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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. But really, Facebook? Nord?

    It's like these people specifically chose Nord to piss true fans off.


    Haha, wait a sec - do you actually claim that fans who wants to see a Nord instead of an Argonian are not "true fans"? What's a true fan, then? I consider myself being a true fan, having played the TES-series since -97, still loving it. And yet I am one of those persons who would rather see a Nord than an Argonian (didn't vote anything on facebook, though...) simply because Nord is my favourite. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't give a s*** about such a ridiculous statement.


    The point isn't that we don't want to see a Nord, the point is that we have already seen so much Nord we have grown tired of only seeing Nord!^^

    By Thor, the whole demo is played as a Nord, all the posters are of a Nord!

  2. Personally, I just don't see why Argonians are in The Elder Scroll's at all. I certainly don't think they fit in the climate at all. Well, that's my opinion.


    I don't see why elves are in TES at all. They are a boring copy of humans with spiky ears and are in almost every RPG/MMO. (My opinion.)

    While Argonians are unique, they are only in TES and look a lot better then elves.

    They come from Argonia aka Black Marsh, and that's well a big marshland with the perfect climate for them.


    And they fit perfectly into TES, without them TES would be a bit more empty. (A lot more, if you ask me.)


    And since we're in the process of removing the ones that "don't fit", let's also remove the Khajiits. ;D

    Now, THAT would make TES empty! Then you could truly say it's a series based on lotr. :P

  3. That could be a Breton, but it could also be a Nord or an Imperial. It's hard to tell, especially with the females, as with the males, you can often see the difference in muscles, whereas with the females, there is little to no difference at all.

    Of course, with Skyrim's new feature of changing muscularity, differentiating between the races becomes even harder!

  4. Its such a shame to see orcs on the last place. I mean they are core of almost every possible fantasy universe, but they never get attention in elder scrolls series. Hopefully skyrim corrects that with all possible customization.



    We've seen:








    We've not seen:






    Now, of those 4, Argonians are definitely the most interesting to see, since they doesn't look anything like anyone else, and they were done extremely poorly in the last game! (We may have seen the other three as well though.)

  5. It seems the "fans" of TES on Facebook aren't really any fans at all. If they were, they would have bothered to think for a second and realize that the race we have seen the most of, of all races are the Nords!


    ...Humanity is doomed, and Facebook is only hastening our doom.^^

  6. It's not the aesthetics that keeps me coming back to this site several times a day, every day - It's the community, and the ease of use. Everything you need is right in front of you, and easy to find! But most of all, as I said, the community.


    So, no matter how the sites looks, I will keep coming back, just as much as now, and just like with the current Nexus, I will be able to adapt to the new one, and make that my new home on the internet.


    Now, there is one thing about the ease of use regarding the new Nexus; one thing I would very much like to see is the possibility to add some sort of "bookmark" to the Welcome Bar. Just a few pre-defined links that can be toggled on or off depending on whether you are a modder, a "photographer" or a mod user. Pages like "Manage your files", "Add new file", "Latest Files", "View Images", "Manage Images", "Add Images", and possibly a few others that are frequently used. The space on the bar is there, though I do not know how much coding this requires. Just a thought I had to make things more accessible and easier to use.

  7. I already love Todd Howard, but that last part here just made me love him so much more! ;D

    “The paradigm for how we build our worlds has not changed since Terminator: Future Shock,” says Howard, describing how Bethesda builds its scenes from prefabricated kits. “We’ve just got better at it, making them more organic, adding a lot more pieces. It makes for good mods as well.



    The article is a really good read, in which you can learn more about the various known features of the game, but very few, if any, new features are revealed.

  8. I guess I'm not "evolved" eh? Not that it matters to me, I don't believe in evolution XD (Which is kinda strange coming from a guy with a degree in microbiology. You don't see many creationists in the science fields.)

    You know, you can be both a creationist and a evolutionist. ;)


    I just found this article on gameinformer.com that talks about the game's mechanics. I started reading at Radiant AI and continued to the end. I found it pretty interesting to say the least so maybe it would be the same for you all. I noticed I was a little late finding it but here you go.



    That is one of the first articles that we got about Skyrim, so it's all in the OP. :)

  9. I agree with Natterforme on the gray transparent area on hot files. It does seem a little odd, and I think it would look better if there was no grey area there at all, or if it was something that only showed on roll-over.


    I also have to partially agree with Mitheledh on the point of personality. It does seem a little generic with the stripes and buttons, but it may also be that we are so used to OldNexus. Now, another thing with the buttons, is that they are a little too fancy - the thing about The Nexus is that it has always been so simple in that manner. But then again, that may also be because of the color of the buttons. (I can't stress this enough, the orange is too bright! ;D )




    This is the new design, but in my opinion, only a subtle change in the orange makes it get much more of the Nexus-feel, as well as not seeming too bright. Well, this is only my opinion though. ;)

  10. The problem here is that the DLC is a plugin file, and not a master file.

    To make a separate plugin for it, you need to "esmify" the Deepscourn Hollow esp using Wrye Bash. Then load the Oblivion.esm and the Deepscourn Hollow esp (Which the CS now treats as an .esm), and start modding.

    When you're done, save it, and "espify" the DLC again. (Whenever you want to edit your plugin you need to esmify it again.)


    So basically, yes, you have wasted 4 hours.



    You can however, load up your already-made plugin when following the instructions I gave, then copy every change from the duplicate cell onto the real cell. (Scripted items might not work if you copy them over from the duplicate cell, so be aware of that.)

    Then save, and voila, you have a working plugin. ;)

  11. Rob, I might be blind here, but where is the Drop-down menu for editing a mod when on the submission page? I hope it's not removed, as that is a very handy tool for uploaders!


    Oh, and when viewing your mods, is there any way to view them in a grid instead of a list?


    Oh, and when editing the attributes of a mod, when I click enter to go to a new line in the description, the mod is updated, making it almost impossible to add new lines!


    Don´t fix what is not broken, the "new" design is awful





    I don't think "Don't fix what is not broken" works in this case really, and in my opinion, that statement is rather dumb in every case...


    It's the same as saying; "It's working, so we don't need an improvement."




    oh, and Rob, you got a point with the changelog. ;)

  13. I like the new design very much! :)


    But I still think the orange is a little too... orange.. :P

    I think it would look better if it was a little less bright.


    But that is the only thing that I'm concerned about, as the rest of the design looks great! :D


    EDIT1: One thing I noticed is that AP isn't showing on posts, is this intentional, and if so, why?


    EDIT2: One more thing, where is the changelog? :o It's there now.^^

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