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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I personally don't count the mages guild as a faction. You only got one quest per city, there wasn't a mini storyline until after you join Arcane University, and you couldn't rank up during the Mage quests. Idk that's my opinion.

    Uhm, those quests were the initiation, after that you got a few quests.

    But I agree, it was the least interesting faction. :/

  2. Damn there goes my hopes and dreams. But good thing that the guards aren't physic. That made thievery much less fun. And I'm pretty sure there are Argonians. Why do you want to see them do badly?

    To see how they look, of course! :D

  3. I'm making a 10 hour dragged out epic anyways. Bwahahah!




    Maybe not ten hours.


    Wooot? You expect me to make a 10 hour long quest?! oh my god, I didn't know your dungeon was that big! ;D


    By the way, Rob, could you please stop bringing in so many members?? It's going too fast!! :psyduck:



    Oh we can pad it out with some fetch quests, a few real time waiting sequences, and involving watching grass grow somehow.


    Oh, that'll do!

    If I'm not mistaken, watching grass grow is the number one activity for gamers! :D

  4. They had to find a mainstream example, and aside from the playerbase and playstyle, spell in WoW are fine to compare to those in TES (Because they have many similarities). It's much more forgivable than say, Todd comparing TES to Call of Duty.

    Well yeah, that is, if Todd had ever compared TES to CoD, something he did not do.^^

    They didn't have to find an example at all though... How hard is it to explain Ice Trap? :P

  5. http://www.gamersbook.com/scene/news/a-list-of-new-skyrim-details-is-finally-out/



    Doodad. Why is it that all these magazines are getting different info? Is it translation errors or does Bethesda just think this is a good way of doing it?


    I think it would be a good idea to just ignore those interviews and wait for Quakecon.


    "Ice Trap freezes an enemy when he walks over trap - similar to WoW's Ice Trap"

    "Detect Life allows player to detect life in his vicinity - most likely similar to tracking spells of hunter class in WoW"

    This is very irritating, why are they comparing spells to WoW?

    I assume they don't know Oblivion had detect life also...

    I actually refrained from posting that article because of just that. Comparing TES to WoW is just.. bleh!

    Not only is TES thousands of times better, but you also don't compare a RPG to a MMORPG! And when they have to compare things to one of the most "popular" games out there, it just shows their ignorance to do good reporting. again, bleh!


    And on to some real stuff:

    As for Dragon Shouts, you can alternatively acquire them via ancient wall text in some dungeons, though they shouldn't be needed to defeat a dragon. In the gameplay vids, it appears to be that offensive shouts just do big damage, so if you have patience, you could whittle their health down with mundane weaponry.

    As I understand it, to be able to use dragon shouts, you first have to "acquire" the word(s) of the shout, then to use it, you first have to absorb the soul of a dragon, and spend this soul on a word. I may be wrong, but this is what it seems like.

  6. Making arrows? Jizztastic. And what do you mean "Rarity of arrows in Skyrim"? Shouldnt there be an abundance?

    There's not an abundance of arrows in Skyrim, and they are not cheap, so basically they are a rarity.

    I guess ranged enemies will be equipped with a realistic amount of arrows this time around then. (Which would be less than 10 arrows...)

  7. Remember, it's not only about the quality of the graphics, but how much needs to be rendered and such as well, and with the draw distance of Skyrim, well... I think you understand. ;)
  8. Does anyone have any solid info on the System Requirements for this game yet?

    No, I seriously hope they don't change much from Oblivion.


    This is something I want to know soon for sure, would be the only real reason to release a demo.


    Luckily you can always edit the ini file if it gets too bad, the new engine shouldn't be too different.


    A demo doesn't give the correct System Requirements though, as it's much smaller, thus doesn't require as much resources as the full game, and it's also not optimized as the full game would be.

  9. I'm making a 10 hour dragged out epic anyways. Bwahahah!




    Maybe not ten hours.


    Wooot? You expect me to make a 10 hour long quest?! oh my god, I didn't know your dungeon was that big! ;D


    By the way, Rob, could you please stop bringing in so many members?? It's going too fast!! :psyduck:

  10. Yeah, it's beyond belief, so I won't even be disappointed if it's not true, and if it is true, I will... I don't know... I can't say I would then buy the CE, as I will do that anyways^^
  11. So there won't be a playable demo, eh? Shame.


    It's harder to make a TES Demo, unless they only let you play in one dungeon, which would give you a false impression of an open world RPG. ;)

    The reason is exactly that it's open world, in which a demo would demand a lot of work for the developers to make, instead of spending said resources on making the actual game.


    It's possible, but much harder than for "closed off" worlds.

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