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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. In order, I think the most entertaining to listen to playing were myrmaad, Thandal, and BlackBaron2. Of course you were fun to hear too Dark0ne. I'll come up with a word list, and have my sound gear sorted out for next time.


    I totally agree! myrmaad and Thandal not getting past that blocked door (And Thandal not even getting past the first door^^) was so hilarious!

  2. Open the Archive you download (the .rar/.zip/.7z file), and click extract, and choose the Fallout: New Vegas installation Data Folder.(i.e C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\FalloutNV\Data)

    Then launch the game.


    This is if there's an esp directly in the Archive - However, if there is a "Data" folder in the archive, it should be extracted directly to the Fallout: New Vegas Folder. (i.e C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\FalloutNV)

  3. The Begin Block can't be summonfood, as that is not a begin command.


    If you want this to be summoned when using a spell, try this:

    scn "ScriptName"
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    Player->AddItem, "NF_Comberry Pie ", 1


    And attach this to your spell, and remove all other effects, and you're good to go. :)

  4. I often browse TESNexus for files in need of tagging, and stumble upon old mods which seems almost forgotten and hidden underneath all the new mods.

    - of course, these mods are not tagged, so I tag them. But how much does that really help? What is the odds that 2 others will come and tag that file?


    So, my suggestion is that people with (very) high AP from tagging gets instant tags - this makes it easier for us who wants to tag everything that is out there to actually accomplish that. :)


    The reason why only those with High AP should get instant Tagging is to avoid users abusing it.


    If Instant Tagging is too much, maybe lower the amount of tags required from 3 to 2 for people with High AP?

  5. ---


    Reading your post gave me the chills! :D

    And I totally agree with you!


    And Dark0ne, really cool statistics! :) - I was a little shocked at the low amount of members with uploaded files though..


    EDIT: But of course the amount of members with uploaded Files are different on each site, which explains a lot.. Stupid me^^

  6. Meaning people who are under 17 can't even purchase them from retail stores, and most parents would not buy them for younger kids anyway.


    Well, from my experience, those statements seem a little wrong, but of course, that is different from one place to another:

    here in Norway, people at stores don't really bother how old you are (Not even for alcohol, not that it got anything to do with this^^) , they simply just sell games to anyone. If a 11 year old comes in and want to buy the latest GTA, he'll get it, no problem whatsoever.


    And it's the same with most parents, they either let their kids buy whatever game they want, they don't care, or simply don't know they bought it (Which is a little similar to not caring...)

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