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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. The Scale on the map of Tamriel doesn't reflect the scale you'll see in-game.


    Just look at Morrowind - You can only play in Vvardenfell, which is like 1/3 of Morrowind, but it's still huge compared to Cyrodiil in Oblivion, which should have been a grand province.

  2. Well, yeah - But between Tamriel and Atmora, there is lots of water...


    On the other hand though, Atmora is the homeland of the "Proto-Nords", so it could be possible we'd see an expansion for it? :)

  3. I would definitely want Sean Bean back to do some voice acting! :D

    He was just fabulous in Oblivion!


    And about music - I wouldn't worry; just listen to the theme song, and there you have it: The greatest Theme song I've ever heard in a game! :)

  4. Skyrim won't be a barren and boring land, that's for sure! just look at Nordic Landscape - this is what Skyrim will most likely look like on the ground level. (Mountains will probably be different)


    People probably think of Oblivion's snowy areas and think, "This will be barren and boring!" - But you have to think about the fact that the Jerall Mountains weren't Bethesda's priority in Oblivion, while in Skyrim, their priority have to be these snowy areas, considering that is what it's mostly made out of.


    I am really looking forward to seeing how Bethesda makes Skyrim - and I have no doubt It'll be fantastic! :D

  5. Use "Tag Search" and tag NVSE, and you'll find every mod that requires NVSE, where the modder has bothered to tag the file or someone else has. :) (Most popular mods gets tagged pretty fast...)
  6. haha, there's no use trying to get any sense into Mephy, and you all know it! He will continue stating it's Dragonbone, even after Skyrim is released, and he's seen it written in the game! :P
  7. I just hope they keep the same scripting language more or less. :P


    Yeah, that is my biggest concerns... I'm not great with the language GameBryo is using, but I know it, and I can use it - I'd hate to be having to learn a new one. But at the same time, it could be good, giving us new possibilities and such. :)

  8. The GameBryo engine is a rather simple one, which is easy to mod - but does that make it good? It's so simple anyone can use it, but it's also so simple it's hard to make your mods live up to your dreams, as some things are simply not possible.


    The new engine may be harder to learn, but is that really a bad thing? This would mean there are more functions and possibilities to adapt to, which in turn, makes for better and more complex mods.


    I am very positive to the fact that we are getting a new engine, as long as they supply a CS with it as well - I grow tired of the Oblivion CS at times, as it lacks so many things I want to be able to make.

  9. How is Skyrim colorless?


    Norway is counted as one of the countries with one of the most beautiful nature in the world, and Skyrim is based on Scandinavian countries - So if that's colorless to you, fair enough, I don't think it will be though... :)


    I think Bethesda knows that they cannot make a snowy and barren landscape, and I bet they will make it detailed and beutiful! :D

  10. I just realized that it is as obvious as it could have been!! It is a Dragon Invasion. As you can see in the trailer, there are a lot of dragons on that wall, and this is a race of creatures that many won't know existed. But I think the game starts off with a war between Skyrim and another Province (hence the "...the sons of skyrim will spill their own blood..."), then the dragons come.


    Have you ever encountered a big-sized dragon in the TES Games, apart from Akatosh?

  11. I hope that the Bethesda programmers who made the Fallout and Oblivion engine were kicked, to be honest. The FO3 engine was HORRIBLE. The oblivion engine was tolerable but really, only because of the modding community. I have played Oblivion since the release of the GOTY edition, but the world feels void. The NPCs are jarringly horrible in terms of tone, movements, etc. In all honesty, if the game ES:5 doesn't start with a new engine ENTIRELY then the game isn't gonna be as fun. I've played Oblivion for 4 years. I need a different experience entirely from it. not something similar but in a new place. I saw the teaser trailer, and my only thought was "please don't let them mess this up." I WANT this to be great, and earn GOTY, but I am going to have tough expectations from a company that is making money hand over fist now. it will be a 2011 game, and I want it to feel like it.


    First off, I want to point out that no Bethesda programmer made the engine for either of the games - That was Emergent Game Technologies' work... :)

    And I really think Oblivion and Fallout 3 earned the GOTY, but that is a subjective opinion. :D


    And third, yes, they are using an ENTIRELY new engine...


    So, all is good! :D

  12. Haven't read the whole thread, but here is my theory:

    The daedric forces find another way to slip into the mortal realm, not necessarily a massive invasion as in oblivion, but still in considerable amounts. What their intentions are is unknown, but they are obviously up for no good.

    You goal in the main quest will be to restore the Dragonfires and became the new dragonborn; In order to this you'll need to perform a ritual that involves killing a dragon (I'm sure we'll have to face some sort of ancient dragon at some point), either to use it's blood or something similar. This will give you the means to stop this new Daedric invasion.

    You won't share any blood connection or whatsoever with the Septim Dynasty.


    I'd like to clarify that this isn't what I would like to see, it's just what I think the game might be about.


    I hope it's not this, as I am getting a little tired of massive armies of Daedra - I think they should do as in Morrowind to Oblivion; change the main storyline to a totally different one. :)

  13. The Septim line has had a lot of connections in Skyrim, so it is very likely that it is a child of Martin Septim/Tiber Septim or maybe even a "new" line of septims (i.e a forefather of Martin had offspring in Skyrim, but that was never revealed), that has lived on as normal folk until now, and somehow it has been revealed that this person is a Septim.


    It may be a very important NPC in the game, but hopefully it is the player. That's what I liked in Morrowind; you were the neveravine, someone special, while in Oblivion, you are just another Hero, like in many other games.

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