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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. No offense to the blog poster, but you have to be more thick skinned than that. Life is hard, people are cruel, get over it.


    haha, you do know the "blog poster" is the owner of these sites? ;p

    He wants to improve the site for everyone, that is why he makes great changes all the time!


    - But why do I bother trying to get trolls to understand; last I heard, trolls were the most stupid creature on earth^^

  2. I would like to suggest an addition - that the rating system also record which version of the mod the rating was made for. This can demonstrate improvement (or not) of the mod itself to address concerns that might have been expressed for earlier versions and allow the browser (person) to make his/her own judgement how much weight to give to a lower rating which can be seen to be on a much earlier release.


    Similar to how the Endorsements system does for those? I could definitely support a system like that.


    I would also support such a system - but maybe more visible than with the endorsements, where it is only shown when clicking the endorsement button, as it could be shown somewhere in the review what version it is for.

  3. It certainly wasn't perfect and there were many who fell into the 1 vs. 10 mentality, but I have never seen any Mod author get mad enough to engage someone who gave them a 7-9 rating in a comments "flamewar" over there.


    I have, however, seen that here quite a few times. With some authors even going so far as to literally say "If you don't think this is perfect, don't rate it".


    Well, true - not many engage someone who downrate their mod(s) on PES, but they are very trigger-happy on the report button (Well, the "Contact us" button...). So we get a lot of emails about such things. (I'm a moderator there, that's why I know that.)



    I am with you on 1-5 Dark0ne, and I also agree on your other point: If you have to go into detail when rating 1, you should also have to do that when rating 5. Rating is about giving constructive Critics, and a 5 with "I give this a 5 cos it's awesum lul" isn't actually constructive - Yes, it may help the modders ego, but it doesn't help improving the mod at all.

  4. I had always wondered why the same rating system that seemed to be working for Planet Elder Scrolls and NWN Vault had degenerated so badly here.


    Well, you can stop wondering - The rating system on PES is not working any better than the Nexus rating system. Actually, it is exactly the same problem over there, modders complain about ratings lower than 9 - I often get reports of trolling/bad ratings from modders, and when I go on to check it out, there is a rating of 7, where the user explains what the problem is.


    I can't say anything for NWN Vault though, as I haven't used it in a long time.

  5. Well, that was a long post, Dark0ne! But absolutely worth reading. :)


    I agree with you on most, if not all topics:


    - The new review system sounds really great, if made the right way of course, but from what I know of you, you make everything great.. so I don't think we have to worry about that. And I can say that as a modder I would much rather get a 5, with an explanation of what is bad than a 10 with just "Great mod!". I think most would agree with me on that - at least the mature (Not in Age, but personality) modders.

    I've used the Amazon review system a little, and it really works like a charm, and I think it would work the same here. Maybe having a 1-5 star would be better than a 1-10, as that makes it easier to rate a mod something else than 1 or 10, but that is just my personal opinion.


    - Allowing only those with an Activity Level of over 12, post count of over 50 or being a supporter to review a mod is a really good idea, as, as you said, it will rule out most trolls and have mostly mature reviews.


    - Keeping the Thumbs up system is also a good thing to do, as it's, as you said a way for people to say they like it, even though it wasn't perfect. And removing the Thumbs Down is also a good idea I think, as it will not be of much use with the review system. As stating you don't like it doesn't really help the modder, but stating that you don't like it with a review as well, does.


    Thank you very much Dark0ne! :D

  6. Okay, you are going to release something that is free for anyone to use, well that is the way I do it as well, but that is not the problem here at all.


    The problem has never been about people using content that actually is stated to be free of use, but about people using content where the author has stated that no one can use it in their own (released) mods.


    When people make something, and clearly state that no one can reuse it, then people should respect their wishes, and steer clear of using that content.


    I stand in the middle of this discussion,

    Being a modder myself, I am pro Modder's Rights, But when a modder doesn't give any guidelines to permissions, and disappears for a set amount of time, I am pro being able to use their resources. Not copying everything, but perhaps borrowing one model from the mod - Given the original author gets credit for it.


    I did this with the mod "Delivery Job" - Manargo, the author of the mod had been away for 2 years, so I picked up his work, and completed his mod. (Of course, I listed him as author, so it may be a little different from some other cases.)

  7. Just before we finish the conversation of legalities, I want to add that it is a difference between commercial use of content and non-commercial use.


    But, ripping people off is really a rare occasion on the Nexus. Sure, people use resources from other mods, but on most occasions they have either asked for permission and gotten it, or the description of the mod they have borrowed content from state that they can use it freely.

  8. When I said that it is Dark0ne and the moderators who are protecting mods, and now laws, I meant only when people are ripping off of other mods, not ripping of games - when that happens, it's up to the laws of the country/state where the original content was created.


    And yes, Frakkin' didn't become an expression until after Galactica came out, but it is not a copyrighted expression...


    And for the Alyx Vance mod; you do realize XCommand made the model and texture himself, which means it is not copyrighted. It is only actual ripping when people use a model/texture directly from another game. Not when people use other games/movies as references when they make their own version of it.

  9. MrFlesh... That is a normal expression, not only usedin Battlestar Galactica.


    It seems you think everything which have been used in a movie or game is copyrighted material, which would mean we couldn't be talking at all here now, because I am quite sure every word we speak have been used in a movie...


    And about Slof's Alyx Vance outfit conversion...

    XCommand says in the description that you can do whatever you want with the mod, as long as you give proper credit. That is exactly what Slof has done.


    You got to be able to see the difference between permitted use of content and the non permitted use. This is something you clearly can't.

  10. Try this:

    (I haven't tested it myself yet, as I'm not on a PC at the moment.)


    float doorTimer

    short closeDoor


    Begin GameMode

    if closeDoor == 1

    if doorTimer > 0

    set doorTimer to doorTimer - getSecondsPassed

    elseif GetOpenState == 1 ; if the door is still open

    SetOpenState 0 ; close the door

    set closeDoor to 0





    Begin OnActivate


    set rUser to GetActionRef


    if (rUser == Player)



    ;Only check the door between HiddenValley01 and 02

    if (GetSelf == vHVLevel02MainDoorREF) || (GetSelf == vHVLevel01DownstairsDoorREF)


    ;Check if they are in combat

    if (rUser.IsInCombat)

    ;If they are, stop combat and don't let them use the door.




    ;They aren't, so let them go.







    if GetOpenState == 3 ; if the door is closed


    set doorTimer to 5

    set closeDoor to 1




    End ;OnActivate

  11. Pulling Laws into the discussion is actually not relevant at all, as Dark0ne and the moderators are the ones protecting peoples work, not laws.


    It's the people who put out a handful of mediocre to bad mods that want to "protect their interests"...which just means the only "interest" these type of people have is building a little content kingdom and lording over it.


    I just wonder, who are you to judge which mods are mediocre or bad? It's not up to you to decide, it's up to the community, but first and foremost the author of the mod - If the author thinks it's a good mod, well, then it IS a good mod.

    The reason why people want to protect their work is because they are proud of it, and don't want to see people misuse it. For instance, if someone makes some cool clothes, they may not want to see it used in a pornographic mod, thus, they want to protect it by denying reuse of it.




    But then the new permission rules suddenly became something like "Well if a modder is absent and can't be contacted it might be fair game after all..."

    If I recall correctly, this is not Dark0ne's words - this is the words of someone else, who probably misunderstood the "new" rules. (Which have actually always been around, but just recently clarified)

    What Dark0ne said was that if a modder is absent and no contact can be made for a set amount of time, people can ask a moderator what to do, and the moderator will handle it in a case by case matter.


    And like Dark0ne said, this has never been a problem before, it just became a "problem" when it was clarified...

  12. I just want to mention that this site is (most likely) under British laws and not U.S laws, so I don't understand why people are talking about U.S laws all the time?


    I also want to say that I totally agree with you on your last post, Holbrook!

    And MrFlesh; As you haven't uploaded any work on any of the Nexus Sites, I think this quote of yours "Modder rights...wahhhh..." is a little inappropriate - As you aren't touched by this right at all, and would have very little to say on the matter.

  13. True, and that is what makes this such a hard nut to crack...


    It's important to keep Modder's Rights, by protecting peoples mods from being abused.

    But on the other hand, it is a shame to see great mods being forgotten because the author is gone, and no one is able to continue working on it because there's no way to get permission to do it.


    That is why I suggested a Temporary Permission, though you are right, the damage has already been done when the modder returns.

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