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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Yay, for the game and all the excellent ideas, but my wish is for you to live long and be strong and to enjoy both the game, and all the future releases right up to Elder Scrolls 100 and all their add-ons plus all the excellent mods that will come from brilliant modders here at Nexus.


    TES 100?!

    According to my calculations, he'd have to be around 500 years to experience that. ;D

  2. The CS Extender sure does fix Lip Synching, and it does it well! :D


    I use it all the time, and I recently had voice acting done for 3 mods, used CSE, and all works like a charm! And it's so quick! :D



    (as of 5.1, it still does, just for those wondering if the feature is taken away.)



  3. You can't even really see the left pauldron of the Nord in the second picture, if you were to look at him from a different angle then he could easily have the animal hide hanging off the pauldron.

    I think it's just formlists and armor addons adding visual variation to the outfits. I don't have any ideas how they implementing it in game from the players perspective....


    It's not a ZOMG there are different pauldrons moment for me, as I have seen about 3 different variations on a single outfit back in feb-mar-ish. So I know thee are visual variations on outfits, think F3 behind the scenes Bipped slot and addon system, but actually used this time. < well that's my guess. It could be even cooler with smithing involved... which could lead to EPIC outfit modding.


    I think you are right here. If it's not separate, it does look like there's addon slots for armor.

    Some armor pieces might have more slots than others, which, in turn would make it much more customizable than even Morrowind. :D

    Having armor-"addons" would make smithing a lot more valuable and interesting! :)

  4. Happy Birthday to You

    Happy Birthday to You

    Happy Birthday Dear Bethesda Softworks

    Happy Birthday to You.


    From good friends and true,

    From old friends and new,

    May good luck go with you,

    And happiness too.





    Bethesda, 25 years! :D




  5. I was about to send a message today, but when I went into a conversation, the messages was all gone, and this is the case with all my conversations.

    I also can't send anything, as that only leads me to a page saying this: "There appears to be an error with the database."


    I have tried logging in and out, as well as deleting cookies and refreshing the cache, but to no avail...

  6. If you're able to get infected with Lycantrophy will i be like a... classical werewolf, or a Yeti-werewolf?


    I'm afraid we can't answer that, as we know as much as you. ;)


    But I doubt it's a yeti-werewolf, as that would have to be a mix between a man, a wolf and a yeti. ;D

  7. You can have a condition set for a radius close to the marker where you want the sheep to go, using GetDistance.

    The first script package can have the condition GetDistance set to > 100, while the next can have the GetDistance set to < 100.


    But like I said, if you're going to run a new scriptpackage straight after, using GetDistance in the script rather than as a condition might be better. (And have it trigger only once, since you probably want the sheep to move more than a distance of 100 away from the marker again.)

    If you're going to use many packages in a row, having a system something like this might help, where Patrol increases by one each time the package changes.


    Short Patrol


    If ("Object Ref".GetDistance "SheepRef" > 100) && (Patrol == 0)
    SheepRef.AddScriptPackage blablabla1
    Set Patrol to 1
    ElseIf ("Object Ref".GetDistance "SheepRef" < 100) && (Patrol == 1)
    SheepRef.AddScriptPackage blablabla2
    Set Patrol to 2


  8. And for those thinking, "The yeti looks so cute, I want to cuddle with it!"


    Here is a more fearsome yeti...


    (Yeah, I know, who doesn't want to cuddle that thing?)

  9. Companions, it could simply be a symbol of someone you can trust and rely on. And the warrior guilds have always been the ones that helps out with the problems of the people, unlike the mages guild that focuses mostly on themselves, exploration and lore.
  10. Ashley Cheng said that they are working on hand-to-hand, and you WILL be able to play as a monk. - If that is confirmation enough for you? ;)



    . :) (During the end...)



    Watch out, stupid interviewer who knows nothing about The Elder Scrolls, and asks questions that we have heard the answer to 20 times before!

  11. That was a very good interview, and also a very good interviewer for the job! :D


    Some interesting things about DLCs:

    AusGamers: Now last question -- and this is kind of a weird convoluted one. So I know you can't talk about DLC but based on what's come before it's definitely going to happen.


    Fallout 3 and New Vegas are really good examples of this: at the end of the game, if you'd finished it and you bought DLC... sorry, when you had finished the game before the DLC came out, you couldn't just go back and continue to explore. Are you guys going to lock the player out when they complete this game?


    Todd: No. No, that was a mistake, yeah. We were really confident about that, then the game came out and we heard pretty loud and clear that was not what they wanted. So we're not gonna do that again. No, you'll definitely be able to.. when you finish the main quest you can just keep playing.


    And you mentioned DLC. We would like to do DLC; we don't have any specific plans yet, but they've been really successful and we like making them. So right now I can say that we'd like to do less DLC but bigger ones -- you know, more substantial. The Fallout 3 pace that we did was very chaotic. We did a lot of them -- we had two overlapping groups -- and we don't know what we're going to make yet, but we'd like them to be closer to an expansion pack feel.


    So, we're getting less, but bigger DLCs. :dance:

    And one thing I love about Todd is, he admits mistakes they've done with their games! :)




    AusGamers: One last super-quick thing -- I mentioned this in Utah, but I’m just going to remind you. When you kill a person in their house, you should be able to...


    Todd: Sleep in their bed, I remember you asking that. It’s on the list, I remember that. It’s not done yet, but it won’t be a DLC. We’re gonna do it.


    Not a big thing, but something many people complained about in oblivion. ;)

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