounds like it's trying to use the integrated graphics. Might also pull up Task Manager, and see what things look like....
  18. I'm running at 3440X1440. Aside from the shadows, the perspective is a little odd too. Running my 1st Person FOV at 95, and things at the periphery of the screen stretch out, and appear much closer than they actually are. Kinda disconcerting. Had it 110 originally, and have been reducing it slowly to see if I can fix it.... So far, the answer is "no". :D
  19. Welcome to Nexus. :) I don't know if there is a forum specific to Splinter Cell, but, if there is, the modding section there would be the place to post.
  20. Yeah, it's a whole new experience in widescreen. Yep, I do believe it is definitely a beth shadow issue, as at night, the game looks amazing. (and watching movies that are native 21:9 aspect ratio on the new monitor is also a whole new experience. :D That one REALLY surprised me.) I want to install TruX9 mod, and some of it's patches as well, just to see if that improves things, but, my NAS seems to have decided it doesn't want to work properly, and that Offends NMM. It can't find the downloads folder, so it wants to uninstall all my mods. (the mod staging folder/storage for archives is on the NAS, which I can't get to at the moment.) Still waiting to hear back from Buffalo support, but, it has been two days...... granted, it IS the holiday season..... I think I am going to have to come up with a different solution there, the drives in it are raid 0, (striped) so likely the data there is just gone. I have an older backup around here somewhere, but, it's on another HDD, and I have quite a few to dig thru. :D Might be a good opportunity to reinstall a couple games, and rebuild my load lists from my download history. Ah well. Life goes on. :D
  21. I think doing something like listing what mods are in the video, whom they were authored by, and maybe even a link to their mod?? If you generate traffic for an authors mod page, I know that would put a smile on my face. :D
  22. I blocked steam at my router. I can't do squat on the internet without my say so. :D Works pretty good. I don't really see Steam as "DRM" though. That may be a tertiary, or Quaternary concern, but, it is easily bypassed, so Steam isn't required at all. (I am NOT advocating folks do that. BUY YOUR GAMES!) The whole "Games for Windows Live" thing was a non-starter when it was new. :) It was an incredibly bad idea, and history has shown that. GFWL has been gone for several years now... Didn't Beth release a patch to remove that requirement?? I thought it was on their website somewhere?
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